The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 456: It's great to have a son

  Mo Xian choked on what he said, Nan Nan, what he said later is the main point. You are only half listening again, right?

  Qi Hanwei also stroked his forehead secretly. In fact, after listening to him telling the love story of Ye Xiudu and Yu Qingluo in the hall last time, he should have understood the child's temperament.

   exhaled, Qi Hanwei turned his head to look at Shisan on the side.

  Sure enough, Qi Hantian's face flushed from Nan Nan's words. Now let him pull down his face to show his favor to Nan Nan. It was really, really, really difficult.

  However, he also understood that he couldn't keep arguing anymore. Thinking of what he had just said, he couldn't help but defend himself.

   "I, I didn't know Bo'er's identity at the time. I thought he was a bad guy. It was a misunderstanding."

"Hmph, can a misunderstanding hurt someone? Do you know how pitiful my Uncle Baoer's life is? He has always been in a bad body, and he has finally gained a little fatter. After being beaten by you like this, he is weak again." Nan Nan circled around him, not caring about the embarrassment on his body, staring at Qi Hantian with bright eyes.

Qi Hantian was even more embarrassed by what he said, but he was right. He pursed his lips and said with some lack of confidence. "That person always makes mistakes. Besides, I also said to Bo'er. I apologize. And today I got along with Bo'er for most of the day, and we have also become very good friends. The last time Bo'er is over."

  Meaning, Bo’er didn’t care anymore, do you still want to be nosy?

  Nan Nan didn’t understand, and he didn’t even want to understand what he meant. Anyway, he didn’t like this unbelievable and domineering Qihantian.

   "So what? The harm has been done, is it useful to apologize? Will the pain of my uncle Bao'er be transferred to you after I apologize? I have a lot of grudges, I just don't forgive you."

  Qihan weather is dead, he doesn't need him to forgive him, he is sick.

  Mo Xian stroked his forehead, and he started arguing again. He hurriedly pulled Lan Nan's sleeves and reminded him in a small voice, "Nan Nan, you heard that Uncle Tian is all right, and the thirteenth prince helped him. It's a great contribution."

  Nan Nan finally heard clearly this time, and his eyes brightened. Is Uncle Wen Tian okay?

  Hey, Uncle Mo just said that the thirteenth prince in front of him helped him?

Nan Nan looked embarrassed with his chin, and finally nodded after a long while, and said generously, "Well, you helped me Uncle Wentian, then Uncle Bao'er's affairs have been wiped out, and I won't care about you. "

  Qi Hantian's mouth twitched, saying that it seemed to have something to do with you. It was really shameless to care if it had nothing to do with you.

   "However, this does not mean that you can marry my mother."

  Qi Hantian stiffened and stared at him, "Why?"

"What and why?" Nan Nan looked at him like an idiot, blinked, and said, "My mother has my father, do you know the earth-shattering story of my father and my mother? I think you are sure I haven't read it, let me tell you, I have a book about the touching love story between them. I sell it to you at a cheaper price. How about a couple of silver?"

  Mo Xian secretly sighed, Nan Nan, it’s not time to do business, do you know?

  Qi Hanwei almost burst into laughter, is he short of money? He heard that he sells books in the Ping An Restaurant, it seems that they only have a hundred texts apiece. This kid, at a young age, is very good at doing business. After knowing the identity of Thirteen, he started asking for prices.

   "I don't watch." Qihan weather whispered, "No matter what story is between your mother and your father, it is all over. The young girl has not married Master Xiu yet, there are many variables."

"What's the change? My father is handsome and charming, and my mother will definitely marry him." Nan Nan glanced at Mo Xian and raised his eyebrows, which seemed to be telling him,'I just praised me. Daddy, you have to report truthfully or exaggeratedly when you go back to get my dad’s reward, you know?

  Mo Xian actually wanted to go, the two little guys got on the bar, and they didn’t know when they could discuss a result.

  The problem is that he wants to persuade Nan Nan not to let it go. Even Prince Qi on the side just watched the excitement, no matter how big the conflict between the two children can be.

  Well, even Prince Qi is watching, then he... let's just watch the changes. As long as you didn't start a fight, and didn't say anything too outrageous, just leave them alone.

Mo Xian was still thinking about countermeasures, and Qi Hantian had already coldly snorted over there, "Handsome, unrestrained and suave? These are just superficial things. Your father is a lot of age. I am younger than him. When I grow up to be a talent, your father is already old and his face is full of wrinkled skin. The young girl will definitely not look down upon him."

  Nannan blinked and thought about it for a while, but also thought it made sense. No one can stay the same in appearance.

  Niangqin is also an appearance association. This kind of love for the new and tired of the old crosses the river and bridges, and it is really possible to do it.


   "But my dad has my mother's child."

  Mo Xian and Qi Hanwei were stunned at the same time. Why do they sound so weird? Lord Xiu has a young girl... child?

  Pray for cold weather to be stunned, yeah, this seems to be a serious problem. He pursed his lips, and thought hard, "So what? Young girl, young girl needs a good life, I can give it to him, I am the thirteenth prince of Liuyun Nation."

  What's so good about this, his father is also a prince. Nan Nan snorted coldly, "But, my dad has a smart and lively son."

   "But your dad can't give the young girl a sense of security. There are many enemies around your dad. If they deal with your dad, they will definitely hurt the young girl."

   Nan Nan banged his cheeks, did he understand, "But, my dad has a terrific son."

  Qing for the cold weather, "The young girl is a ghost doctor, a quagmire girl. She yearns for freedom. If your father can't give her, I can give it to him."

   Qi Hanwei frowned. Thirteen, are you sure you can give the young girl such a life?

Nan Nan said angrily, "I said, my father has a son."

   "You, you..." Qi Hantian gritted his teeth and pointed at Nan Nan angrily, "Are you only saying this?"

   "Then I'm telling the truth." Nan Nan is innocent. Isn't this **** not allowing him to tell the truth?

  Qi Hantian's face collapsed, he stomped fiercely, turned and ran, "It's great to have a son, and it's great to have a son."


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