The emperor glanced at Ye Tuo, his eyebrows were slightly raised, this is also a master who is not worrying.

   "Get up."

   "Thank you, the emperor." Ye Tuo didn't know what happened, and at first he intuitively thought that it was Afu who had something wrong. If so, he will prepare early.

  But Father Miao came to summon him, but he said it was related to the thirteen princes of Liuyun Kingdom.

   Ye Chou admitted that he had never contacted people from Liuyun Kingdom, and he didn’t even know this thirteen prince. How could the emperor summon him for this?

  Is it possible that the emperor has been unstable recently, and something happened to the thirteen princes in his jurisdiction?

  Ye Chou could only think of this. For a while, there was really no way to connect him and Ah Fu.

   Therefore, when he quietly raised his head to look at the prince of Liuyun Kingdom, he suddenly met Ye Xiudu's eyes. Ye Tuo was shocked, especially when he saw Ah Fu who was unconscious at Peng Ying's feet, his face turned pale and his whole body trembled.

  Damn it, it really was Afu who had an accident.

How could this be? Didn't Ah Fu say that it would be foolproof? Didn't you say that you are good at martial arts, and there will be no accidents?

  He really shouldn’t believe him. This old immortal is a lot of age, so where can martial arts go?

   "Ye Chou." Suddenly the emperor's deep voice came from the front, "Do you know the person at your feet?"

   Ye Chou trembled and knelt down suddenly, "Chen, Chen recognizes it."

   "Oh? Are you talking about, who is this person?"

   "He, he... his name is Ah Fu, a small vendor in Yunshui Alley, who makes a living by selling some fruits and vegetables."

   Ye Xiu laughed alone, "Master Ye, have you said anything?"

The cold sweat on Ye Tuo’s forehead had dripped to the ground, and he swallowed in a mute voice, “Yesterday, a storyteller was killed. At that time, Lord Xiu’s guard Wentian and this Ah Fu were both at the scene. Ah Fu pointed out. Wentian was the murderer, and Weichen also found physical evidence at the scene. However, later Wangye Xiu broke into Jingzhao's Mansion and said that the physical evidence was not established. Wentian was just a suspect, and Ah Fu was also a suspect, so..."

  Ye Xiudu sneered. At this moment, Ye Chou wanted to be ambiguous and call himself a bully.

   However, it doesn't matter anymore, even if Ye Chou said more, now he can't argue.

  "Master Ye, you said Wentian is a suspect, and Ah Fu is also a suspect. Would you like to listen to what others say to see who the real culprit is?"

  Someone else? Ye Chou lowered his head and his eyes rolled. I wondered, who did Ye Xiudu refer to?

  Do not wait until he came up with a reason, Ye Xiudu already raised his voice and said, "Bring in."

   A rustling voice soon came from outside the door. The emperor looked at it and saw Hongye walking in with a man and a woman. It looked like a mother and a child.

The two of them probably had never seen such a scene. They were a little nervous and panicked. They walked with their hands and feet tied, until Hongye led them to kneel on the hall, and the two people seemed to have found their own voices, and followed Hongye and shouted long live. .

  Ye Chou stared at the mother and son, their eyebrows twisted, they both...

  "Who are you again?" The emperor's voice was majestic, and the mother and son did not dare to lift their heads, but instead cast their eyes on Hong Ye for help.

  Hongye’s smile is still gentle and soothing, “He Auntie, He, Young Master, even if you tell what you know, the emperor Shengming will definitely find out the truth and call the shots for the two.”

  The young man surnamed He seemed to have a trace of courage. Hongye's words always calmed people's minds.

  He raised his eyes, glanced at the emperor quickly, then dropped his head again, and opened his mouth with his neck. "Back, back to the emperor, He Hai, Cao Min, Father He Daliang, is a storyteller from Ping An Restaurant."

The emperor suddenly realized that this is the victim's family. It seems that Xiu'er is confident this time.

   Ye Chou's face was pale, and his body felt weak for a moment. It seemed that there was no way to succeed against Lord Xiu this time.

He Hai said, he couldn't help swallowing, and then he said, "Two days ago, Cao Min was coming back from school, and my father was going to pack his things and go to the Ping An restaurant. Unexpectedly, a man who claimed to be Fu Ye suddenly came into the house. People, this person is fierce, so he stunned Cao Min’s mother on the spot, pinched Cao Min’s neck and threatened his father. He told his father a story and asked Cao Min’s father to take it to the Ping’an restaurant.”

   "What story?" the emperor asked.

"Yes, it's about the story of the prince Xiu and the young girl of the ghost doctor. The Cao Min didn't know where Fu Ye heard it from. My father didn't agree at first. How can Cao Min and others talk about the matter about the prince and princess? What's more, the story that Fu Ye told my father was all about slandering the reputation of Lord Xiu and the young girl. My father only asked for the safety of the family and never wanted to do such an insult to the royal family. But Lord Fu threatened his father by pinching the neck of the grass miner. , My father’s beloved son is eager and reluctant to compromise."

The emperor's expression had a trace of cracks. The Xiu'er incident only flowed out of Nan Nan's mouth the night before. Unexpectedly, someone would immediately want to make a big fuss about this incident.

  These people are really getting more and more restless. Has he been too negligent recently, making the big guys think he is old and can't take care of things?

  The hall was silent, even He Hai, who had begun to speak fluently, felt the pressure from the emperor, and fell silent for a moment, and did not dare to speak again.

  The emperor exhaled and said calmly, "Go on."

"Yes, yes." He Hai's fingertips were cold, and he pulled the hem of his clothes tightly to ease it down. "After my father responded, he went to the Ping An Restaurant. But Cao Minhe and his mother were knocked out by Fu Ye. In a remote slum area, the Cao Min and his mother were **** to this day. When Fu Ye reappeared in front of Cao Min, he said that Cao Min’s father had broken the matter because he did not follow the instructions he said. He...he So he killed Cao Min's father."

"The Caomin feels resentment in his heart, but his skills are not as good as others. A scholar has no power to avenge his father, but he was humiliated by Lord Fu. He came back to the Caomin today because he wanted to kill the people, and he didn't want Caomin and his mother to continue to live. In this world. If it weren’t for Prince Xiu’s arrival in time, I’m afraid that the Caomin’s family has already reached the ground to reunite. The emperor, ask the emperor to be the master of the Caomin, and bring the murderer to justice, so that the father of the Caomin’s family can be stunned."

  He Hai became more and more excited when he spoke. The emperor was so angry and excited that he was so emotional that he was dead for his father, so he could only sigh.

   "Daddy Miao, wake up Ah Fu."

  Miao Qianqiu waved his hand, and immediately two of them took a half bucket of water and poured it on Ah Fu's body.

  A Fu suddenly got a spirit, and suddenly sat up from the ground, but his eyes were fierce.


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