Meng Ke's whole person is not good, and he suddenly raised his head and stared at Yu Qingluo, but the latter was just serious, with serious eyes, fixedly looking at the old Yue Clan.

  The old moon clan hadn't thought of anything, but the sentence that Wu Miansheng mentioned before was interrupted by the sound of Meng Ke entering the door, but it still caused ripples in his heart.

  He instantly remembered that he still had an undervalued granddaughter, and nodded, “Yes, there is a child. This year seems to be... Keer, how old is that child?”

   "Five years old." Meng Ke bit her lip, her fingers tightened, and her heart was terribly irritable.

  Yu Qingluo feels annoyed, Xiaoyu’s status in the family is simply too low. Now Mengfu has only one child, and she is not taken seriously. If this young lady has another child in the future, will it be worth it?

  The old moon clan thought for a moment, the five-year-old child is indeed almost the same.

  He raised his head and said to Meng Ke, "Go and bring that child over, let me mention her a few words."

   Meng Ke was resentful, and at this moment, he had already hated Yuqing for a long time. This woman surnamed Tang is clearly her nemesis. What child does she mention inexplicably?

  She looked a little embarrassed by the elder of the last month, and she whispered, "Master, that kid... has some madness, I'm afraid I can't wait on the bedside."

  Madness? The old Yue Clan was surprised, "How come you got madness? Why didn't you talk about it earlier?"

"Yes, it was brought out in the mother's womb. It was not obvious at first, but when I was two or three years old, I had some symptoms. Now I bite and eat sleeves when I see people. I didn't intentionally hide this. It’s just that the father’s body is not good. If it is known that there is a mad boy in the old mansion of the Yue clan, it is spread out for fear of being gossiped. Therefore, people have been kept in the backyard carefully, thinking about the old mansion of the Yue clan It's okay to raise a girl's house. After all, this is the blood of the master."

   What she said is also reasonable. The Yue clan thinks that Meng Rong has a disability. Although he has a flower-shaped birthmark on his body, it is still something that everyone talks about in the Mongol. If outsiders were to know that Meng Rong's daughter was born mad, maybe outsiders would think that this was something that was done in the Old Mansion of the Yue Clan and was retribution.

  It's okay for Ke'er to conceal this matter.

   sighed, he could only turn around and said to Yu Qingluo, “Ms. Tang, look, can you think of another way, the crazy people are in this room, I’m afraid something will happen.”

  Meng Ke breathed a sigh of relief, silently lowering his eyes.

  Yu Qingluo laughed, "It's okay, the child has this disease, why didn't you tell me earlier, bring me to see, maybe I can cure the child's disease."

Crazy? Oh, even if it was crazy, it was driven crazy by Meng Ke.

  Yue Clan’s eyes lit up, yeah, why didn’t he expect it? Only the next moment, his eyes dimmed again, "But this is brought out of the mother's womb..."

  I heard that the diseases brought out by the mother's womb could not be cured. He just heard Meng Ke said that it was serious. Don't really bite Tang girl at that time. On the contrary, she annoyed her, even with Rong'er's illness.

  The old Qiongshan doctor frowned, "Let you bring it over and bring it over. It just so happens that we are both here. Are you not happy to treat the child in your house?"

The elder Yue Clan pursed his lips, and suddenly raised his head and said, "If this is the case, then I will bring that child." There are so many people here, it's not even a five-year-old child.

  He thought, turning around and said to Meng Ke, "Go and find the child."

  Meng Ke only felt that the sky was spinning. At this moment, the little bone of Meng Luoyu was long gone. Where would she go to find it?

  The Yue Clan always watched her not move, and urged a few more words.

  Meng Ke can only bite the bullet and bless her, and leave the night top-heavy.

  As soon as she walked out the door, her legs softened unconsciously.

   Bier was taken aback, and hurriedly supported her, and whispered, "Madam, calm down."

   "Where did I find a child? This woman named Tang is damned." Meng Ke lowered his voice, gritted his teeth and grabbed the veil in his hand. The forceful man actually pulled the veil out of a hole.

  Bier hurriedly helped her walk a few steps, "Madam, the most urgent thing is to find a child and bring it to the master to see, otherwise, she will have to wear it for help."

   "Child, where do I go to find a child?" Meng Ke rubbed his eyebrows with a terrible headache.

  Even if Meng Luoyu is in the house at the moment, she can't really bring her here. Otherwise, the birthmark on her body will be discovered by the surnamed Tang, where will she still have a place in this mansion by then? What's more, Meng Luoyu at this moment didn't know where she had gone.

  I hope the killers have already solved the people, otherwise it will be a disaster sooner or later.

   "I really regret that I didn't choke people to death when she was just born."

  Bier hurriedly looked around, but found no one, and then took a few steps forward.

When I walked to the corner with no one on the side, I whispered, "Young lady, there is a Liang at the concierge, but there is a girl who is just four or five years old. Shall we... find that child? Come? Master, they have never seen Meng Luoyu anyway."

   "A Liang?" Meng Ke naturally can't remember all the servants in this mansion, but it is better to have a child than nothing, "A Liang, is that reliable?"

Bier nodded, "That's an honest one. As long as the lady gives some money and a few more vigilances, it shouldn't be a big problem. Anyway, it's not the lady who has the final say on the affairs of this house? As long as no one talks too much and gets confused for a while Time is okay."

"Besides, that kid made her crazy, messed up Miss Tang, pulled her clothes and skirts, I guess Miss Tang would not be able to bear it. Women attach great importance to reputation, and in front of so many men, it happens to teach Miss Tang a little lesson. To embarrass her."

"After taking the child back, when the master and the others lost their minds, they found an excuse to say that the child was dead. Then let Aliang send the child to the countryside for a few years, and the appearance changed and then brought it back. It was not too old. Thing."

  Bier looked impulsive and arrogant, but the starting point is also a set.

   Meng Ke frowned, she still felt that this matter was a bit unreliable, and there were many loopholes. But now, there is no other way, let's solve this urgent need first.

Therefore, she stood up straight and nodded, "Let's go and find Aliang. I'm afraid it will take some time to do this. You have to keep someone outside at night. If the master comes out, just come over and say. ."


  Half an hour later, Meng Ke took a neatly dressed but silly smiling child into the night again.

  Yu Qingluo smiled when she saw the child.


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