Meng Luoyu was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly grasped Nan Nan's hand, a little nervous.

  She has always been very defensive towards people. Even if this person is Nan Nan's father, he is also a stranger to her.

  What's more, she doesn't even trust her father, let alone this man who looks cold and has no soft expression.

  Moreover, until now, she is still not sure why Aunt Qing took Nan Nan to leave this man alone and came to the Mongols. Maybe, maybe it was because the man did something to hurt Aunt Qing and didn't pay much attention to Nan Nan.

  So, she still wanted to delay a little bit, and wait for Aunt Qing to come back.

   But Nan Nan on the side has already reached out to Shen Ying, "Uncle Shen, my sister Yu has not eaten dinner yet, you take us to eat."

  "Nannan, he..."

  Nannan blinked, and the next moment, suddenly thinking of Meng Luoyu's life experience, he suddenly realized.

He hurriedly took her hand and smiled, "Let's go, my Uncle Shen has money. There is father here, he and his mother have very important things to talk about, we are here, it will affect them. "

  Daddy made it clear that he would avoid him. If he doesn't know the current affairs, he will definitely add fuel to the fire and burn both himself and his mother.

  Well, so now, he can only rely on the mother's own wisdom to deal with the father, he still believes in the mother's ingenuity.

  Meng Luoyu hesitated for a while, nodded, and then looked back at Ye Xiu Duo. Seeing that he looked indifferent and a little timid, he obediently followed Shen Ying out.

  Until the door closed behind them, Nan Nan asked him, "Uncle Shen, are we staying in the inn where Daddy lives today?"


  Shen Ying nodded, holding one in one hand. When he came downstairs, he met Peng Ying below. The latter's eyes widened, looking at him like a child's father from left to right, and couldn't help but smirk while covering his mouth.

  Shen Ying glared at him and hummed, "Why are you smiling, why don't you drive the carriage?" Fang Cai Nannan said, and Mengluoyu didn't wear her hat and couldn't walk on the street.

  Peng Ying coughed lightly, and discussed with the shopkeeper about renting a carriage.

  After a short while, a group of four people got into the carriage and left the inn loudly.

  Just half an hour after they left the inn, Yu Qingluo also brought two paper bags into the door.

  The things in her hand were specially prepared for Meng Luoyu. From the beginning, she knew that Meng Luoyu's body was not as good as an average child, and perhaps a child who had been abused for a long time and whose development was not as good as normal.

  Hurry on the road, no time or energy to restore her body. Now that the Mongolian people have finally stabilized, there is no need for bumps and fatigue, and Meng Luoyu's nutrition should also keep up with it in a timely manner.

  Otherwise, she is really worried that her anemia is too serious, and no one knows when she fainted in the room.

Yu Qingluo handed the paper bag to the shopkeeper, and said in a low voice, "Wait later, help me make this red bean porridge. I will cook these two things and deliver them to the room tomorrow. I wrote them on paper. This is silver. ."

  As long as you use silver, these trivial things are naturally to be done properly.

The shopkeeper responded immediately, took the money, and handed over the two oil paper bags to the shop, and in front of Yu Qingluo's face, he solemnly ordered, "Go to the kitchen, and you must strictly follow the instructions written on the girl's paper. Do it, understand?"

   "Okay, I'm going now." Xiaoer, Xiao Er, nodded to Yu Qing, and immediately took the things to the backyard.

  Yu Qingluo nodded, and then lifted up the stairs.

  However, when she first walked to the top of the stairs, she ran into another guy in the store. The guy glanced at her twice, as if he was confirming the person. After a while, a smile appeared on his face, "Is the girl living in Room 3 of Tianzi with two children?"

  Yuqing fell for a moment, then stopped, "Yes, what's the matter?"

   "Oh, there is a child named Nan Nan. He said he took Sister Yu to the back alley to find something good, and he will be back soon."

  Yu Qingluo frowned, Nan Nan, the little guy, is afraid that Meng Luoyu will be bored alone in the room, and take her out to relax?

  She couldn't help but shook her head, sighed, nothing else, she was in the back alley anyway, not far away.

   "I see." Yu Qingluo smiled and nodded, then turned and walked upstairs. After walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped and said to the guy, "Get me two buckets of water."

  The weather is not good today. It rained in the morning, but the sun was full in the afternoon. People who were choked with the air felt uncomfortable.

  She was outside all day long, she was already sweating, her body was sticky, and she was uncomfortable.

  While Nan Nan and the others are not back, he takes a shower first and changes his clothes.

  The buddy agreed and went down.

  Until Yuqing fell upstairs and entered the room. The guy let out a sigh of relief, hurried to the back of the column downstairs, and whispered to the person standing there, "Master, I have already done what you ordered to tell the girl. Up."

   "Well, this is for you." Ye Xiu nodded expressionlessly, and handed him a small ingot in his hand.

  The guy's eyes were happy, and he thanked him again and again, and turned around to get busy.

  If Ye Xiu's one-lip corner hooked like nothing, finally... I saw her.

  Sure enough, she was a little thinner, her complexion didn't seem very good, she seemed to be very busy and tired. This woman would take care of other children, so why didn't she know how to take good care of herself?

  She is like this, how can he let him go and clean her up?

  This woman is obviously deliberate, otherwise, how could she toss herself like this?


  Yu Qingluo sneezed for no apparent reason, her nose was itchy, and her heartbeat felt a little bit faster.

  She shook her head hurriedly, walked to the table, and looked at the neat and delicate words written by Meng Luoyu. She didn't know much about these fonts, and she couldn't tell her temperament or mind from the words written by Meng Luoyu.

  Yu Qingluo just thinks that such characters are indeed very beautiful and make people feel very comfortable.

  There was a knock from the guy outside the door, Yu Qingluo put down the notebook, turned around and opened the door.

  The guy smiled at her and walked behind the screen with water.

  After a while, the water in the tub was filled back and forth half full.

Yu Qingluo closed the door, exhaled a long breath, and slowly sank into the tub, leaned comfortably next to the tub, closed his eyes with enjoyment, and let the mild water vapor permeate his body, gently sticking to it. On the skin.

  At the same time, a slender figure stood at the door of Tianzi No. 3 room, her eyes gleaming slightly.

   On his hand, he firmly squeezed the wrinkled and broken note in his palm.


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