Ye Xiu frowned, not willing to hear her talking, but wanted to move forward, but Yuqing held her chin under his chin.

   "Be serious, I really have something very important to tell you." She was really confused recently, the last time she was completely forgotten by herself.

  Ye Xiu Du was annoyed, grabbed her hand and took a bite, then glared at her, "You said."

   "Do you remember the last time Concubine Xiao Xiao? We were attacked while praying at the temple, and there was a man who seriously injured Concubine Xiao Xiao?"

  Ye Xiu squinted his eyes alone, "I know, that's... the mother's concubine."

   "Well, I saw him in the old mansion of the famous clan a few days ago." Yu Qingluo looked at Ye Xiudu's expression, and said exactly what she had seen that day.

  Until the voice fell, Ye Xiudu's hand tugged tightly.

   "Do you... have any ideas?" Yu Qingluo asked in a low voice, feeling that his face was very bad.

  Every time I mentioned the imperial concubine Meng, Ye Xiu Du's expression was not very good. Yes, a mother who wants to kill herself will have complicated emotions in her heart.

  Ye Xiu alone took her to sit on a chair beside her, her expression very serious.

   "The relationship between the concubine and uncle has always been very good."

  "..." What does this mean?

   "Mongolian people have rules. Men of the Mongolian nationality cannot participate in the royal battles of the other four countries, otherwise they will be expelled from the Mongolian." When the old clan elders talked to him about supporting Ye Haoting ascending the throne, he was just a joke.

  After all, he knows his master’s temperament very well. Even if he hasn’t seen him for more than ten years, he also knows his master’s temperament for children sometimes, but he just likes to watch him deflate, and he has no ambitions.

  Otherwise, with his ability, he would have taken the position of patriarch a long time ago.

  So he didn't care about what the old clan said at that time.

  But...for Mengzhicheng, Ye Xiu alone didn't have much confidence. He didn't have much contact with that uncle, and they all said that his nephew was like his uncle, and he was like Meng Zhicheng's temperament, who was inclined to taciturn.

  So the two are not friendly, and meeting at most is just a nodding acquaintance, greeting each other, no more contact.

  Now it seems that he keeps in touch with his mother and concubine very frequently. No wonder the clan elders didn't know the news about his stay in the imperial capital, and he didn't even get news about such an important thing as owning Nannan.

  He always felt that this was the news that Concubine Meng had concealed, but he also felt that she was in the imperial capital, and it was unlikely that she would be completely blocked. Thinking about it now, the person who did this should have been cured.

  Ye Xiu rubbed her eyebrows alone, "I really hope that uncle didn't participate in this matter." Otherwise, grandpa will definitely be affected in the future.

  Ke Yuqingluo is worried about another thing at the moment.

   "Concubine Meng wants Ye Haoting to be on the throne. You are her thorn in the eye. Now she has a good relationship with your uncle. If you are in harmony with your uncle, it is not good for you, then..."

  Yu Qingluo feels that the most dangerous thing right now is to cultivate independence at night, and she is a little worried. This Mongolian is a place where Mengzhi was established. The people under his team are all masters. There are not many people who can use Ye Xiu alone. There will be a conflict at that time, which is very bad.

  Yu Qingluo suddenly regretted it. At this time, she shouldn't have made enemies with that old Monkoli clan. The number of enemies increased, and it would not do them any good.

  Ye Xiu turned her head alone, seeing that her eyebrows were knotted, she couldn't help but laughed, Qing'er was concerned and messed up...

   "Qing'er, you also said that you are now in the Mongolian nationality. In the Mongolian nationality, men who kill flower-shaped birthmarks will end up worse, do you understand?"

   Yuqing fell for a moment.

Ye Xiudu took her to sit on her lap, "In other words, I am in the Mongolian nationality, which is the safest. Master knows that I am here. As long as there is no news from me one day, this matter will reach the ears of the patriarch. When the time comes, the whole clan will be alarmed and will definitely investigate thoroughly. Uncle will not take such a risk."

  Yuqing twitched the corners of her mouth. What a man like he was?

  The words of not staying overnight to cultivate independence really comforted her.

  Yu Qingluo let out a sigh of relief. Yes, Ye Xiudu and Meng Luoyu are in different situations. Everyone knows that he has a birthmark. Unlike Meng Luoyu, everyone is kept in the dark.

   But soon, Xiaoyu can see the sky again soon, and is valued by everyone.

  Yuqing's eyes shone brightly, leaning against Ye Xiudu's arms, not knowing what he was thinking.

   That night, Ye Xiu Duguo really hugged her to sleep all night. It was a light sleep that woke up when she was surprised. For Ye Xiudu, it was simply torture.

  At that time, he really looked forward to the reappearance of Meng Ke's people, and asked him to get up and move around to pack up a few people, so as to vent the fire.

  It's just a pity. With Nan Nan in his hands, Meng Ke didn't want to have any more extravagances, and there was no more movement. All night, it was terribly quiet.

  Yu Qingluo slept quite well. With Ye Xiu alone by her side, she didn't have to worry about anything. She yawned contentedly until dawn.

   When he opened his eyes, Ye Xiudu was no longer in bed. Yu Qingluo rubbed his neck, feeling very comfortable.

  Hong Ye appeared at the door of the room with Meng Luoyu, and Meng Luoyu was wearing a veil on her head. She held Hongye's hand tightly, looking very nervous.

  Yu Qingluo took the gilded invitation, she didn't even plan to go to the Yue Clan old mansion to go to the meeting place with him.

  "Are you afraid?" Yu Qingluo asked.

  Meng Luoyu shook her head, "I'm not afraid, but worried about Nannan."

  In fact, she had a vague feeling, as if Nan Nan had disappeared somehow, maybe it was related to herself.

  Yu Qingluo smiled and stretched out her hand.

  Meng Luoyu let go of Hongye, stood beside her, and grabbed Yu Qingluo's hand.

  Her hands are sweaty, not afraid, but nervous.

  Meng Luoyu wanted to see the patriarch, but now he really is about to see it.

  Hong Ye smiled, turned around and went out to get into the carriage. He just walked to the door, only to see Tianzheng looking at her with a smile.

  Hongye blushed, and ran back in a hurry.

  Yuqing looked at her in surprise, "What's wrong?"

   "Wen Tian has prepared the carriage, just outside."

  Yu Qingluo nodded, Ye Xiudu said that in order to prevent Meng Ke from making any further movements on the road, he would let Wentian come over and take her over, and there was also some protection in secret.

  Fortunately, nothing happened on the road. When Yu Qingluo arrived at the periphery of the venue, she went smoothly and quickly.

  It was noisy outside, surrounded by many people. They had no invitations, so they could only look inside with their necks stretched out.

  Before the wine tasting conference started, Yu Qingluo felt that the surrounding area was full of mellow wine aromas, which was very intoxicating.

  If Nan Nan is here, I may not be able to bear the brightening of his eyes.

  Yu Qingluo smiled, holding Hong Ye's hand down from the carriage.


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