The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 812: Assassinate the old man

  Yu Qingluo raised her head and smiled innocently at her.

  She had a good meal and didn't stay much longer, and she didn't even say a word with Shangguan Jin, so she walked out without anyone else.

  She can feel the hot sight behind her, that maid...well, it is also normal, Shangguan Jin looks so good-looking and has a high authority, except that her mind is a bit vicious, it is indeed very attractive.

  What's more, this kind of serving by his side for many years, I am afraid that the situation has long been deeply rooted.

  Yu Qingluo shook her head, not interested in these things, she went back to the room, took a shower, and fell asleep early.

  The sky was getting darker, and she slept unconsciously. The clan’s old mansion was brightly lit at the moment.

  The news that the clan elder was about to wake up quickly spread throughout the city. The Qiongshan medical elder stood in the courtyard and spoke to Mengzhicheng Meng Ziqian and others.

  Meng Zhicheng wanted to go in, but he was always stopped. He was uneasy and wanted to do it, but as soon as Menglu came out, he could only grit his teeth and endure it.

   sent Mengzhi as a group back, and Ye Xiudu walked out of the dark holding Nan Nan and entered the room.

   Doctor Qiongshan was a little worried, "This it really useful?"

  Ye Xiudu saw Yu Qingluo today. He was in a very good mood and looked much lighter. He chuckled lightly, "There will always be uncomfortable."

  Meng Lu let out a sigh of relief, but he hoped that the clan would really be waking up. It's just a pity that even Qiongshan Doctor Elder can only shake his head.

  The person who started the attack was also ruthless. If Meng Ziqian hadn't found out in time, I'm afraid he would really go to see the King of Yama.

   "This matter should come to an end."

After Menglu finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes.

  What happened recently is already very obvious. Some people are dissatisfied that he is in a high position and want to pull him down. There are only a few people who can doubt. If it is really one of them, it is him who really hurts.

  As time passed bit by bit, Nan Nan was a little sleepy, lying on Ye Xiudu’s shoulder and rubbing his eyes.

   Ye Xiu stroked his back alone, and whispered, "Would you like to go to the next room to sleep?"

   "...Neither sleepy nor sleepy, Nan Nan is not sleepy at all." Nan Nan immediately raised his head vigorously, and smiled at Ye Xiu alone.

   Ye Xiu touched his face alone and sighed. He didn't want to bring the child here. It's just that the situation is grim now, and spies seem to have appeared in the clan palace. Nan Nan is only a child after all. If he sleeps ignorantly in the middle of the night, he can easily be attacked by others.

  It's better for him to take him around. Even if he knows his skill is good, he can watch him by himself, so he can always rest assured.

  It was getting late, and most of the candles on the old mansion of the clan were extinguished.

  Meng Lu nodded to Ye Xiu alone, “It’s almost time, I’ll leave first.”


  Menglu walked out of the house of the old clan, stood at the gate of the courtyard, and said to the guards, "You watch carefully and be cautious. If the old clan wakes up, send someone to notify me immediately."

   "Yes." The two guards nodded respectfully.

  Meng Lu took the attendant and turned and left the residence of the old clan.

  The night is getting darker, and the whole world seems to be quiet.

  The house where the clan elders are located is even more quiet, without making any sound. After a long time, the veteran Qiongshan doctor put out the candle, and went to the next room to rest.

  In the entire courtyard, there were only two guards standing blankly, not daring to relax at all.

  For a long time, there was a rustling voice not far away. The two guards glanced at each other, and one of them whispered, "I'll take a look."

  As he said, he walked towards the place where the sound was made.

  Under the big tree, someone jumped down from above, knocked him out, dragged him and threw him into the grass.

  The person paused and made some more noises, but the other person was very cautious and did not dare to leave the courtyard easily, but stared at the source of the sound with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Who is there? Come out."

  As soon as his voice fell, he suddenly saw a figure coming straight up. Before he could even speak out, he felt that there was a flower in front of him, and the person had fallen softly to the ground.

  The visitor frowned slightly, and seemed to feel that everything went too smoothly.

  Can not tolerate him thinking too much, time is running out, he lifted his foot and walked inside.

  I probably wanted to be more cautious. Now there was a faint noise under the window. After waiting for a while, no one came out. This was a bit bolder, opened the window, and turned in from the outside.

  The candlelight in the house was very dim, and only one lamp was left on the bedside of the clan.

  The people came on guard carefully, and walked towards the big bed step by step, holding their breath.

  Walking halfway, and found that there is no one, this hastened the pace.

  He is holding a dagger in his hand, wearing a night gown and covered with a black cloth, which looks very secretive.

  Walking to the edge of the bed, he looked at the clan elder who was not moving on the bed high, and finally twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Don't blame me, blame, you can only blame you for blocking my way." His voice was low and hoarse, "Anyway, you have reached this age, and you have stepped into the coffin, so I will give you one. Cheng, lest you go lonely."

   As he said, his right hand was suddenly raised, and the dagger in his hand slammed at the old clan stab.

   With a sound of "咻", some action came out sharply, aiming at the direction of the dagger. The dagger was hit and leaned in a direction outwards, and fell to the ground with a bang.

   Before the man in black had time to react, a layer of light suddenly appeared in the room.

  A small figure stood at the door, with a candlestick in his hand, and walked in with squinting eyes and grinning.

  While standing not far by the window, there was another tall figure.

  The man in black took a breath suddenly, "Yi Xiu alone?"

   "You are not really smart." Ye Xiu shook his head alone, and smiled, "But that's right, if you are smart, why would you be here?"

  The black-clothed man's pupils shrank, and suddenly he swept away by the door quickly.

   Nan Nan was taken aback by him, lifted his foot, the Lu family's footwork moved fast, and he stood beside Ye Xiudu in an instant.

   Seeing that Nan Nan hadn't been caught, the man in black immediately turned around and rushed away from the door by himself.

  However, his body was in mid-air, and he was suddenly kicked in.

  He spurted out a mouthful of blood, his pupils shrank, and he fell to the ground in pain.

  As soon as he looked up, he saw Meng Luhan walking in from the outside with a cold face.

   "You, you are not..."

   Ye Xiudu sneered, and suddenly attacked at his front door. The man in black was anxious and raised his hand to block, but his hands were clamped tightly by Ye Xiudu, unable to move at all.

  The masked black cloth was suddenly torn off, and the very familiar face under the black cloth was bright and dark under the dim candlelight.

"It's you?"

  [Author's digression]: Recently, during the transitional stage, Kavinka became a dog. The update will be very unstable these days. It is true that sometimes I am not satisfied with what I write. I deleted it and wrote it. Please forgive me, okay?


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