The   Yue Clan elder was surprised when he saw Yu Qing fall, and then quickened his pace and hurriedly greeted him.

   "Miss Tang, why did you come so early?"

  Yu Qingluo nodded slightly, and smiled, "I can’t wait to see the scale of this wine tasting conference, so I didn’t go to the mansion and came here directly. Don’t be mad at the old moon clan.

   "What did Miss Tang say? I didn't think about it. I should have someone pick you up earlier." The old moon clan seemed to be in a good mood. He hadn't been in such a lively for a long time.

  Since the accident in the fight against Meng Rong, he has no intention of doing anything. Now that Meng Rong is getting better, apart from the regret that he didn't find his granddaughter, he also has a happy event anyway.

  The old Yue clan said, looking down at Meng Luoyu next to Yu Qingluo, a little surprised, "This is..."

  This is Miss Tang’s child? But didn’t the Qiongshan doctor say that Miss Tang’s child is a man? Why is a girl here with me?

Meng Ke behind    fiercely tightened the veil in his hand, his eyes slammed on Yu Qingluo's body, his eyes were full of warnings. Meng Luoyu was wearing a veil and hat, although she didn't see it very clearly, but Meng Ke knew that this person was the one she wanted to get rid of.

  Meng Luoyu is also very nervous, this is the old Yue Clan... is it her grandfather?

  She grew up so old that she had never seen her grandfather. For the first time, grandfather cast his eyes on him, and she was very nervous.

  Yu Qingluo glanced at several people, and when everyone's hearts were lifted up, he smiled lightly, "This is a child of a friend of mine. Come join in the fun too."

The elder Yue Clan nodded, smiled at Meng Luoyu, and said softly, "It looks like a well-behaved child."

He said, he paused, and suddenly he took off a small delicate jade pendant from his body and handed it directly to Meng Luoyu, "When I first met, I didn’t prepare any good things. Little girl, if you don’t dislike it, just accept it. Let's do this."

  Meng Luoyu was surprised, Meng Ke was surprised, and Wu Miansheng was also surprised.

The   Yue Clan was so friendly to a child who met for the first time, and he took the initiative to loosen things. This situation is unbelievable.

  Yu Qingluo also raised her eyebrows, and looked at the Yue Clan elder in confusion, "Yue Clan elder, this is not very good. This jade pendant looks very precious."

  Although she really wants to take it for herself.

The old Yue clan sighed and rubbed the jade pendant in his hand with a low voice, "Miss Tang, you also know the current situation of our family. Rong'er, he...hey, I also regret it very much. I didn't take good care of it at the beginning. Little granddaughter, so much so that she now..."

  The old moon clan gritted his teeth and swallowed the words in his mouth.

  Sometimes, you really have to wait until you lose it before you know how to cherish it.

  Now knowing that he no longer has a grandchild, and that he will no longer be able to play with his grandchildren in the future, the Yue clan elders have an inexplicable affection for the child. Especially this child who looks about the same age as his granddaughter, even more pity.

  Meng Luoyu grabbed Yu Qingluo's hand and raised her eyes to look at her.

  Yu Qingluo nodded, Meng Luoyu went to pick up the jade pendant from the old moon clan, and said clearly, "Thank you."

   "Really sensible." The old Yue clan smiled and couldn't help touching her head.

   Then he raised his eyes to look at Yu Qingluo, "Where is Miss Tang's child? I also have a small gift for him."

  He prepared this early in the morning. Hearing that Miss Tang’s children love to eat, he prepared some food. Now he was holding it in Wu Miansheng's hand behind him.

Yu Qingluo glanced at Meng Ke. Meng Ke's face was very ugly at the moment, especially when she saw the kindness of Yue Clan old man to Meng Luoyu, even the roots of her teeth were crushed.

  Fortunately, Yu Qingluo didn't say anything. She probably cared about the relationship between her son and her.

  But what is this woman doing with Meng Luoyu? Do you think you can always find opportunities? It seems that she wants to discuss with her father to let her know how good it is, so as not to catch her son for her to be a joke.

  Meng Ke thought of this, his eyes became gloomy and terrifying.

  Yu Qingluo retracted the gaze that fell on her, and said softly, “Nannan has something to do with him, and the Yue clan elder will be able to see him later.”

  Yue Clan smiled and asked Wu Miansheng to give her things, and then he sat in the row in front of Yu Qingluo.

  His position is different from the others. There are not many positions in the first row, basically the positions of the six elders, all of which are more important. There are tables with tea and snacks next to the seats, and the space is also large, which looks more luxurious.

  The second row can be regarded as the noble guests of the Mongolian nationality and the children of your elders, or the people of high status in the Mongolian nationality.

  As a daughter-in-law like Meng Ke, she can only sit in the third row behind the elder of the Yue clan, even if her father is the elder of the Li clan.

  Except for Meng Ke, it is a restaurant that is as famous in the four countries as Bai Yifeng and ranked among the best in the last wine tasting conference.

  Behind, there are other participating ordinary restaurants and some people who can get invitations when they are idle.

  In the middle is a big round table. On the round table are placed many wine cups and wine glasses, as well as several tables and ribbons.

  The nearest to the round table, there are five tables, and there are shade tents on them, the treatment is much better than them.

The elder Yue Clan gave her a brief introduction, "The five tables are where the five judges sit, and the middle position is the seat of our Mongolian patriarch. Miss Tang hasn’t seen the patriarch yet, she said, although the patriarch has It's over forty, but she's very young. Although she has married a wife, many of the Mongol girls secretly promised her. Miss Tang will be surprised when she sees the patriarch."

  Yu Qingluo secretly twitched the corners of her mouth, yeah yeah, it’s over forty, and it looks almost like someone in her twenties, she is an immortal monster at all, can't you be surprised?

  When she meets Menglu, he is probably the one who will be surprised.

   was talking, suddenly a person came over there cursing.

  Yu Qingluo looked up, and saw the dissatisfaction of Qiongshan doctor's face, and he muttered in his mouth that he didn't know what he was talking about. Seeing Yu Qingluo, she hurried over, "Luoluo."

   "What's wrong with you?" Yu Qing raised her eyebrows.

The elder Yue clan also stood up and glanced at Qiongshan Medical Elder strangely.

  The old Qiongshan doctor sighed heavily, "I am unlucky."


   "I met a broom star when I went out, and I must wash it with grapefruit leaves when I go back tonight to get rid of bad luck." The old Qiongshan doctor looked ugly.

Yu Qingluo was confused when she heard it. The doctor Qiongshan said for a long time and didn't say anything. She wanted to ask more carefully. The red leaf on the side suddenly pulled her sleeves and moved to the exit position. Nu mouth.

  Yu Qingluo looked over and suddenly realized.


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