The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 435: Don't take it out easily

Nan Nan was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded solemnly.

   Wentian exhaled, the dull pain in his chest made him very uncomfortable. But fortunately, he has Miss Jade, so he has nothing to worry about.

"Nannan, go back and tell the prince. That Fu, I saw him in the Seventh Prince's other courtyard eight years ago. His identity is very suspicious. Also, Mr. Storyteller mentioned him before he was killed. Wife and children are in Ah Fu's hands."

  In just two sentences, Wentian suppressed his voice lower and lower. He hadn't confided these two clues in the lobby, just to find the opportunity to tell the prince or the jade girl alone.

  The incident this time was clearly aimed at the Palace of Xiu Wang, whether Ah Fu or Master Ye had to be removed. Otherwise, if you let it go, Xiu Wangfu will only have more and more troubles.

Seeing the officers and soldiers over there moved their sights on Nan Nan again, Wen Tian paused, then laughed again, and said nonchalantly, "Okay, don't be sad, trust me, Uncle Wen will be out soon. ."

  Nan Nan nodded, squatted beside him and said something for a while.

  Yu Qingluo gave Wentian a simple treatment to prevent the wound from becoming infected and worsening, and then stood up and walked out of the curtain, asking Peng Ying to apply medicine to the back of Wentian.

   Ye Xiu was drinking tea with Master Ye alone, without saying a word, but with a full aura. If there is a murderous intent that seems to be exuding, Master Ye will be sweating and stop talking.

   Seeing Yuqing falling out, Ye Xiudu nodded at her, "What happened?"

   "Master Ye can start, if it weren't for the prince to come in time, I am afraid that Wentian's life would be lost. Jing Zhaoyin is really a good method." Yu Qingluo sneered, speaking rudely.

  At this moment, her heart is also full of anger, Wen Tian is in Yu Qingluo's heart, and now she has become a friend and relative, a person who can be trusted. But I didn't expect to see him in just half a day, but the person who was still full of spirit and anger became like this.

  She really wanted to kill the beast named Ye.

  Master Ye seemed to have never heard of it, but just smiled, "Since Princess Tianfu is already well, the officer will let someone hear the guard down, after all, he is still a suspect now."

Yu Qingluo snorted coldly, Peng Ying and Shen Ying helped Wen Tian come out slowly. He could not walk with his feet yet, Ye Xiudu was worried that when the officer brought Wentian back to the cell, he would deliberately deceive him, so that he would finally suffer injuries to his tied legs. Immediately regardless of Master Ye's objection, Shen Ying and the others helped him into the cell.

  Master Ye hesitated to speak, and finally hummed coldly, flicking his sleeves to make people stare at them.

It was not until he reached Wentian’s cell that Shen Ying quietly took out a packet of powdered medicine and handed it to him, and said in a low voice, taking advantage of other people’s stalls, "This is for you by Miss Jade, although the lord I have already warned the one surnamed Ye that he is not allowed to torture you again. But that animal cannot guarantee that he will not secretly use some means to deal with you. You sprinkle this packet of powder around the stone bed, so that snakes, insects, rats and ants dare not approach you. Up."

  Wen Tian took it, and thanked him in a low voice.

  Yu Qingluo guessed that it was right. Almost none of the jailers in the cell were absent that night. Wentian was lying on the stone bed unconsciously, and heard the sound of rustling. When he raised his head again, he saw two colorful snakes spitting out snake letters coming into the cell where he was.

  Wentian nerves tense almost immediately, his two legs are still unable to move, and one of them will be poisoned by snake venom and die. Unexpectedly, the two snakes stopped abruptly when they were a few steps away from him, then turned around and rustled around to another place.

  In an instant, the whole cell was caught in the sound of howling ghosts and wolves. All the prisoners were frightened by these two poisonous snakes and hurriedly avoided. Finally, when he swam to Ah Fu's side, he was pinched by Qi Cun and died.

  Wen Tian slept very peacefully. When the jailer came to look at the person killed by the poisonous snake in the middle of the night, he was the calmest one compared to other convicts with fear and sweat.

  The packet of powder was given by Yuqing in time.

  Peng Ying and Shen Ying helped Wen Tian to rest before leaving the cell with heavy faces.

However, they had just gotten into the carriage, and Ye Xiudu's voice came from inside, "Peng Ying, you follow Master Ye to see who he has been in contact with in the past two days, and if there is any unusual behavior. Now Ah Fu is detained. , The wife and children of that storyteller are no longer useful, maybe the one surnamed Ye will kill."

  Peng Ying immediately jumped off the shaft of the car, "Yes, Lord."

  As soon as he left, Shen Ying immediately turned the front of the car and headed straight for the Palace of Xiu.

Before Xiu Wangfu, Yu Bao'er had been waiting there anxiously. Seeing them coming, Yu Bao'er ran towards Yu Qingluo without even thinking about it, still holding the gold medal for avoidance of death bestowed on him by the emperor the day before, and couldn’t wait to say, “Sister, isn’t the situation with Uncle Wen? Seriously? Is he going to die? Now, I, I have a death-free gold medal here, which can save my life, sister, what can you give to that Lord Ye? Uncle Wen can come back."

Yu Qing fell for a moment, then lowered her head to meet Yu Bao'er's sad and red eyes, "Sister, I didn't pay attention. If I have an agreement to keep the receipt, there will be nothing wrong with Uncle Wen. Yes. Give this to you, give it to you, to exchange it for uncle’s life, okay?"

  Yuqing felt a pain in her heart. Yu Bao'er and Nan Nan blamed themselves in their hearts, and both felt that it was their own fault.

  But how could the responsibility for this matter fall on the two children? Ah Fu and the others had already planned it early on. This is simply overwhelming. How can they both take care of it?

   "Bo'er, it's not your fault. The prince has already told Master Ye that the agreement can't prove that Wentian fell out of his body, and it can't provide material evidence, so you can't convict Wentian. Don't worry."

Yu Bao'er took back the tears that were about to fall, and asked in disbelief, "Really? Then, how come Uncle Wen didn't come back? Would something happen to him even without that agreement? Then this gold medal is still useful, sister, you can save him."

  Even Grandma Xiao could not help but move her face, stepped forward and touched his head, took out the gold medal in his hand, and put it in his pocket properly.

"Keep this thing well, don't take it out lightly. Guard Wen has the prince and princess to save, and they will find evidence to prove the innocence of Guard Wen and let him walk out of the cell dignifiedly. However, if it is used. To save people with a gold medal, it means that the Royal Palace has admitted that Wen's guard is a murderer and has nothing to do. You can only save your life with the death-free gold medal. Do you understand? If this is the case, then Wen's guard will not be charged for a lifetime."


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