The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 638: I will draw you a place

Nan Nan was taken aback for a moment, then opened his eyes and sniffed.

"Ah, Daddy is looking for my mother, this is easy to handle. I will draw you a map. It must be familiar and easy to understand. Daddy will be able to find her soon." He smiled doglegally, and ran to him. Bringing rice paper and pen and ink from the side, he squatted on the table and began to draw with a smile.

  But for a moment, he took the drawn map and stalled it in front of Ye Xiudu, and said in kindness, "Father, take a look, if you follow this, you can find your mother right away."

  Ye Xiu glanced at him alone, and snorted slightly, "Isn't it easier for you to take me to find your mother? Why bother to draw a map?"

  Moreover, the paintings are not trivial and nondescript, who can understand a lot of black ink?

  "Wait when I return to Fengcang Country, I will learn how to paint with Lan Sheng." This little guy has such a bad point.

   Nan Nan thought, Dad must be very angry, and his words have become yin and yang weird, so terrifying.

He gave a dry laugh, squeezed the paper in his hand hard, kneaded it into a ball, and then said seriously, "Daddy, I think, the problem between you and your mother must be solved by yourself. You must be serious. Talk carefully and carefully.” In fact, the most important thing is that he dare not show up with his father in front of his mother, otherwise the mother must think that he is on his side.

   When the time comes, my mother will be so sad and sad. He is so sensible, so well-behaved, and gentlemanly, how can he do things that make women sad?

  Ye Xiu Duo's mouth twitched, he hadn't settled with him yet, he was fine, and even dared to preach to him.

   "Daddy, trust between husband and wife is very important. Really, this is my experience."

  Ye Xiu raised her eyebrows alone, "experience?" Why didn't he know that he had experience in getting along between husband and wife?

   "..." Nan Nan choked, talking too fast, and started to scribble without passing through his brain.

   "I mean, I have been with my mother for many years, and I know my mother's temper very well, and I am very experienced." Well, that's what I mean.

   Ye Xiu grabbed him alone, spreading his palms uncontrollably and rubbing his face fiercely.

"Um..." Nan Nan couldn't breathe easily, his head turned back and his nose was red, and it took him a long time to cultivate alone before letting go. He immediately broke away from his hand and retreated three steps away, clutching his nose and shouted, "Daddy, You murdered me."

   Ye Xiu stared at his blush pink face, and for a long while, he secretly sighed and said, "Come here."

Nan Nan shook his head, "If I go there, my handsome little face will not be kept, I..." Ye Xiu's eyes widened, Nan Nan was startled, and the conversation turned, and said hurriedly, "I mean, even if In this way, I will definitely listen to what Dad said." After speaking, he jumped in front of him swiftly without any pause.

   Ye Xiu snorted softly, hugged his small body, placed him on his lap and sat.

   After a pause, he stretched out his hand and squeezed his small face, and asked, "I have suffered a lot on this journey. Look at my weight loss."

   "I didn't suffer. My mother was tired to death. She had to take care of me and sister Yu. I lost weight because I missed my father."

   "Sister Yu?" Ye Xiu was surprised, why for no reason there was another person he didn't know at all?

Nan Nan's eyes widened and said angrily, "Daddy, I have three meanings in one sentence. When I mentioned three people, you only noticed one sister Yu. I said I was disappointed in you, and you didn't even ask. Asked how tired my mother was, but didn't ask how I missed you, you...ah."

   Ye Xiu duo knocked him on the head fiercely and sneered, "Are you reminding me that I should ask you and your mother to settle the accounts?"

   "..." Nan Nan felt that he couldn't talk about his own dad, and the person who made the mistake first would always suffer more. "Ah, Sister Yu is a girl we met on the road who was hunted and killed, about the same age as me. By the way, the most important thing is that she has the same flower-shaped birthmark as mine, because of this. , We will take her on the road."

   "What?" Ye Xiudu couldn't help being shocked. He really didn't expect that there would be a child the size of Nan Nan with such a birthmark. But how can such a child be known to no one?

  Mongol people with flower-shaped birthmarks have always been very rare and treated specially.

  Nan Nan nodded vigorously, and then started dancing and talking about the things on the road.

  I haven't seen Daddy for nearly a month, but he really missed it in his heart. When I didn't know that Daddy existed, I didn't feel anything, anyway, it was enough for a mother to love him. But when I got along with my dad, I found out that I couldn't tell the uncomfortable feeling in my heart.

  Ke's mother's decision, the mother said it was for the good of her father, and he listened to her mother's words.

  Now meeting again, he couldn't help but want to get closer.

  Nannan has been chattering endlessly. Even when Shen Ying came in after lunch, he couldn't bear to stop. He just took two bites and put it aside.

  Ye Xiu looked at him alone, and his heart was instantly soft and messed up. The little guy even put down his favorite food, no matter how angry he was, it was softened by his every move.

  When he had said all the things he saw and heard all along the way, the sky also darkened.

  Ye Xiu hugged Nan Nan alone and walked to the window edge, his mouth pressed tightly.

  He thought, it's about time, that woman, he can't wait to see her too.

  When Shen Ying came in again, he brought a few more Nan Nan favorite dim sums.

  Nan Nan turned his head to look at Ye Xiudu strangely, "Daddy?" Didn't he say not to eat? Why did it come in again?

   "Eat first, after eating, let's go to see your mother, you can eat more." Ye Xiu smiled at him alone, touched his head and placed him on a chair beside him.

  Nan Nan suddenly felt like sitting on pins and needles, looking back at Ye Xiudu with bitterness. How could he have the illusion of the last dinner? How could he still have an appetite for Daddy's words that are full of meaning.

   "Why? These are all small points unique to the Mongolian nationality, don't you like it?"

  Nan Nan shook his head pitifully, and took a deep breath, as if he was about to go to the guillotine, and took the delicate cake closest to him.

  After he had eaten two pieces of wax with the same taste, Ye Xiudu finally stopped trying to force him, and left the inn with one piece in his arms.

  Nannan lay down on his shoulders listlessly, pursing his lips and whispering, "Turn left...turn intersection ahead...this is the place.


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