Yu Qingluo, who really looked down and contemplated, suddenly raised her head, looked at Ye Xiudu in surprise in front of him, and repeated, "You said...Isn't it done by the imperial concubine Meng and the seventh prince?"

Ye Xiu laughed alone, and suddenly approached her for a few minutes, leaning on her body and saying, "A Fu is indeed from the courtyard of the Seventh Brother. I have never seen him before, and Wen Tian also saw him accidentally. He will recognize him only once. He is indeed inconspicuous and not an important person. But this does not mean that we can't find out the identity of Afu. The mother concubine will not use one that makes it easy for people to find out the identity. People came to frame me, and this matter can obviously be seen as too much trouble, the mother concubine will be more direct."

  For example, send someone to assassinate him.

  Yuqing fell into a sudden, yes, the purpose of Concubine Meng’s current is Wentian. In her capacity, why bother to use planting and framing to deal with a guard? He took Shen Ying away with an excuse last time.

  Furthermore, with the last experience, how could Concubine Meng repeat the same tricks?

  She loves the Seventh Prince so much, how can she use his people to implement the plan? Isn't it obvious that Ye Xiudu will directly deal with the Seventh Prince? Last time she caught Shen Ying, the Seventh Prince was poisoned, and she should be very clear about the consequences of doing so.

Yu Qingluo pursed her lips and began to meditate silently. After a long time, she slightly narrowed her eyes and raised her head, "In that case, I feel that Master Ye's attitude today is very strange. If he really wants to deal with you, what? Will it be so simple to compromise? Just accept everything from you, and it's not really entangled."

  It turned out that Lord Ye's purpose was only to separate Ye Xiu Du and Ye Haoting, and he wanted the two to kill each other.

  Ye Xiu Du Duo pulled her lips slightly, stretched out her hand to rub her earlobe, felt the soft touch under her fingertips, and her heart was also warm and messed up.

  In fact, it feels good, with such a smart woman by her side. If you have something to say, you can make it easy, and you can vomit something that is held in your heart. It feels like this...It's really good.

  "Oh, don't move." Yu Qingluo was in a daze, but the man next to her did not say a word, and always tugged at her ears, making her whole earlobe tickling, "Say business."

   "Why are you so worried?" Ye Xiu laughed alone.

   "Are you thinking that I am nosy?"

   "Don't deliberately misunderstand what I mean, you know I don't mean it."

  Yu Qingluo snorted slightly, only to realize that the two people were sitting so close. When did this person sit on the soft couch? Don’t you know if men and women are giving or receiving?

  She got up and sat down on a chair beside her, with a suspicious splash of red on her face.

  To be honest, the two have gotten closer to each other since they pierced the layer of window paper. But Yu Qingluo wasn't used to it, not to mention that, except that night Xiu held her and slept alone for the night, he entered the tense Four Nations Competition, and the two didn't spend much time together.

  唔, except this morning. The part where she served him dressing and eating and kissing on the carriage with anger and malice, between the two, was still very...pure.

  Ye Xiu Du is a little dissatisfied, what is this woman hiding?

  He stretched out his hand, pulled Yu Qingluo back, and simply put it on his lap.

   "You just said to yourself that I didn't treat you as a family, what about now? Do you treat me as your husband?" He used some force, and Yu Qingluo found it very difficult to think of it.

  Hearing what he said, she couldn't help rolling her eyes on the spot.

  They haven’t got married yet, of course they are not a husband and wife. How can she treat him as a husband?

   "Later, if Grandma Xiao comes and see us like this, you can't eat and walk around." She couldn't get away, and her posture was very awkward, so she could only move out the headache and etiquette Grandma Xiao.

  Ye Xiu raised her eyebrows alone. Before he could speak, there was a knocking sound from the door of the study, "Master, princess, is the dinner served in the study or in the flower hall?"

  Yu Qingluo was taken aback, really saying that Cao Cao was here. She slapped Ye Xiudu's arm with her hand, "Let go, hurry up."

   Ye Xiu ignored her alone, and raised her voice to Mother Xiao who was waiting outside the door and said, "Come to the study."

   "Yes." Mother Xiao responded, and quickly turned and left.

  Yu Qingluo exhaled, turned her head and glared at him, "Ye Xiu Duo, what do you want to do?"

   "I want you to get my pulse, I felt a little heart palpitations from this morning."

  Yu Qing fell for a moment, and suddenly raised her voice, "Why didn't you say it earlier?" After saying that, he grabbed his wrist, put his finger on his pulse, and held his breath.

  After a while, the eyebrows tightened, "Why is my heart beating so fast?"

   Ye Xiu hooked her lips alone, her fingers still on her waist. Well, the nephrite is warm and fragrant, if the heartbeat is unpleasant, it is abnormal.

  Yuqing stayed for a while, except for a fast heartbeat, there was nothing wrong with it. She retracted her hand and wanted to look in his eyes again. There was a knock on the door of the study again. Ye Xiu shouted ‘in’ alone, and the door was pushed open with a ‘squeak’.

Before Yu Qingluo had time to react, she saw Mother Xiao instruct the two maids to bring in all the food and wine.

  The two people are still embracing each other.

  The two people are still embracing each other and looking at each other with affection.

  The two people were still embracing each other and looked at each other with affection, and they were in an upright posture when they met with Grandma Xiao.

  Ye Xiu smiled alone and withdrew his finger.

  Yuqing fell into a daze, and for a while, she didn't know whether to stand up or pay, or to continue to sit on Ye Xiudu's lap.

  Her head was abnormally stiff, and she turned her head to look at Grandma Xiao’s dark face, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

  For a long time, he swallowed his saliva and laughed hoarsely, "Well, Lord Xiu is not feeling well, I just helped him take a look."

  The two serving maids hung their heads, and one of them couldn't help but laughed. Just as soon as the sound came out, he immediately covered his mouth, quickly placed the food, and immediately left the study.

  Mother Xiao Xiao sneered and looked at Yu Qingluo, “Is the princess sitting on the patient’s lap every time she treats someone with her pulse?”

  "This...the center of gravity was unstable for a while and fell on the body of Lord Xiu." Grandma Xiao, believe it, believe it quickly.

   "Isn't the condition of Lord Xiu getting worse?" Madam Xiao gave a mocking sneer.

  Yu Qingluo's desire to die is all there, and I blame Ye Xiudu, bastard, if he hadn't pulled her, would she be speechless in front of Sister Xiao now?

  Yu Qingluo twisted his waist, twisted his legs, twisted his arms, fiercely.

   Ye Xiu snorted, this woman is so cruel. He hurriedly grabbed her secretly tricky hand and coughed lightly, "Mother Xiao, this king has something to tell you."


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