The young wolf is indeed very close to Nannan. Yu Qingluo pursed his lips and couldn't help but ask, "Nannan, you and this wolf seem to have a relationship."

   "Of course, it's kind of love each other, coyote wolf grows up mighty and tall, and I will be like this when I grow up, so we must have destiny." Nan Nan has a strong understanding ability, and he thinks this is the best explanation.

  Yu Qingluo has become accustomed to his shamelessness.

   "Nan Nan, can you give it a name?" She really felt... very awkward.

Nan Nan blinked, raised his head, and thought hard twice, "In fact, at first I thought it was a good name to use the name Xiongba, but if my mother feels bad, then I have to change it. I think about it. ..."

  His gaze fell into the carriage, looked at the contents inside, and muttered to himself, "Called a bag? A kettle? A pastry?"

  Yu Qingluo's face is full of black lines. Did someone choose his name like this?

  Nannan looked around, but did not find a name that would satisfy her, so she moved her eyes to the outside of the carriage.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he slapped his hands violently, "Yes, I hope the coyote can eat meat as soon as possible. After all, goat's milk is easy to be hungry when drinking goat milk. This is how I am, so I will call it meaty. ."

   "Hehe, hehe." Yu Qingluo smiled unnaturally with her mouth twitching. She glanced at the quiet little wolf nestled in the cage, and said silently, "It's good if you are happy."

  She doesn't expect him to come up with a more advanced name anymore.

  Seeing that her mother had no objections, she immediately squatted on the edge of the cage, smiled and said to the little wolf inside, "From now on, you will be called meaty, how about it? Do you like it? I think it's pretty good."

  The little wolf moved his tail, opened his mouth, and made a low voice, as if in response to Nan Nan.

  Yu Qing raised her eyebrows. This little wolf is usually cold and arrogant. He doesn't even give alms to anyone in his eyes. It is strange that he is friendly to Nannan alone.

  The carriage quickly arrived at the Yue Clan’s Old Mansion, and the people at the door immediately came forward with joy, and greeted them with a smile.

  Yu Qingluo feels a little strange today. The smiles of people here are a little too flattering, a little unusual.

  Nan Nan didn't care, he was all about the little wolf, holding the cage and talking to the flesh inside.

  Yu Qingluo walked for a while, and soon discovered something was wrong. She tentatively looked at the person who led the way, and said with a light smile, "This time, the house seems a bit deserted."

The next person was taken aback, and smiled again, "Yes, many people have been expelled from the house directly by the clan elders, and those people deserve it. They bullied the young lady. There is no distinction between inferiority and inferiority, and the methods are cruel. , To be able to put such a heavy hand on a five-year-old child, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to beat him to death."

  Yu Qingluo suddenly realized, it seems that the old Yue clan really cares about the grievances Meng Luoyu suffered. It was only a night, and the evil slaves had been rectified vigorously.

  It’s good to be expelled from the house directly, so as not to learn the lesson.

  No wonder the servant who led the way today is so respectful to him, presumably he also knows something about her and Meng Luoyu, knowing that she is the most offensive at present.

  The next person led some way, and when he reached the second door, the housekeeper greeted her with a smile on his face, and personally led her inside.

  After a long walk, a few people stopped. The butler pointed to the position on the left and smiled and asked Yu Qingluo's opinion.

  "Miss Tang, this is the new residence of the young lady, and the night is over there. Are you going to see the young lady, or go to help the young master first?"

"Let’s see Xiaoyu first." Yu Qingluo took a look at Meng Luoyu’s residence. It was different from the small yard in the original corner. Looking at the layout and size, you know that Meng Luoyu’s current treatment is not the same. Xiby.

  And this yard is right next to the night, so it is very convenient to see Mengrong.

  The yard is well organized and groomed, and the Yue Clan elders should have taken a lot of thought.

  Yu Qingluo took Nan Nan a few steps forward, and suddenly stopped when he was at the gate of the courtyard, "By the way, where's Yue Clan elder?"

"The clan elder just happened to have something, he said before leaving. If Miss Tang comes, she will be satisfied if she has any orders." The butler smiled and replied, "By the way, the clan elder still inquires with the young lady. After a while, knowing that the young master likes to eat some snacks, he specially ordered the villain to prepare more. Miss Tang and the young master went in for a cup of tea, and the villain immediately brought the things."

  As soon as Nan Nan heard something to eat, his eyes brightened, and he nodded and said, "Okay, okay, we'll go in right away."

  Yu Qingluo grabbed him secretly, told him with his eyes, hold on a little.

  Nannan pouted, somewhat dissatisfied. Seeing this, the butler laughed low.

In fact, this morning, the little lady was still chatting with the young master in the house. He was standing by and waiting. He heard a lot of funny stories about the son of Miss Tang. He felt cute at the time. Now he sees the true face of Lushan Mountain, and finds it still It's really interesting.

  At a young age, he carried the cub with him. He was not afraid of it at all, and he used his finger to poke twice. The wolf is also very friendly to him, and it also has a coquettish touch.

  This girl Tang is not an ordinary person, and her son seems to be extraordinary.

  Fortunately, the little lady met their mother and son, otherwise I am afraid that it would have been accidental long ago.

  The butler secretly sighed with emotion. Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he said in a low voice, "By the way, the clan elder has something for the villain to tell Miss Tang."

"what's up?"

  The butler looked around and deliberately lowered his voice and said, "The iron gate house of three people... was found dead at home last night. He died of poisoning. After an autopsy, he said that he had been killed yesterday morning."

   Yuqing fell into a daze, Tie Qiu’er’s parents and elder brother...

  Yes, in fact, she knew from the beginning that Meng Ke would definitely not let them go. Their family of three helped them to abuse them, and sooner or later something would happen.

  It’s just that now Tie Qiu'er is still in a coma, if she knows about it, she doesn’t know how she will react.

  Yu Qingluo sighed secretly when he thought of the small but extremely stoic child.

  The butler said nothing more, turned around and left.

  Yu Qingluo sorted out the expressions on her face, and then took Nannan to the courtyard.

  There was a woman who was guarding the door outside the courtyard, knowing her identity, and she did not stop her, so she let her go.

   Entered the inner door, and a maid came over immediately, Dang Even wanted to inform. Yu Qingluo raised his hand, "I can go in by myself."

  The maid nodded, and immediately stepped back respectfully.

  Holding the cage with joy, Nan Nan walked inside with Yu Qingluo in one hand.

  However, when he walked outside the door, he suddenly stopped, frowned, and looked at the scene in the room.


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