The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 485: The evidence is naturally

   "Lord, what happened today is actually the trick of the lady and the second lady."

  What happened today? The third prince frowned. Did she mean that he appeared here and confronted Yuqing?

  Qiulan's arm broke free from his palm, and took a small step back without a trace, lest he get emotional and grab his shoulder again.

"The prince, the maidservant has been a servant in this jade mansion for many years. He knows very well about the affairs of the mansion and the geographical location of the mansion. Yesterday morning, the slave and maidservant came back from the outside and found that one had never seen him. Women who have passed by are walking around in the mansion. Recently, Jade Mansion is in an eventful period. The servants are afraid that someone may want to pick up some moths from the airport, so they plan to go to the wife and tell her about it."

  Yuqing took a sip of tea and told Chen Jixin? This kind of thing seems to be more convenient, quicker, and more effective to tell the head of the Fuzhong Nursing Home, Liang Jiu. This Qiulan must have been a second-class maid for many years, and she was eager to go to see Chen Jixin in person.

  Chen Ji's face turned pale, the person who came last morning...was Qiulan seeing?

  Damn it, didn’t that person say that she was a martial artist and no one knew that she appeared in Yufu?

Presumably, he felt Chen Ji’s fierce and vicious eyes, Qiulan shrank her neck and hurriedly bowed her head and continued, "But when the slave and maid took the path to the wife’s yard, she passed by the room where the lady used to live. When I was in the abandoned yard, I heard the lady’s voice. The servant was curious, so she wanted to see what was going on. Unexpectedly, the sound of broken porcelain came from inside. The servant was terrified, but couldn’t help it, so she entered quietly. The courtyard is hidden under the window."

  Yu Qingrou's pupils shrank. At that time, Qiulan was outside? Didn't she hear everything they said?

Yu Qingrou showed an anxious look in her eyes, and tried to interrupt Qiulan several times, but Jin Liuli in front of her was like a wall with eyes on her back, blocking her in front of her, making her a half step. Can't step out.

Qiulan's voice continued, "The slave-maid heard and heard the voice of a strange woman saying that if the lady wants to deal with Princess Tianfu, she must cooperate with them. The servant-servant was terrified at the time. What about Madam Tianfu? Can I hurt the princess? Isn't that a felony of ransacking the family?"

"The slave and maid were terribly scared. She shrank under the window and couldn't move, but she heard their next plan. The man said that as long as the wife went to the street to meet the young master and tell him that the master is seriously ill, the young master is a filial person, and it must be I won’t leave it alone, and he happens to have a world-renowned ghost doctor beside him, and he will definitely bring it together."

  Yu Qingluo laughed, Qiulan's words seem to please her. Why, I feel that the Yufu is already at the end of the battle, do you want to show yourself well first, so that she and her will count Yu Baoer's accounts?

Qiulan swallowed and continued, "The man also said that as long as Princess Tianfu comes, the wife can take the opportunity to mislead the princess to say something that shouldn't be said. In this way, she can sue the princess in front of the emperor and say the princess To deceive the world, to deceive the royal family, and to shame the Lord Xiu by the way. However, just by relying on the identity of Mrs. Yu, there is no way to see the emperor, and there is no way to make the emperor believe her."

  The three princes understood her words instantly, yes, Chen Ji wanted to deal with Yu Qingluo, he must have someone with enough weight to help him. And that person is him.

  Qiulan looked at the face of the third prince, and she was a little frightened and wanted to stop, but the third prince suddenly raised her voice and said, "Go on."

"Yes." Qiulan bowed her head hurriedly, "the man told his wife that the third prince would go to the jade decoration shop in the east gate after he got off the court today, and the wife would be able to meet him as long as he went there. , Easy to be controlled by your wife..."

  The three princes have a gloomy expression, so easy to control.

   "So." Hearing this, Ion Fan gracefully placed the teacup on the table and asked with a smile, "The truth is in the calculation of that person?"

"No..." Qiu Lan shook her head, "The man just asked the wife to arrange the prince in a dark place. The grandfather came here, maybe... it may be the lady's own intention. The slave-maid guessed that the madam wanted to be with the grandfather. The reputation of Princess Tianfu is ruined in front of him."

  By the way, create Yuqing's gentle, gentle and noble image, well, you can kill two birds with one stone, not bad.

  Yu Qing held his hands down, smiling and staring at Yu Qingrou whose face was flushed with anger. It's a pity, it's a pity that stealing chickens won't lose money.

  If the mother and daughter really did what the man said, they are not sure, they would really go to the emperor again. After all, without the checks and balances of the ion sail, the three princes are far more arrogant and rude than they are now.

"Qiulan, what are you talking nonsense? Who taught you to say this? What good is it for you to arrange us like this?" Yu Qingrou's expression was fierce, but when she saw Ion Sail looking at her, she changed again. It's so heartbroken.

"Qiulan, the Yu family treats you very well, and our mother and daughter have never treated you badly. Are you willing to avenge your grievances so that you are not afraid of thunder and lightning?" At this moment, Yu Qingrou still speaks half soberly, "Ha, Did you see that my dad was sick, did you think that our Jade Mansion was going to fall? Do you think the Jade Mansion was already unreliable, did you? That's why you fell on the ground, you were bought, right?"

   "Heh, a woman who is still unfamiliar? You actually made up a person who doesn't exist at all. How can you have such a vicious mind?"

  Yuqing sighed, why is she still acting at this time?

  The third prince frowned, and Yu Qingrou's words were not unreasonable. What's more, what Qiu Lan just said is very similar to what Yu Qingluo said earlier, and it cannot be ruled out that the two of them vented from the same nostril.

The third prince vacillated, and Yu Qingrou immediately began to intensify, "Qiulan, an unfaithful person like you, will always betray the master's dog for money. Do you think what you say is credible? It's all here. Smart man, who would believe the nonsense you said?"

   "Yes." Yu Qingluo lazily interface, "There is no basis for saying this, and no one will believe it."

  Yu Qingrou was taken aback, and the three princes were also surprised. Would Yu Qingluo agree with Yu Qingrou's words?

  Only ion sail, I continued to pour myself a glass of water casually, moisturizing the luster and soft lips, smiling and waiting.

  A trace of pride and determination flashed across Qiulan’s face, "What I said, of course, is not just plain words, I have evidence."


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