The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 854: Nannanshou has no power to bind chickens

  The people in a room suddenly looked at him, and they saw Nan Nan holding a scorpion in his hand and running to Ye Xiudu's side.

   "Daddy, it's the news from my mother. Mother said that everything is safe. But she is very worried about our safety. She wants to come in but can't come in, so she is very anxious."

   "..." Everyone in the room stared at the scorpion in his hand, and the corners of their mouth twitched.

  The scorpion can’t speak, and he doesn’t carry a letter. Where did Nan Nan interpret so much information?

  Ye Xiudu stretched out his hand, and the scorpion quickly crawled along Nan Nan's palm to his palm.

  Ye Xiu Du's expression instantly softened, and Scorpion's back was covered with green powder, and it was now evening, indicating that everything was going well on Qing'er.

  He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although Shangguan Jin was disgusting, his mind was just like him.

   Sayuri waved her tail in his palm, and everyone looked at it curiously.

  For a long time, Ye Xiu Ducai handed Sayuri to Nan Nan again, and whispered softly, “Send a message to your mother and say that we are all safe. Lest she worry about it.”

   "Yes." Nan Nan excitedly took the scorpion and left.

  Everyone's eyes followed again, and they really wanted to know how he let a silent scorpion report peace.

  Ke Nan Nan hid in the corner, with her back facing them and pouting her ass, not knowing what she was playing with.

   After a while, the scorpion swished his tail and left.

  Ye Xiudu watched the scorpion leave far away, his eyes suddenly became sharper.

  He raised his eyes and walked directly out of Jingzhu Hall, looking at a distance of tens of meters away, the old Li and the others, who wanted to come in but were afraid of the formation, laughed lowly.

  When the old Li clan saw him, his face instantly turned ugly, took a step forward and sneered, "Ye Xiu Duo, you finally came out? Why, don't you be a turtle?"

   With a wave of his hand, the outside of Jing Zhutang was immediately crowded with archers, and they all aimed at him.

  Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows alone, he just drank an extra sip of tea in it, and chatted with Menglu and others for a while, how come he got into his mouth and he turned into a tortoise with a shrunken head?

  Nan Nan was in the house, so naturally I heard it too.

When he put the scorpion on the ground, he stood beside Ye Xiudu, shaking his little finger at the old man of the Li clan, "You are the tortoise with a shrunken head, and your whole family is a tortoise with the shrunken head. You are still my defeated man, and you are the only one. This way you can’t beat even a child, and if you’re caught and rescued, you don’t even dare to show your face. You are embarrassed to come here and yell, ah, no, it’s called farting, it’s stinking."

  Ye Xiu Duo lowered his eyes slightly, and reached out to touch the little guy's head.

Nan Nan raised his eyes and smiled at his father, as if he had been inspired, and became more energetic, "You must have the ability, you come in, you come in, I see if you can walk into this formation. Hahaha Don’t dare, coward, if you let your hands come down and take a risk, you’ll just hide behind and play tricks."

He said, shouting at the guards next to the Li clan elder, "Don't be blinded by him. People like him are a gangster who is afraid of death. If there is any danger, he must use you as a shield. Such masters. , Don’t follow. You all go to my dad, my dad is good to his subordinates, look at my uncle Mo and smell them, all of them are full of red light and full of radiance, and you know how much my dad is. I love them very much."

  "..." Ye Xiu twitched the corner of his mouth, he didn't use the word love well.

  "..." Mo Xian Wentian behind him wanted to find a hole to go in. They were so fat in their heads, so don't use them indiscriminately if they don't know how to use idioms. Although, I did eat well and sleep better.

   "..." Everyone is silent, how can they have the illusion that they can destroy the morale of the other party as long as they send Nannan?

  The old Li clan's face blushed when Nan Nan scolded, his fingers trembled, and he just wanted to refute.

Nan Nan shouted again, "Don't talk, are you embarrassed to care about me as a kid? Are you embarrassed to argue with me? Even if you say you win, you won’t be able to win, you will be laughed at by everyone. ."

The old Li clan swallowed his voice as soon as he reached his mouth, glared at Nan Nan fiercely, and sneered, "I don't have the same knowledge as a baby like you." Anyway, he won't be the first to spare him. .

  The old Li clan thought, turned his head and looked at Ye Xiudu, and said, "You..."

"Don't you even say I can't win? You are too useless, you can't even refute a child's words. Ah, I see, you have a guilty conscience, yes, you have a guilty conscience." Nan Nan shouted. Shouted, interrupting him directly.

  The old Li clan’s eyes burst, this **** boy, will fall on his hand later, don’t cry.

Ye Xiu Dumenglu and the others all laughed lowly. The Li clan elder argued with him that he was not martial in victory, and he was said to be timid and useless if he didn't care about it. It was also... strangely embarrassing. .

   "Smelly boy, wait a minute if you feel good, I will deal with you first later." The old Li clan breathed fiercely, but after a long while, he just broke out such a word fiercely.

"You still threaten me, you are a big man, threatening a five-year-old child, do you still have a face?" Nan Nan cried out strangely, "Also, my dad is here, don't you say to clean up my dad," It's just for me, a child who has no power to restrain the chicken. Are you embarrassed? You call the big bully the small, the strong bully the weak... Oh, plus I'm afraid of my father."

   "Yu Qingnan, your martial arts is so high, is it also called the power of handlessness?"

Nan Nan tilted his head, blinked, and said innocently, "Oh, yes, I have defeated you after all. In that case, you are even more useless than me without the power of a chicken, you say You have lived a long time, are you embarrassed about you?"


  Menglu and the others laughed secretly, um, some shameless words, it seems that a child said... more powerful.

  The old Li clan only felt choking in his chest, so he couldn't help but walked a few steps forward.

  Suddenly stopped after a few steps, **** it, he was so angry that he had forgotten the formation in front of him.

  He turned his head abruptly, but the guards who followed him didn't seem to stop him, and even looked a little wandering.

  Damn it, even though that little thing has no words and no skin, what it says really affects people like them.

  These people's minds are not firm enough, useless things.

   "What are you still doing? Shoot me arrows." The old Li clan became angry from embarrassment.

   At this moment, a person suddenly walked in front of him, his face was slightly dark, and he raised his hand and said, "Slowly."


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