The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 808: Yu Qingluo's Conjecture

  As mentioned in the last letter, I said that I would wait until the meeting to elaborate.

  K... Shangguan Jin is the taboo of Ye Xiu independence, if you say it, it is estimated that Ye Xiu independence will definitely be uncomfortable.

  But if you don’t say it, you can’t keep it secret.

  So she wrote this in the letter this time. Originally thought, it would be better not to write in the letter in front of Ye Xiu Du.

  Where did I know that I met, and he even mentioned it, what should she say in front of him?

   "What's wrong? Can't you tell?" Ye Xiudu frowned, turned his body slightly, and looked down at her with his shoulders supported.

  Yu Qingluo's eyes wandered, from Ye Xiudu's eyes, it seemed to be a little guilty.

"Qing'er!!" Ye Xiudu's voice sank, but then he thought about saving her. He should have done it. Now Qing'er is out of hardship, no matter how she did it, she must have done it. It's not easy, he shouldn't use such a tone to speak.

  Therefore, there was a pause, Ye Xiu pursed her lips alone, then lay back again, her voice lowered, and said, "Forget it, if you don't want to say it, then don't say it."

Yu Qingluo felt his scalp numb when he heard his tone, thinking that he was even more angry, feeling that this would inevitably create a barrier, and hurriedly rolled over to press on his chest, and said, "It's not impossible to say, it's just... I said Don't be upset."

   "???" Ye Xiudu's expression became serious. What, is there any other secret behind Qinger's escape?

  Yu Qingluo has a headache, and she is messing around in her head. I really don’t know where to start. She was silent for a while before organizing her language, "The person who arrested me was Bengpai that day. I mentioned this in the letter. He never hurt me before, he just locked me in a secret room with an iron chain. Locked, I was not allowed to move freely, but I did not treat me wrongly. He would let people find whatever I wanted."

  She said this, and secretly raised her eyes to look at Ye Xiudu.

  Sure enough, Ye Xiudu's eyebrows were twisted tightly, and a trace of puzzlement crossed his eyes, "Why is he so good to you?"

  "According to him, it seems that someone has taken a fancy to me and wants to give me to him."

  Ye Xiudu’s face was instantly full of hostility, Yu Qingluo hurriedly suppressed him, and said, "Actually, this is also good, right? At least I haven't suffered any harm..."

   Ye Xiu glared at her fiercely, but felt that her words made sense. The last thing he wanted to see was what she had suffered. In comparison, this was the best result.

   But when he thought that Mengpo's purpose was to capture her, his heart was full of murderous intent.

  The conflict between the two emotions made his expression look more gloomy.

   ", do you want to listen?" Yu Qingluo felt that he was uncomfortable hearing this. If he knew that Shangguan Jin saved him, then he might go out on the spot and find someone to settle the account.

   "Listen!!!" Ye Xiu gritted his teeth.

Yu Qingluo rubbed his eyebrows before continuing, "Actually, I also thought that I can't escape in Mengpo's hands. Maybe he gave me to someone else and I could escape. But it's half and half. Probability, so I don’t want to give up as long as I have a chance. Mengpo didn’t know what news I got that day, and I went out...someone came over in the middle of the night, I thought it was you, but later found out it was Shangguan Jin."

  Ye Xiu's single eyebrows suddenly squeezed into a ball, Shangguan Jin? Why is it he?

  Yu Qingluo said this, but didn't dare to stop, so she said it all at once. "He was seriously injured, and he is the regent of Jinglei Country. No matter what angle I consider, I can't leave him alone."

  Before, if she was purely a ghost doctor, she naturally didn’t have to worry about anything else, she would save people if she wanted to.

   But not now, she is the future princess of Feng Cang Kingdom Xiu Wang. If Shangguan Jin dies for her, it will be the grievances between Feng Cang Kingdom and Jinglei Kingdom. When the two countries are at war, no matter if it is she or Ye Xiu alone, she will become a sinner through the ages.

  Ye Xiudu’s breathing was heavy, and all of it was hot.

  Yu Qingluo still pressed on his chest, until the last word fell, only slightly raised his eyes to look at him.

   Ye Xiudu's face was gloomy, and his expression was full of coldness.

After a long while, he sneered and let out a sigh, "No wonder you are not willing to go back. I still want to go back and accompany him. Shangguan Jin does have some abilities."

  Yu Qing's eyelids twitched. Seeing him like this, he knew that the irritation was not light.

  Ye Xiudu tightened his lips, then pushed him away and got up.

   Yu Qing fell anxiously, grabbed his hand abruptly, pushed him onto the bed again, and straddled him directly.

   "I haven't finished speaking yet, don't worry."

  "What else do you want to say? Anyway, you still have to go back to his side." Ye Xiu glanced open, but the woman was sitting on him, and he felt that some place was getting hot again.

  Yu Qingluo couldn't help but smoked the corners of his mouth, seeing how he was angry and eating the wrong way.

   "I have a guess." She lay on his body again, leaning close to his ear and whispering.

  Ye Xiudu originally wanted to push her away, but with Yu Qingluo's words, he gradually became serious and silent. Rejecting her fingers, she slowly replaced her waist, making her more comfortable.

  For a long time, Yu Qingluo half straightened up, looking at him brightly.

  Frowning at night, "What you said is true?"


  Ye Xiu Duo remained silent for a while, then sat up quickly, hugged her on her lap, and looked more cautious, "If this is the case, then you should go back with me even more."

  "..." Yu Qing's eyebrows trembled twice, "Ye Xiu Duo, you don't want things to go nowhere, besides, I want to find Grandma Ge."

  "Grandma Ge does not need to look for it, I know where she is."

  Yu Qing fell for a moment, and then the whole person jumped up. If it weren't for Ye Xiu's one-eyed and smart hands, she had already fallen directly to the ground at the moment.

   Her eyes lit up all over, "What did you just say? You say it again."

   "I said I already have news about Grandma Ge."

  "Really?" Yu Qingluo couldn't hide her excitement. Grandma Ge, Grandma Ge finally found her, "How did you find her? You..."

Ye Xiu Duo snorted softly, "Otherwise you think I came to the Mongolian people for so long? Otherwise, why do you think I knew that you and Nan Nan came to the Mongolian people? When I was in the imperial capital of Fengcang country, I already knew the clues of Grandma Ge, so I came here. As soon as I entered the capital, I was already working on it. That is, you, do not talk to me from start to finish, you have to hit your head alone. ."

  Yuqing's eyes couldn't conceal her joy, and she kissed Ye Xiu alone.


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