Nan Nan's eyes lit up, he swallowed hard, and stretched out one hand forward with a smile.

  The man looks handsome, although he is middle-aged, he naturally exudes a mature and steady taste.

  Walking up to Nan Nan, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he looked at the little guy in front of him with a smile.

Nan Nan was taken aback by him, and his inexplicable heart began to drum up. Why is this person's eyes so weird, does he know himself? It doesn't look like it, I have never seen it before.

   "Little Shizi, this is a hundred cents, just a little bit." The man smiled and interrupted the messy thoughts in Nan Nan's heart, and put the money in his palm.

Nan Nan looked down at Qian, then looked up at his still smiling eyes, thought about it, and suddenly said, "Or, you can buy more copies. Let me tell you, this story is really special. It’s beautiful, it’s real. You can buy it for your sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and friends, right?"

  The man seemed to think about it for a while, then nodded, and really came up with a silver or two, "Give me two more copies."

   Nan Nan smiled and delivered all three books to his hands, then stared at the two silver coins and began to feel embarrassed, "This...I don't have change to find you..."

Nan Nan was very embarrassed, but Xiao Shou had already quickly collected the ingot, and had no idea of ​​returning it to him at all.

   "It's okay, I think this story should be more than a hundred essays, it's more than just my hard work." The person didn't care, staring at his small movements, his smile became more profound.

  After that, he took the three books and walked back to his seat, opened one of them, glanced twice, his eyes were bright, and he said loudly, "It's really very beautiful."

  Those who were still a little hesitant and curious when they heard it listened, each of them got their heads to see what was going on, but that person turned his body to his side and looked at it with relish.

  If someone is irritated by this person's behavior, he should just eat one less meal. Besides, a hundred liters and a book are actually not expensive. At the moment, three or four people gritted their teeth and closed their eyes. They paid the money and bought the books, and they all went to the corner to read them.

Nannan’s eyes are bright, but there are still too few people who don’t want to buy it. He rolled his eyes and sighed immediately, "Hey, my father is the prince of Fengcang Kingdom, and my mother is the princess of Tianyu Kingdom. To be honest, Although the story of the two of them is shocking, but my mother is my husband after all, this kind of thing must not be allowed to talk about it anymore."

  Everyone was taken aback, yes, the real incident between the prince and the princess is of great importance, and I am afraid that we will not be allowed to discuss it in private in the future.

Nan Nan simply sat on the table with his legs hanging on the edge of the table and dangling, "So, I'm afraid I won't hear the storytellers in those restaurants in the future, and even if I say it, it should not be true. Me. , I was so kind-hearted that I thought of giving you these benefits, and wrote down the story overnight and bound it into a book. I was hiding this from my mother and father. If they knew about it, they would definitely be ruthless. I scold me badly. I probably won’t be able to publish books and sell them in the future. In short, if you want to buy books, you want to know the development of things, and you want to understand the twists and turns of the story, I’m afraid it’s only today."

  Everyone looked at each other. Although only a five-year-old child was sitting in front of him, do they think this child is so reasonable for Mao?

  The middle-aged man who had bought three books earlier raised his eyes slightly, glanced at Nan Nan, then smiled silently, and continued to stare at the book in front of him.

  A few people thought about Nan Nan carefully, and they felt that it was indeed the case. The most important thing is that they are very itchy now, and they really want to know what is written in that book. Especially when the eyes of the few people who bought the book before were sitting there looking bright, they even wanted to know.

   "I buy one."

   "I want one too."

   "I have a copy."

  More and more people came forward and handed the money to Nan Nan's hands. Nan Nan was happy in his heart and blinked at Yu Bao'er on the side.

  Look at how smart he is. Not only can he help his mother clarify the truth, but he also adds a lot of income. There is simply no child in this world who can make more money than him. He is simply a genius.

  The storyteller is really hateful. If he doesn't understand the truth, he dares to corrupt his father and mother's reputation here, so he must be slapped off his head when he looks back.

  Nan Nan was muttering in her heart, while turning her back to the teller's cashier with open eyes and grinning happily.

  The gentleman who was slapped twice by Nan Nan originally wanted to scold them and let the shopkeeper of the restaurant drive them out. But as soon as he knew Nan Nan's identity, and then saw Wen Tian, ​​who was guarding Nan Nan like a mountain, the storyteller would know it, and his heart began to beat the drums.

   stared at Nan Nan and Yu Bao'er both collecting money, and the guard named Wen Tian didn't pay attention to him either. The storyteller breathed a sigh of relief immediately, packed up his things, and quietly ran out of the back door of the restaurant.

Wen Tian raised his eyebrows, and whispered to Nan Nan, who was in a very happy mood, "Nan Nan, the storyteller is going to the back door. You are here to wait for me, and I will be back soon."

   Nan Nan waved his hand, "I know, I know, you quickly follow that person to see who is behind the scenes. I am here, and I will make a lot of money for my mother."

  Wen Tian laughed, Nan Nan obviously thought of going with him. He knows that there are secret guards to protect Nan Nan. As long as he doesn't run around and count his own people, no accidents will happen.

  At the moment, he was worried about Nan Nan again, and then walked out along the back door.

  The storyteller was holding the package, sneaking out of the back door, and then tossing and turning into a small alley. After looking left and right, he sat on the ground along the wall and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  Wen Tian was hiding in the corner, his eyes squinted slightly. After a while, I saw a slightly blessed man approaching, and when he walked in front of the storyteller, he kicked him twice with his feet.

   "Hey, get up."

  "Fu, Lord Fu, you are here." The storyteller was trembling, scratching his head and opening with a little annoyance, "Um, things, things have been messed up."

   "Hmph, I know, I was in the restaurant just now." Fu Ye gave him a cold look, the smile at the corner of his mouth was gloomy, and his eyes flashed slightly while staring at the storyteller.

  Wen Tian was startled, staring at the man called Fu Ye, his eyebrows were slightly twisted, this man seemed to be familiar with each other, he should have seen it where he was.


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