Yu Qingrou had pain in her face and body, and the nerves all over her body seemed to be being pulled by others. She was uncomfortable and she shed tears.

  Just now, what did Chen Jixin say, her ears buzzed and she couldn't even hear her. But what the mother said, she agreed.

  So when Madam Xiao asked her, she almost subconsciously nodded.

  Grandma Xiao smiled gloomily, "Then your mother will be punished for you, do you agree?"

  Yu Qingrou heard this sentence clearly, and was punished on her behalf?

  She looked at Chen Jixin in a daze, and met her soft gaze, with mixed feelings in her heart.

  Grandma Xiao waited for a short while, and did not hear her answer, she directly raised her hand and slapped her, "It seems that you disagree, then continue to beat you."

  The slap that was slapped was harsh and anxious. It was even more fierce and fierce than the previous slaps. Yu Qingrou felt that the sky was dark and hurriedly said, "I agree, I agree, I agree that my mother will be punished on my behalf."

  It hurts, it hurts too much, as if a nail is pierced in her face, and her internal organs are all twisted in pain.

   She shouted like this, and everyone in the hall could not help whispering.

   "Her mother was beaten like that, she actually said yes?"

   "This Yu Qingrou also showed a pitiful, spine-hearted and considerate look at the beginning of her family. Tsk tsk, it turns out that it's all on paper."

   "I can't see it, I can't see it."

Grandma Xiao heard those voices in her ears with satisfaction, and raised her eyebrows, "Your mother will be punished for you, but she can't bear it. If you continue to fight, she will faint and even have life concerns. ."

  Yu Qingrou was once again startled, hesitating for a while. But as soon as she saw Mother Xiao’s raised hand, the tingling sensation just passed again, and she hurriedly cried when the palm of her hand fell, "Hit my mother, all this is my mother. It’s none of my business."

  The anger of the onlookers in the hall rose uncontrollably, and they raised their fingers one after another to blame Yu Qingrou.

   "It's not a thing, I told her that she might be worried about her life, but she couldn't care about it."

   "Yes, I think, the most sinister and vicious person is her."

   "Her younger brother who is only a decade old is much more filial and sensible than her. Tsk tsk, no wonder she framed such a smart brother, he is jealous of him."

  Yu Qingrou can't hear those voices, she just...has been unable to listen, and she doesn't know how to refute it.

  She is more pampered than Chen Jixin, and she can’t stand the pain.


  Yu Qingrou raised her head in surprise, her lips trembled twice. Why, didn't it mean that the mother was punished for her? Why do you want to beat her?

   "For an unfilial child like you, it's good for an old slave to kill you." Madam Xiao looked at her indifferently.

   "Okay." Someone even yelled in the hall, and many people changed their sympathy from their talents to their hatred now.

  Grandma Xiao no longer had the slightest hesitation. She slapped her hands without any softness, and greeted Yu Qingrou directly.

  Yu Qingrou wanted to cry without tears, she wanted to faint but couldn't faint, the more painful she was, the more clear she became.

  Yu Jianda knew that it would be useless to say more, so he could only endure the heartache and turned his head.

  Chen Ji pursed her lips, and finally lowered her head, her eyes were slightly sour, but she didn't say anything, as if the punishment just now had never floated out of her mouth.

Yu Qingrou's face was more serious than Chen Jixin's, and Grandma Xiao only stopped when her hands were really soft this time.

   then walked a few steps forward, kneeled on the ground and gave another court ceremony to the emperor. "The emperor, the two wicked men have been punished. Please forgive the old slave for his own assertion."

  The emperor chuckles, making Grandma Xiao stand up.

  Do it yourself? This Mother Xiao is really a powerful character. Yu Bao'er didn't say a word when he beat Chen Jixin's mother and daughter, which originally made some people dissatisfied. However, because of the deeds made by Mother Xiao, everyone directly pointed the finger at Yu Qingrou, and even thought it was time to fight or kill.

  "The emperor, now that the wicked have been punished, the princess has a delicate body and has been standing here for a long time. Can the old slave take the princess back to rest?"

  The emperor secretly sighed and glanced at Yu Zuolin, his eyes full of dissatisfaction with him. This man who has been fascinated by women has made himself use up a lot of energy today.

  Yu Zuo hangs his head silently, at this moment, he seems to be unable to do more.

  Yu Qingluo is sheltered by the second prince of Tianyu Kingdom, and with the partiality of the prince Xiu, she can no longer check her body, let alone confirm her identity.

  The emperor waved his hand, "It's getting late, so let's get out."

  "Wait a minute." In the crowd, someone suddenly appeared. When everyone was startled, they saw the three princes walking into the middle of the hall and bowing their hands to the emperor. "Father, my son has something to say."

  Meng Guifei smiled. It seems that the third prince also wants to take advantage of this rare opportunity to almost suppress Ye Xiu independence.

  A trace of anger flashed in the Emperor's eyes, and he said with a deep face, "What else do you have?"

   "Father, the son-in-law suddenly remembered. Since the young girl is the Tianfu princess of the Tianyu Kingdom, she naturally has the seal of the princess." The three princes thought about it for a long time, and really felt that this matter could not be left alone.

  In fact, everyone with a discerning eye knows that this Tianfu princess, who has only a few **, is Yuqing's fall. Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence in this world?

  And the third prince, it is rare to be a discerning person.

  Meng noble concubine's eyes picked up, and the three princes actually had a smart time.

"The third prince thinks that the prince will identify irrelevant people indiscriminately. The princess of the Tianyu Kingdom, does he regard the blood of the Tianyu Kingdom's royal family as nothing?" The second prince of the Tianyu Kingdom was a little angry. Qing'er is here, really. Embarrassed on all sides, these people seemed to be eager to deal with Qing'er.

  The third prince was a little afraid of his aura, he always felt that this person was the same as Ye Xiudu's oppressive feeling. It's just that when it comes to this point, he has no reason to retreat, "The second prince is serious, and this king is also thinking about the second prince, and the young prince of the Yu family also said that this young girl looks exactly like her sister. That being the case, it is also possible that the real Yuqingluo has not died to pretend to be Princess Tianfu? At that time, it is not only the second prince who will be deceived. In the future, it may be the entire royal family of Tianyu Kingdom. So, young girl, you Can you show you the princess seal to prove your identity?"

  Yu Qingluo pursed her lips, this seal...she really doesn’t have one. This third prince has chosen a good entry point.

   "Seal, I have it, I have it, here I am. Mother, where I am."


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