Yixiu is surprised, what Qinger said?

   "What method?" Meng Lu was very interested in Yu Qingluo's method.

  That woman is not a decent person, especially for the sidelines, she is more proficient.

  NanNan ran out the door, staggeringly in a short while, staggering in and putting it directly on the ground.

  Clear water...

  Now, not only Ye Xiudu and Menglu were curious, but Qi Teng, who had been silent and cold as if unable to open his mouth in any way, also frowned slightly.

  But the next moment, he suddenly sneered.

  For him, no matter how heavy he is to extract a confession, no matter how severe the punishment is, he can't shake him half a point.

  He can become the leader of the dark guard, which is also selected after thousands of trials. If he is not tough enough, I am afraid he would have defected long ago.

  Huh, just a small child, what can it do?

  After putting down the water, Nan Nan ran out again.

  Ye Xiu Du and Meng Lu’s faces have become more confused. What are they doing?

  Looks like he is very busy, is he tired?

Nan Nan returned soon, holding a black cloth and a dagger in his hand. He handed the black cloth directly to Ye Xiudu, "Daddy, help me cover his eyes."

  Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows alone, but became interested. According to Nan Nan, he folded the black cloth into two pieces and directly covered Qi Teng's eyes.

  Suddenly there was darkness in front of him, and it was Qi Teng who couldn't help but start to worry.

  He really didn’t understand what Nan Nan was doing. It was because he was unknown. On the contrary... it was more... frightening than whipping and ironing.

   Nan Nan raised his arm and slid slightly on it.

"Hey, I will let you bloodlet you now. Don't worry, you won't die in a short time. You won't die until your blood drains slowly." Nan Nan's voice was soft, in Qi Teng's The ears seemed to have amplified the volume countless times, making him shiver inexplicably.

  But the next moment, he calmed down again, and said vaguely, "You...will...kill...oh."

  His teeth are gone, and he speaks slowly, leaking the wind, and his tone of voice is not clear.

  Ke Ye Xiu's only few people still understand. Does he think they really want to kill him? He immediately laughed, "You are wrong. If even Qing'er's method doesn't work, it means that there is no other way to pry your mouth open. You will be dead if you die."

   "...Oh, oh...Are you afraid of...death." If his teeth hadn't been pulled out, he would have bitten his tongue and committed suicide.

  What is the fear of death?

  Nan Nan didn't care what he said, but put the water basin that he had just brought in by his side, and made him slash his arm at the water basin.

  After that, Ye Xiudu and Meng Lu saw the blood beads on Qi Teng's arm dripping into the water basin along the tips of their fingers.

  The blood drop fell into the water, making a particularly crisp sound.




  No one in the room spoke, Qi Teng’s eyes were blindfolded, and her voice became clearer.

  He can feel that his blood is flowing quickly, slowly moving away from his body.

  He suddenly became nervous, feeling the blood in his body boiling, falling into the water basin scramblingly.

  That feeling...that feeling...

   By the way, this is a sense of fear that knows that he is waiting for death but is powerless and can only let his life be lost bit by bit.

  Qi Teng's breathing hurried for an instant, and his body struggled uncontrollably.

   Despite the subtle movements, Ye Xiu Du and Meng Lu still saw them.

  The two glanced at each other, and a ray of light flashed in their eyes at the same time.

  Nan Nan squinted his eyes and smiled. In fact, his slippery blade is not deep, and it takes a long time for the blood to drain.

  This is the first time that he has used this method, my mother said, this is called psychological tactics.

  She said that two spies had been caught by some very powerful people. The name was a bit confusing and he forgot. Then he was subjected to all kinds of torture, but refused to say anything or recruit anything.

  Even the electric chairs were used, and they couldn’t pry open their mouths.

  Although he doesn't quite understand what the electric chair is, anyway, a lot of things that my mother said are weird, and it sounds like a very powerful thing.

  Later, the very powerful person tied the two to a chair and bleed one of them in this way, while the other watched.

  After that, he blindfolded the other person, but he didn't bleed him, he just hulked with the water on the side. The man could hear clearly, but he was frightened and frightened himself to death.

Mother said, psychological tactics are actually more useful than physical torture.

  Southern South can easily think of this sentence, which is actually the most useful to a stubborn person like Qi Teng.

  As time passed bit by bit, the panic on Qi Teng's face became more and more serious.

His body shook slowly, and Ye Xiu chuckled softly, "The blood has been put in a large pot, and the color is too conspicuous. Nannan, change a basin, otherwise there is too much blood to take out. It will frighten the subordinates of the clan palace."

   Nan Nan immediately responded, "Well, I will go now."

  As he said, he really squatted down and went out with a basin. After a while, he came in again.

  Replaced the basin by Qi Teng's side, and the sound of blood dripping into the basin sounded again, and Qi Teng's body was shaking even more this time.

  Waiting for death is actually a very scary thing.

  Qi Teng recognized it, and Menglu recognized it.

  Sure enough, Yu Qingluo’s side door to that woman is not so much.

  According to ordinary people's methods, most people's interrogations usually use whipping and pincers, ironing and cutting meat, almost all of them are physical pains.

  And the cruelest way Menglu could think of was Ling Chi, using a knife to cut off his flesh piece by piece.

  But this method is too bloody. Not to mention Qi Teng, the person who executes it, I am afraid that he will have a certain psychological endurance.

  The method of clearing the jade is different, this way of hardly losing any strength.

   Mild, but deadly.

   "Ah, ah, I said, I said..." Qi Teng finally couldn't help but screamed twice. In a hurry, he even uttered a lot of words in his leaky mouth.

Nan Nan smiled and raised his chin triumphantly towards Ye Xiu Du.

  He just said, he is the most powerful and smartest child in the world.

   Ye Xiu touched his head alone, and secretly gave him a thumbs up.

  After that, he walked slowly to Qi Teng's side, his voice was cold, and asked, "After all, what is your purpose for doing this? Spread rumors everywhere and corrupt the patriarch's reputation. What do you intend?"


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