The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 391: Can't wait to tear her up

  Yuqing smiled, took a look at Chuchu's poor Li Ranran, and then looked at Yu Zuo, who was uncertain about whom to trust, and said to Miao Qianqiu on the side.

   "Daddy Miao, please tell me about Doctor Jiang from Xingsheng Medical Center."

  Li Ranran's face suddenly turned white, and he suddenly raised his head to look at Yu Qingluo, his body trembling uncontrollably.

  The corner of the emperor’s mouth twitched. How did he feel that the young girl today really revealed her arrogant and arrogant temperament.

   waved his hand, he asked Miao Qianqiu to do what Yu Qingluo said.

   "Master Yu, Doctor Jiang from Xingsheng Medical Center, you should be clear." Yu Qingluo looked at Yu Zuorin.

   Although Yu Zuolin hates her for deceiving herself, she has to tell the truth, "Doctor Jiang... is the doctor in the Yu mansion forever."

  "Thank you, my lord, to make it clear. The doctors have always said that before I came to the imperial capital, Lee's disease was always seen by Dr. Jiang?"

  Yu Zuo Lin gritted his teeth, "Yes."

   "In other words, Dr. Jiang knows the most about what is wrong with Li before contacting me, right."

  Yu Zuolin gritted his teeth again and gave her a vicious look, "Naturally."

  Li Ranran looked at Yu Qingluo in shock. She knew that Doctor Jiang saw her condition? Impossible, how is this possible? Doctor Jiang couldn't say it, she gave him money.

  Don't be nervous, don't scare yourself.

  Li Ranran's mind began to turn frantically, and the cold sweat on his forehead fell drop by drop.

  But, even if she was nervous and uneasy, Doctor Jiang was quickly brought in.

  Miao Qianqiu was already on his way, so he told Doctor Jiang all about the matter. Today's young girl is the person next to Lord Xiu, and Miao Qianqiu has no malice towards Yu Qingluo. Therefore, if she can help a little, she will help a little, which can be regarded as giving Doctor Jiang some psychological preparation.

   Therefore, when Doctor Jiang entered the hall, there was no doubt in his expressions.

  The emperor asked, "Doctor Jiang, do you recognize the woman who is kneeling on the ground?"

  Jiang Yunsheng looked up and replied respectfully, “The Cao Min recognizes that this person is a concubine in the adult’s mansion, and is a patient treated by Cao Min.”

   "Oh, then tell me, what is Li's disease?"

  Li Ranran was taken aback suddenly, his body stretched straight, and his fist hanging down to his side was tightly pinched.

   "Return to the emperor." Jiang Yunsheng's voice was firm and sonorous, "Li's insufficiency is born."

   "Nonsense." Yu Zuolin stepped forward abruptly and said angrily, "Before, you didn't say this to me. You never told me that Li had this disease."

  Li Ranran nodded hurriedly, crying sadly, "Doctor Jiang, isn't it? Did someone buy you and threaten you to say that?"

  Yu Qingluo sneered, this Li Ranran would really mislead others.

Jiang Yunsheng glanced at Li Ranran, snorted angrily, and threw the two silver bills out of his arms and threw them on the ground, "You are the one who bought me, Yu adults, I can't help you, actually from the beginning I have diagnosed the cause of Li’s disease. It’s just that at the time, the ghost was obsessed and confused by Li’s pitiful appearance. Li cried and begged me, saying that if this matter spreads out, her life will be ruined."

Yu Zuorin took a step back, but heard Jiang Yunsheng continue to say, "Li said, she is just the concubine of the adult, and it doesn't matter whether there is a child or not. Sooner or later, the adult will have a wife, and then the Yu family will still have a queen. But to let the Yu family know her condition, she would inevitably be abandoned. She is an abandoned woman, and she is afraid that it will be difficult to survive in the future. For a while, I relented, so I agreed to her, and even responded to her request. Only ghost doctors can treat Li’s disease."

"Originally, I thought that the whereabouts of the ghost doctor would be uncertain. Master Yu was deeply graced by the emperor and couldn't find the ghost doctor. After this happened, I just didn't know what method the Li family used to let Master Yu throw it away. Under the heavy responsibility, I went thousands of miles away to retrieve the ghost doctor. I regretted it at the time, and I heard Li's unconsciously saying that I was going to fake a pregnancy and hold a child to deceive my family. I was furious at the moment, thinking about it. After Master Yu came back, he explained the matter clearly, but he didn't expect Master Yu to really retrieve the ghost doctor."

"Since this is the case, it can be regarded as the emperor who has paid off. Maybe the ghost doctor is really capable of curing Li's disease. That is a happy thing for everyone. Therefore, I have concealed this matter again and again. But the conscience has been condemned, and now In front of the emperor, dare not tell a lie anymore."

   Jiang Yunsheng’s words were very powerful, not only shocked Yu Zuo Lin's face pale, but also the crowd on the sidelines, constantly pointing and pointing.

  "This Li is really shameless. He even planned to hide it from this disease, and even thought of a fake pregnancy. If this is really successful, then for adults, don't you have to raise a child for someone else for a lifetime?"

   "Yes, she also instigated Mr. Yu to find a ghost doctor, which caused Mr. Yu to lose all the officials."

   "It's really a shameless face, it's shameless."

  Li Ranran's face was pale, crying and shaking his head vigorously, "No, no, the emperor, he lied."

   Jiang Yunsheng looked serious, "The emperor, the grassroots dare not tell a lie. The close servant Shuiwen next to Li knows this matter."

  The emperor pursed his lips, letting people pass on Shui Wen. Shui Wen almost fainted with fright. Faced with such a battle, facing Li Ranran who had lost her momentum, the emperor made a sharp eye, and the queen mother screamed, and she recruited everything.

  Even some time ago, the rumors about the ambiguous relationship between Ghost Doctor and Youxiang were that Li's spread out, and it was all said.

The emperor was furious on the spot and shot the case. "What a shameless Li, he not only slandered the ghost doctor and ruined her medical ethics, but also caused my courtiers to fall into rumors and ruin the reputation of the rightist, so unscrupulous and ignorant to frame Zhongliang Woman, what's the use of keeping you?"

  Li Ranran was so frightened that he was trembling, so he could only turn his attention to Yu Zuorin for help.

   Ke Yu Zuo Lin's face was blue at this moment, and Jiang Yunsheng's words were so violent that he hated Li Ranran more than anyone. If it weren't for being in the hall at this time, he would really rush to tear her up.

  Li Ranran shrank in fright, and looked up at Concubine Meng.

Concubine Meng glanced at her, disappointed in her heart.

  Since Yu Qingluo said that she was going to invite witnesses, Concubine Meng knew that Li Ranran alone would not be able to defeat Yu Qingluo. From that moment, she gave up on her plan to help Li Ranran talk about items.

  Li is not the opponent of the young girl at all.

  But don’t worry, Li Ranran can’t, there are others.


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