Yu Qingluo was taken aback, almost subconsciously squatting down, picked up the letter and started to go backwards.

  But before she had time to bend down, she suddenly fell into a warm embrace.

  Yu Qingluo blinked fiercely, then blinked again, feeling the familiar smell from the tip of his nose, and his eyes were hot.

  She hurriedly lifted the veil on the beginning, staring at the familiar person in front of her in a daze, unable to speak.

   "Qing'er..." Ye Xiudu took a deep breath, and put his fingers on her face, stroking it one after another. "Sure enough, it's you."

"Why are you here? How do you...how do you know it's me?" Yu Qingluo's voice became dull, and she hadn't seen him for a few days. Ye Xiu lost a lot of weight, even her cheeks were sunken in, under her eyes. All black.

  He really... worked so hard.

   Ye Xiu held her waist alone, buried her in her neck and took a deep breath. His breath was very unstable, his breathing was heavy, as if desperately suppressing his emotions.

  For a long time, Yu Qingluo heard his low voice sound, "I was on the west side of the city, and saw your figure on the carriage, so I followed it."

  Even though she was wearing a veil, even if it was just a glimpse, but Yu Qingluo’s back had already been carved in his eyes, and there was no reason why he could not recognize it.

   Ye Xiu said alone, and the hand holding her waist tightened again.

  Yu Qingluo was a little bit painful by him, but did not push away, just put his hand on his shoulder gently, and said lowly, "You look very bad."

   "Well, it's very bad. I can't sleep in the middle of the night, and I can't sleep with Nannan, what should I do?"

  Yu Qingluo was heartbroken for a moment, and Ye Xiudu's appearance made her whole heart a ball. The hand placed on his shoulder tightened, Yu Qingluo only felt dry in his throat, and it took a long time to spit out a voice, "Didn't I give you a letter last time? Didn't you receive it?"

   "I received it, but it was really a letter, not you." What's more, in order to prevent the letter from falling into the hands of others, he directly burned it, without even leaving a thought.

  Yu Qingluo stopped speaking, a letter, indeed, can only report peace, how can it be more reassuring than the close hug of the two? Even if she still has a letter on the tree, it is...

  Wait, Yuqing pushed him away quickly.

  Ye Xiu Du's eyebrows wrinkled in an instant, and looked at her dissatisfied. Then he stretched out his hand to pull her, and put her in his arms again.

  He doesn't want to be separated from her now, and it's best to hold him together like this forever.

  Yu Qingluo pushed him away again, embarrassment flashed across his face, coughed lightly, and whispered, "Someone."

  Why did she forget that the little beggar is still aside.

  Ye Xiu froze for a moment, then followed Yu Qingluo's fingers and saw that there was a child who was slightly taller than Nan Nan not far away.

  The child was standing outside the alley with his back to them, looking like he was giving them wind.

  Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows alone, thinking that the child was clever, knowing that he would not look at or listen to what he shouldn’t.

  Yu Qingluo's complexion was flushed red, and she seemed a little overwhelmed just now.

   "Let's change the place where we talk." Ye Xiu said, putting his hands on her waist and leaving.

  Yu Qingluo hurriedly grabbed him, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't be so anxious."

  Ye Xiu alone has a green face, can he not be in a hurry? This is not enough yet.

  Yu Qingluo glared at him lightly, and then walked towards the little beggar.

Hearing the footsteps coming from behind, the little beggar turned his head slowly. He seemed to be a little afraid of Ye Xiudu. He stepped aside, trying to avoid Ye Xiudu’s sight, and then whispered, "I I didn’t see or heard anything just now, girl, do I still need to send you a letter?"

Embarrassment appeared on Yu Qingluo's face. They seemed to have done something that shouldn't be done in front of a child, and the impact was not very good.

   Ye Xiu walked forward alone, and said coldly, "No need."

  Most of that letter was for him. He is now in front of Qing'er. If he has any words, he can speak directly in his ear.

  Yu Qingluo pushed him back a few steps. Who did this man scare him with a stern face? He thought everyone was like Nan Nan, as long as he saw something interesting, he wouldn't be afraid of anything?

  The little beggar saw Ye Xiudu stepping back, obviously feeling a little less stressed.

   "Um, what's your name?"

   "...My mother used to call me Jiang'er." Jiang'er seemed to hesitate for a moment before speaking quietly.

Yu Qingluo didn't ask in detail, but just told him, "Jiang'er, don't tell me what happened today, no matter if you met me or met...he, don't let others know, otherwise it will be too bad for you. Great."

  Jiang'er laughed, "Don't worry, I know, I know the girl must not be an ordinary person."

Yu Qingluo knew that he was sensible, and took out a silver ticket from his sleeve, "Here is it for you. I think there are some people in the ruined temple who are not very kind to you. If you continue to be bullied there, change a place." , Take the silver first, buy yourself some good...Don’t refuse it, I am not giving it to you in vain, you are young and unobtrusive, I still need your help if you have anything in the future.

  Jiang'er thought for a while, then nodded and carefully collected the money.

  Yu Qingluo just laughed and said, "You go back."

  Jiang'er let out an ‘en’, and took the silver and ran away.

  Ye Xiu squinted his eyes alone, raised his eyebrows and said, "You are very patient with children."

   "That kid is very smart, and he came from a big family. He has experienced a lot of people's sophistication at such a young age. He knows how to protect himself, know what is at stake, and won't talk about him everywhere."


  Yu Qingluo smiled, and stretched out his hand to pull his hand, “That kid must know a lot about the kid who is in the market. Maybe he can really help us in the future?”

  Facts proved that Yu Qingluo's words were not wrong. Soon after, it was because of a clue provided by Jianger that gave Yu Qingluo and Ye Xiudu a great help.

  Ye Xiu is noncommittal, he admits that the kid is smart. It's just that these have nothing to do with him at the moment.

  He turned his head, held Yu Qingluo's hand tightly, took a deep breath, and hugged her again.

   "Go back with me."

  Yu Qingluo thought of the Shangguan Jin in the inn, and his head started to hurt. Now that I saw Ye Xiu independence, that must be clear.

  However, before she could figure out how to open this mouth, her body suddenly vacated and was directly picked up by Ye Xiu alone.

  With his toes, Yu Qingluo felt the wind blowing in his ears, and soon he left the alley to a completely unfamiliar place.

   "Hey, where do you take me?"


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