The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 845: I lack nothing, I lack you

Only the next moment, he sneered again, "What nonsense are you talking about? How could Mengbo arrest you and send me. If so, why should I try my best to save you? Why should I be severely injured by Mengbo and almost lost my life. ."

  Yuqing pursed her lips, fixedly looking at Shangguan Jin.

  She looked at her like this, and Shangguan Jin's smile became a little uncontrollable.

  He has always been regarded as shameless. Even if he does some things, he can talk and laugh without changing his face, and even ruthlessly do things more ruthlessly.

  But at this moment, Yu Qingluo's eyes were staring, but her face became stiff, and her smile couldn't be maintained.

  He couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, snorted coldly, and wanted to leave with two people.

When I walked to her, I suddenly heard Yu Qingluo's low voice, "I felt strange at the time that Mengpo said that he would give me away, but among the Mongols, I don't know many people. "

  Shangguan Jin's footsteps stopped abruptly, his eyebrows frowned, but he didn't go any further.

   "Mengpo can also be regarded as a thoughtful person." Otherwise, the imperial concubine Meng would not be entrusted with such a trust. "But he can let me simply, several times and three tricks to succeed."

  Shangguan Jin’s mouth twitched, the trickery succeeded? Why does she always use words like this...Is it unreasonable?

"The mute lady came to serve me, but she could recognize me in the first place, and she took out the things in Grandma Ge's hands to recognize me." Yu Qingluo took a deep breath, her voice low and low. , "Since Mengpo doesn't worry about me and uses such a person who can't speak, how can he not pay attention to what she is carrying?"

  Shangguan Jin Yumei, this is indeed a major oversight.

"The dumb woman is a chess piece, I knew this from the beginning. She may not know, Grandma Ge will not give Nannan's things to others casually, even if this person is a best friend, those things, It was Grandma Ge who planned to keep it for Nan Nan's father in the future." Although Yu Qingluo felt it was unnecessary at that time, after all, Nan Nan's father didn't know where.

  Facts have proved that Grandma Ge is well-informed. "So mute woman, I naturally don't believe her. It's just that Mengpo's appearance of being caught in my conspiracy makes me wonder what he wants to do. Besides, the mute woman does have things about Grandma Ge, and I think too. I know the whereabouts of Grandma Ge from the mute woman."

   "But Mengpo kept me locked up for a few days, but didn't mention anyone who sent me to me or let that person see me. Until you show up..."

  Yu Qingluo turned her head and looked at Shangguan Jin.

  The latter squinted his eyes and laughed, "Why does my presence make you doubt?"

"The excuse you made is really good. After all, you saw it when I prescribed the medicine." Yu Qingluo looked at him, "Furthermore, you were seriously injured in order to save me. That was true. At the beginning. , I naturally believe it."

  At that time, when she saw the appearance of Shangguan Jin being badly wounded, she was indeed shocked and inexplicably shocked and moved.

  You can wait until you are out of danger, and some impressions will gradually become clear.

  To say that among the Mongolian people, the person who wants her most is Shangguan Jin.

  Moreover, Shangguan Jin was injured. They fled, but they didn't even run into a chaser. It went smoothly, and it didn't seem to be a meticulous mind.

  She didn't want to doubt Shangguan Jin's, but more and more evidence pointed to him.

  And since Mengpo beat her and escaped, there has been no more movement. She went to the street several times, and even deliberately took off the veil on her head, and no one noticed her.

  Until that time, I met Meng Ke.

   When Meng Ke asked the shopkeeper about her, she fully stated her appearance and characteristics, and even said the appearance and characteristics of Shangguan Jin.

Yu Qingluo laughed, "Meng Ke and Li Clan were rescued by Mengpo. It's not surprising that she came to me because of her personal vengeance. She was asking me everywhere. But what is strange is that... Knowing that you are with me, how did she know? I think it was probably eavesdropped from the Mengpo who rescued him."

  Shangguan Jin Yumei, he actually realized that there was something wrong with this matter, but at that time, seeing Yu Qingluo didn't mention it, he naturally wouldn't say much.

"But prince, I remember when you came to save me, but you were masked. Mengpo didn't see your true face, right? Mengke can describe your appearance in such detail, and he is so sure of me and You are together. In other words, Mengpo is also clear about these things. Why does he know? Because you are a group from the beginning, right?"

   "Also, why would Meng Ke die?" Yu Qingluo laughed. "The prince killed her without hesitation. He should be afraid that she would say this and kill her, right?"

  The corners of Shangguan Jin’s mouth were tight, guessed it, the woman's mind was so sober.

  Even if he saved her regardless of his life, she was not touched at all, so she analyzed it in detail.

  Yu Qingluo looked at him and couldn't help sighing again. The regent of Jinglei Country... why bother to get involved in the affairs of the Mong people, why bother... to cooperate with the Meng concubine?

  Perhaps she is looking at this matter as an outsider, so she sees it very clearly. Because of this, when he saw Ye Xiudu, he told him this suspicion.

  It is precisely because of this that Ye Xiu Du is even more unhappy that Yu Qingluo stays with Shangguan Jin.

   Ke Yuqingluo felt that if Meng Po had the help of Shangguan Jin, it would be very troublesome.

  So even if he only gave herself two days, she would come back and do some preparations.

  When she went to the clan’s house yesterday, she hadn’t planned to come back, but on Shangguanjin’s side, she was still worried.

  Shangguan Jin squinted his eyes, but his eyes were a little hot, staring at Yu Qingluo for a long time and could not speak.

   "It's really unexpected. It turns out that the person who was hiding in the dark is the king."

  , Xue Cheng sighed secretly, but at the moment he felt a little sympathetic to his master.

  With the master’s cleverness, after spending so many days with her, how can she not see the abnormality of Miss Yu?

  I just ignore it because I love it too much. Being in it, I can’t help myself.

  Yu Qingluo did not speak, but fixedly looked at Shangguan Jin.

After a long time, he whispered, "So today, I won't let you go. The Mongol affairs are so complicated. What are you doing here with the regent of the thundering country? What benefits did Mengpa promise you? Asking for trouble like this? Jiangshan? Money? Power? Are you short of it?"


   "En?" Yu Qingluo couldn't hear clearly.

  Shangguan Jin smiled, "What the king lacks is you, and the benefit Mengpo gives is your heart."

   Yu Qing fell for a moment, and his expression became weird and complicated. She actually... also saw that Shangguan Jin treated her like this, not just because of her status, status and ability.

   "Hahaha, but now it seems that there is no need." At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind Yu Qingluo.

  A few people looked back and saw that Mengpo led more than a dozen people standing behind them, smiling and looking at Yu Qingluo.


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