But now the witch doctor himself said, just go and bring a bowl of water by himself. If Miao Qianqiu is there, Concubine Meng naturally has no reason to stop it.

Sure enough, Concubine Meng couldn't stop her, so she gave the witch doctor a fierce look.

  The witch doctor knew he had said something wrong, and his body trembled. After a while, she raised her head again, and gave Concubine Meng a calm look. Concubine Meng's eyes condensed slightly, calmly looking in the direction where Miao Qianqiu was walking.

  Yu Qingluo's heart chuckles, Concubine Meng is trying to do something, it seems that she doesn't want Nan Nan to be Ye Xiudu's son.

  Even, I want to take this opportunity to deny Nan Nan’s identity so that he can be accused of deceiving the king, and Nan Nan will die.

  Tsk, this woman is really cruel, Nan Nan is her grandson anyway, how can she get this hand?

  It's just that Yu Qingluo changed her mind and felt normal again. The imperial concubine Meng has been fighting in the palace for many years, even if his own son, Xiu Duan even night, can get rid of it, let alone the grandson of a generation away?

  She looked at Ye Xiu Duo, and she narrowed her eyes when she saw Ye Xiu Duo Duo. She wanted to come and guarded Concubine Meng. She must know that Concubine Meng would not just let it go.

  En, in this way, Yu Qingluo can be much easier.

  A shade cloth has been put up on the game field, and the **** palace lady moved quickly to bring a chair and tea and put it beside the emperor dowager and the others. It looked like it was going to work here.

  Fortunately, today’s weather is still cool, and the sun is not too big, otherwise it would be...very painful to shed blood to recognize relatives in the middle of such a game field.

  Miao Qianqiu quickly brought a bowl of clear water, placed it on the big table in front of him, and nodded slightly to the emperor, "The emperor, it's time to start."

   "En." The emperor nodded, "Xiu'er, bring Nannan over."

Nan Nan was still squatting on the ground at the moment. When Concubine Meng was speaking, he didn't say a word or interrupted, just like a good boy who doesn't know anything about the world. It's very flattering.

  It’s blood dripping now. When I saw my dad pull out a dagger, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he stepped back two steps, “Daddy, I’m afraid of pain.”

  Ye Xiu looked at the shimmering dagger in his hand and choked.

Suddenly another imperial doctor walked out of the crowd, "The emperor, the minister has silver needles here, which can be borrowed by the prince. The youngest son was only injured, he must have been frightened, and has a shadow on the dagger blade. It is better to use a needle on his finger Just stick it up."

  Yu Qingluo raised her eyebrows. She didn't expect that it was not the witch doctor who came out to speak.

  Why, did Concubine Meng have several imperial doctors in the imperial hospital?

  Yu Qingluo's eyes couldn't help but squinted, and if there was any seemingly non-existent glance, he glanced at Concubine Meng. My heart was full of doubts, if it was the talking doctor who was also her person, then things would be interesting.

  She is a concubine. What are the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital? What is the purpose? Or is there anything shady about her?

  Yu Qingluo has always been thoughtful. This concubine Meng has repeatedly framed Ye Xiu independence. Now Nan Nan has become her thorn in her eyes, and she is more concerned about Concubine Meng.

  It’s just that Yu Qingluo hasn’t come up with a reason yet. The emperor nodded to the imperial doctor who had just spoken, “Alright, imperial doctor Qu, it’s up to you to confess with blood.”

  Ye Xiu's eyes coldly glanced at Doctor Qu's body, the sight was like ice scum, and the whole body of Doctor Qu was irritated for a while, and the hand holding the silver needle began to tremble.

  He walked to the bowl of water, nodded slightly to Ye Xiudu, respectfully, "Master Xiu, please stretch out your hand."

   Ye Xiu laughed alone, and stretched out her hand seriously and put it in front of Doctor Qu.

  Doctor Qu only felt that the aura around his body was very compelling, and the sudden drop in temperature made his whole body begin to feel unnatural.

  He took a deep breath, then picked up the needle and lightly stabbed Ye Xiudu's index finger. Bright red blood rushed out from the fingertips, and it slowly condensed and became larger. When it came together the size of a soybean, Emperor Qu turned Ye Xiudu's hand full.

  The blood from the fingertips fell into the bowl under the eyes of everyone holding their breath.

Doctor Qu secretly breathed a sigh of relief before walking to Nan Nan's side. Without Ye Xiudu’s pressing stare and icy aura, his expression instantly became more relaxed, and even the expression on his face relaxed, and he began to smile at Nannan and said, "My son, it doesn’t hurt, it’s just Take a little blood and it will be well soon, come and give me your hand."

  Nan Nan glanced at him, puffed his mouth, and drew his hands to his body, feeling clean, before handing it out reluctantly.

   Doctor Qu's eyes flickered slightly, and he just wanted to go forward to grab his hand, unexpectedly Nan Nan stretched out his hand and quickly retracted it. Then he tilted his head and looked at the doctor Qu in front of him, and said, "You really promise that it won't hurt?"

   "Yes, it doesn't hurt at all. Lord Caixiu has already tried it, and it will get better soon."

Nan Nan still tilted his head, hid his hands behind his body, and snorted, "But father is an adult, I am a child, and the child’s pain is very sensitive. I have something delicate, daddy. It doesn’t hurt, doesn’t mean I don’t hurt either, do you know?"

The corner of Dr. Qu's mouth came out, but the concubine Meng who was on the side became impatient, looked at the child in front of him coldly, and said coldly, "You are so protracted and unwilling to reach out and drop your blood to recognize your relatives, are there ghosts in your heart? , Knowing that Xiu'er is not your father, I just thought about talking about him."

   Yexiu's single eyebrows twisted, "Mother consort, Nan Nan is a child. It is normal to be afraid of blood and pain. This king is not in a hurry, so why bother?"

"Yes." The queen mother was always on Nannan's side, "Nannan has always been afraid of pain, Concubine Meng, you are also a mother of two children. Shouldn't you be a little patient with your children? Nannan He was injured just now when he was young. This big guy knows all about it."

   "Yes, yeah, take your time, it won't get in the way." The queen mother said so, and some concubines who don't like the imperial concubine naturally want to agree.

  Meng Guifei glanced at them in disgust, then turned her head to look at Nannan. What about delaying time? The blood still needs to be dripped.

  Nannan watched them arguing happily. Seeing that the contention was almost over, she stretched out her hand and raised her chin and said, "In order to live up to the love of the empress dowager, come on, I am not afraid of pain."

  When the queen mother heard this, she loved him even more in her heart.

  Doctor Qu breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes flashed slightly, and he withdrew the needle.


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