Yu Qingluo waved at Ye Xiudu, letting him go inside.

  Ye Xiu gave her a dissatisfied look, but she could see that she was jumping anxiously, but she still reluctantly retreated inside, and put the bed net down to block the messy bed.

Yu Qingluo took a deep breath, rubbed his eyes, and opened the door.

  "Squeak", the shopkeeper at the door was stunned, "Yu, Miss Yu? When did you enter the room?"

  Yu Qingluo stayed here for a while. She was going to move out a few days ago, but then someone came and said that she would keep the room and pay the rent.

"Oh, you probably didn't notice me last night. What did you want to do with me this morning?" She yawned again and leaned lazily against the door, her eyes seeming to be unable to open. Look like.

  The corner of the shop’s mouth twitched. It’s not early in the morning, right?

  He pointed to the guard on the side with some embarrassment, and whispered, "This...this strong man has to knock on the door, saying that he is looking for someone."

   "Puff..." A strong man? Yu Qingluo raised her eyes and glanced at the guard in front of her, she was really tall and mammoth, looking...well, very strong.

  The guard's face turned dark, but he was relieved when he saw Yu Qingluo, and said blankly, "Miss Jade, the master let his subordinates find you."

  Yu Qingluo patted his head, "By the way, I'm a little confused, let's go, go back."

   As she said, she moved her hair a little, then closed the door and walked out carelessly.

  The guard frowned and wanted to ask, but couldn't speak. He is just a subordinate, and there is no need to explain to him why Yu Qingluo is here alone or not.

  That's it, go back to see this situation and tell the master.

  Yu Qingluo didn't want to tell him more, she didn't go to bed until midnight last night, and she was tossed by Ye Xiu for a long time this morning. At the moment, she was exhausted and exhausted. After getting on the carriage, he leaned on the edge of the carriage and closed his eyes.

  Not long after, the carriage stopped at the Laifu Inn.

When Yuqing got out of the car, the guard blocked her from going back to the room and took her to Shangguanjin's room. "Girl Yu didn't return last night, and the master was very worried. The girl should show up and let the master rest assured. "

  Yu Qingluo glanced at him obliquely, shrugged indifferently, and knocked on Shangguan Jin’s room.

  Shangguan Jin leaned on the head of the bed, closed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking, but his expression was very serious.

   Seeing her entering the door, his eyebrows frowned, and he said, "Why did you go to the original inn?"

"Probably there have been too many things recently, and I was in a daze, so I walked to the inn where I was staying inexplicably. Your guard is clever and knows to go to the inn to find me." Yu Qingluo sat at the table and pours himself. Took a glass of water.

Shangguan Jin looked at her with anger in his heart, and his face darkened, "It's not that they have the ability, but they found you all night. You said yesterday that you will come back earlier, but when it gets dark, no one will be seen. I am. Don’t worry, people will look for you, for fear that you will be taken away by those people again. In the end, the carriage you used was only found near the inn. The coachman said that after you got off the car, he never went back, just let him Waiting in place. I asked the guards to look for them at the nearby inn."

Yuqing stopped drinking tea, and after a long time, he sighed lowly, "I just recently got a little serious and wanted to get out of the car and walk away. I didn't expect to forget that the driver was waiting there and walked in a daze. When I entered the inn, I fell asleep."

Shangguan Jin sneered, "Do you think I would believe what you said? You will lose your mind for a while, go into the inn and fall asleep? Yu Qingluo, would you think I was too simple? What did you see when you went to the inn? Human, right? Ye Xiu alone? He was willing to come back. I really didn't expect it."

  Yu Qingluo felt that the status of the regent of Shangguanjin was not in vain. Such guesses can be so accurate.

She put down the teacup in her hand, turned her head and stared at him and smiled, "Believe it or not, do you believe it or not. It's not that I think you are too simple, but you think people are too complicated. Oh, I said you men are Isn't it all like this? Or, people of your status have this problem? I like to be suspicious and want things to go round and round to complicate everything? It is normal for a woman to wander for a few hours, why just Can't I walk into the inn for a while? I even lost my mind and lost all of my son. What's so strange."


  Yu Qingluo got up from the chair, "If you still don't believe me, think of me as if you can go to see Ye Xiuduo." She said, turned around and walked outside the room.

When    just walked to the door, he suddenly turned his head and said, "The inn has been found, and your things should be sorted out. It shouldn't be too late. You should leave here as soon as possible."

  As soon as the voice fell, the door was closed.

  Shangguan Jin squinted his eyes and stared at the closed door for a long time before leaning against the bedside tiredly.

  She didn't return all night last night, and he also stayed up all night, with injuries on his body. He was really tired at the moment.

  The previous guards came in again. Seeing the appearance of Shangguan Jin, he was even more dissatisfied with Yu Qingluo. "Master, would you like to take a break?"

   "No need, put things in the carriage, and let's go."


  Half an hour later, Yu Qingluo appeared at the door of his room again, knocked on the door twice, and went to check out.

  Only one carriage was used to carry things. Yu Qingluo sat in the car and after a diagnosis of Shangguanjin, he told him, "You are not in good shape now, let's sleep here."

   "En." Shangguan Jin was indeed very tired. The sway of the carriage made him uncomfortable. It would be better if you close your eyes.

  Not long after, the carriage stopped outside a remote inn in the west of the city.

  The guards who followed all the way looked surprised at the bustling streets in front of them, a little unbelievable for a while. They think that Yuqingluo should find a quiet place with no humans, but why is it still in the center?

  Yu Qingluo put on her veil and jumped directly from the carriage.

  Shangguan Jin had injuries on his body and was helped by several guards.

  Seeing the inn in front of him, he also stunned for a moment, and then pressed his lips calmly, letting people walk inside.

  The shopkeeper of the inn immediately greeted him and hurriedly opened the way outside.

  Yu Qingluo just nodded slightly, and walked beside Shangguan Jin, head bowed down and walked inside.

  However, as soon as everyone walked into the lobby, they heard someone in the corner eating dinner and discussing matters.

   "I heard that the old clan is about to wake up."

  Yuqing squinted her eyes, without stopping, she still walked upstairs.


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