Yu Qingluo and Ye Xiudu looked up at the same time, they saw Mrs. Yu's snot and tears holding on to Yu Zuorin, slowly walking out step by step.

  Thirty boards, it's really fast.

  Yuqing raised her eyebrows obliquely. This is because the old injury has not healed and new injuries will be added, for fear that she will be lying in bed and unable to move for a long time.

  In fact, she feels that the best way is to clean things up little by little.

  I don’t know what it would be like for Yu Zuolin, the arrogant Wu champion, to guard the city gate.

   just thought about it, and saw that Zuo Lin limped and quickly walked in front of them. Seeing the extra feet and feet in front of them, the lady and Yu Zuolin couldn't help but raised their heads.

  When he saw Yu Qingluo walking in the front, Yu Zuolin's pupils shrank suddenly, and his anger rose, "You...uh..."

  The old lady immediately supported him nervously, struggling to pat his chest, trying to keep him from getting angry.

  "Master Yu, how does it feel like the Thirty Boards?" Yu Qingluo was in a particularly refreshing mood. The world is so beautiful, the sun is shining, the flowers are scented, and the evil is rewarded.

  Yu Zuo Lin gritted her teeth and had the urge to rush forward and tear her.

  It’s just that the injuries on his body were not allowed. Yu Qing fell behind him, protecting her from the left and right, and the second princes did not allow him. He could only force the anger on his chest to abruptly suppress.

  Tighten his fingers, he said to the lady on the side, "Mother, let's go."

"Master Yu." Yu Qingluo gave a chuckle, reached out her hand to touch Yu Bao'er's head, and said softly, "I heard that Miss Yu Jia had a marriage contract with you since childhood, but Master Yu has the skills. Became a champion of Wu and then promoted to a young general. Since then, his vision has been higher, and he can't look down on the eldest lady of the Yu family, so on the wedding night, this low-status wife became an abandoned wife. Tsk tsk..."

   "Heh, what do you want to say?" Still saying that it is not Yu Qingluo? Ha, she still dare to say that she is not Yu Qingluo? Her words clearly contained accusations of her own behavior in those years. This woman, ha, must care about what happened back then.

  Yu Zuorin’s heart suddenly became sour and twisted again. She cared about what happened back then, did it mean...he actually cared about his opinion?

  Yu Qingluo didn't know that he had automatically raised her understanding of her meaning to another level. Hearing Yu Zuolin's question, it was just right.

"I didn't think about it." Yu Qingluo was very innocent. "It was just through that incident that made me think that Lord Yu should attach great importance to the ranks of officials, so I wanted to ask Lord Yu and was sent to be a defender of the city. For a month, how do you feel in your heart? Well, by the way, remind Master Yu, there is a prince, a prince, a princess, and a little princess standing in front of you at this moment. Should Master Yu bow to us first?"

   Nan Nan swung his head to the left and right, and started to count with his fingers. Dad is the prince, the mother is the princess, Uncle Marshmallow is the prince, Uncle Baoer is the king of the county, ah, what about him?

  He was a little unbalanced, so he hurriedly raised his chest and added, "There is still another young man."

  The youngest son is also very prestigious, so he can't miss his identity.

  Ye Xiu laughed alone, Nan Nan has always paid attention to his image being tall and not tall, but now he has become the one with the least status.

  Cough, I guess it's going to be trouble going back.

  Yu Zuolin was shocked fiercely, looking at Yu Qingluo with ferocious and gloomy eyes. Yes, in the past, he relied on his official position to be higher than Yu Jianda, and relied on his being sought after by the emperor, and he looked down on the eldest lady of the Yu family at all.

  Unexpectedly, today he would salute the people he once despised...

  Dreams, she dreams...

  "The local women have seen Lord Xiu, the second prince, Princess Tianfu, the king of the county, and the son of the youngest."

  However, when Ji Zuo Lin's anger rose to its highest point, the lady next to him suddenly pressed his head, lowered her head slightly, and spoke first.

  Yu Zuo was stunned for a moment, and then he felt a pain in his heart. Yes, even his mother, who has always been arrogant and bullying, sees more clearly than him, knowing that if he does not bow his head at this moment, he will inevitably be caught. I can't let my mother get involved.

   Taking a deep breath, swallowing all the arrogance and resentment, Yu Zuo Lin bowed his head and saluted the injured body.

  Yu Qingluo stared at the compromised Yu Zuorin, pursing her lips without speaking.

  For a long time, there were more hands on her waist, gently holding her slightly trembling body. Yu Qing was startled, and when he raised his head, he saw Ye Xiudu's soft gaze, "They have already left."

  How could he not know her mind? Yu Zuo was on the verge of life and death several times, and Nan Nan almost suffocated due to dystocia, which caused him to be sick for several years. So hate, who can swallow this breath? Even if it was him, even if he hadn't experienced it in his own life, he couldn't wait to be smashed into pieces.

  A little humiliation, it's already a cheap scum.

  Yu Qingluo exhaled, loosened her tight shoulders, turned her head to look at the pair of mother and child who were moving away, her eyes squinted slightly.

  Yu Zuolin, even though he was extremely angry, he did not dare to look back at this moment. He pointed to leave here as quickly as possible, and escape from Yu Qingluo's contemptuous sight as quickly as possible.

Mrs.    kept biting her lip and helped him onto the carriage of Yu's house. She looked at the terrible injury on his back with distress, and cried, "Zuo Lin, isn't it painful?"

   hurts? This pain isn't a big deal, it's the real pain in his heart. The pain of being humiliated, framed, and wronged.

   "One day, I will uproot them all."

"Zuolin, forget it, mother beg you. Now Yu Qingluo's identity is different. She is a princess, and she will soon be the princess Xiu. How can we fight? Zuolin, mother just wants you to be safe. "

   "Princess Xiu?" Yu Zuolin sneered, "She also has to be able to sit in that position."

   "Sorry, don't do stupid things..." The lady was panicked. The circles she has been dealing with are just some ordinary ladies. Where have you seen such a battle today? The emperor's empress dowager sits in a row, as well as the envoys of the Three Kingdoms. It seems that they are all standing on Yu Qingluo's side. She is going to slap when she says killing and slap when she slaps.

  Yu Zuorin closed his eyes and didn't plan to say anything to the lady, but just ordered the coachman to go back to Yu's house.

  As soon as their carriage left, Ye Xiu's lone group also came out.

  Just a few people just walked to their carriage, they saw a person with his head slightly lowered, waiting for them.


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