The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 874: Unprecedented tenderness

  Yu Qingluo flushed, and hurriedly grabbed it, "It's late, get up."

   "...En." Ye Xiu answered vaguely, but stretched out his hand more firmly.

  Yuqing slid down three black lines on her forehead, "I won't get up again, Nan Nan will break in later, eh, stop making trouble."

  In broad daylight, is it the time to think about this?

   "...oh." He answered again, but the next moment, Yu Qingluo felt a soft and wet feeling coming from the back of her neck, and the unique breath of Ye Xiu sprayed on her neck.

  She suddenly felt aroused, shaking, and there was a light laughter behind her.

  Yu Qingluo became angry from shame, "Study at night, don’t laugh."

   "Okay, don't laugh." Ye Xiu talked to himself, and immediately held back his smile. Only in the next moment, he gently turned over and pressed on her.

  Yuqing couldn't push him away, his lips were already blocked, and he couldn't even speak.

  Ye Xiudu today is exceptionally gentle and patient. Yu Qingluo thought that he had been hungry for too long after thinking about it in broad daylight, and she would definitely be tossing her to death.

  Unexpectedly, his movements were very gentle, and he kept taking care of her uncomfortable. Even though she was sweating profusely, she was not willing to suffer the slightest pain.

  Yu Qingluo felt that his behavior today made her a little horrified and surprised, but she couldn't think of it, so she was swallowed by the overwhelming **.

  Ye Xiu fooled her all afternoon before she fell asleep deeply.

   Can vaguely still feel that he himself is not dedicated.

  When I woke up again, it was evening, and there was no one on the bed beside me.

  Yu Qingluo rubbed some sour muscles, his head was dizzy, and when he sat up from the bed, he still couldn't figure out the situation.

  After a while, she patted her forehead heavily.

  I really don’t know about moderation. It’s fine to sleep three poles in the sun, and now... it has been delayed until the evening.

  Originally thinking about getting up earlier today and going to see Grandma Ge for a follow-up visit, but now she is a little bit ashamed to see people.

  Yu Qingluo wailed, and then slowly sat up from the bed and found clothes to put on.

  It’s just that, she felt that Ye Xiudu’s appearance today was strange, what was he worrying about? It seems to be tied up.

   was thinking about it, there was a knock on the door outside, accompanied by a pleasant low voice, "Miss, are you up?"

   "...Oh, it's up." Yu Qing fell for a moment and responded.

  As soon as the door opened, I saw Yuexin standing outside the door with water in his hand, behind which there was a smiling Mo Xian.

   "Are you here from the clan residence?" Yu Qingluo turned to let Yue Xin enter the door, and took the veil she handed over and wiped her face.

  Yuexin turned around and shut Mo Xian outside, and nodded, “Well, I came here this afternoon. The clan house is now in chaos, and the patriarch is rectifying and looking for the traitor.

  Yue stubbornly began to work everywhere. Seeing her washing up, he rushed out and brought the meal.

  Yu Qingluo hasn’t eaten for a whole day, and her hungry chest sticks to her back. Seeing that all of them are what she likes, she starts to feast on her.

  Yuexin was waiting for her. Seeing this, she couldn't help but laughed, "Miss, you eat slowly, Nan Nan is not here." So no one rushed to her for food.

  Yu Qingluo raised her eyes and glared at her. Seeing that she turned her head to cover her mouth and smiled, she couldn't help but coughed, and asked, "Where is Ye Xiu?"

   "Lord Xiu went to the clan mansion and discussed with the patriarch."

   "Oh." Yu Qingluo took two more bites.

Yue Xin finally stopped laughing, and then confessed something else, "Mrs. Xiao knows that the young lady has found Grandma Ge, and she is talking to her in Madam Ge's room. The two old sisters cried as soon as they met. I can’t do it myself, I feel very emotional."

  Yu Qing came down with a ‘唔’. The relationship between Grandma Ge and Grandma Xiao is indeed very good.

  When they were in Tianyu, they seemed to have found like-minded friends.

  And they are both serving in the palace. They share a lot of topics, and they are all sincerely thinking about her and Nan Nan. Naturally, they hit it off, and the feelings suddenly heated up.

"By the way, Peng Ying also came back with Hongye. Knowing that you are very busy and tired these past two days, I didn't come to bother you and asked the doctor Qiongshan to show Hongye. Although Hongye was seriously injured, the doctor said It’s no longer a serious problem, just take a good rest and recuperation."

  Very busy and tired...Hearing these four words, Yu Qingluo still feels guilty.

  She couldn't help turning her head, and nodded faintly, "I see."

  Hongye’s injuries are still a bit serious, but fortunately, both her and Qiongshan doctors have a lot of good medicinal materials on their bodies.

  In this Mongolian rebellion, although they did not suffer heavy losses, they also suffered a lot of persecution.

  Whether it is the clan elder, Hongye, or Grandma Ge, they all have recovered their lives, but they have also suffered a lot.

  Fortunately, things are still developing on the bright side. Now the most worrying thing is the clan elders. She hasn't had time to see it and doesn't know the specific situation.

  However, Qiongshan doctors are very clever, and he is helpless. It must be very tricky.

  Yu Qingluo took a few more bites, feeling a little full, then put down the chopsticks in his hand and wiped his mouth.

When    just put down the veil, she suddenly seemed to think of something, then suddenly turned her head and asked Yue Xin, "Where are Xiaoyu and Qiu'er?"

"The two children went back with the old man of the Yue clan, and Master Meng is taking care of them." Yue Xin replied, "Thanks to the lady who went to the old mansion of the Yue clan to tear down Meng Ke last time, this made the old man of the Yue clan look after the situation in the house Pay more attention to it. A lot of people have been dismissed some time ago. I heard Mo Xian say that because of this, the current Yue Clan old mansion is the cleanest and safest one."

  The number of subordinates has decreased, and after the rectification and screening of the old Yue clan, the worm tumors on the mansion have disappeared. This time, the Yue clan veteran saved a lot of heart.

  Yu Qingluo twitched the corners of her mouth, how did she feel that she was slapped upright?

  She didn't have such a big ideal ambition at the time, she just saw Meng Ke not pleasing to her eyes, she would kill Meng Ke in that way.

  However, Meng Luoyu and Qiu'er have Meng Rong's care, and the future may be much better.

  She heard Nan Nan say that Qiu'er already knew that her parents and elder brother were dead. It was Meng Rong who told her, but I don’t know how Meng Rong said it. I heard that Qiu’er’s reaction was a little cold, probably because she knew that her parents didn’t care about her suspended animation at the time, and they were not even sad at all. Look, let Qiu'er feel frustrated and completely chilled.

  Yu Qingluo thought that he was also a poor child, but in the future, with the care of the Yue clan elders and others, at least, life should be better than before.

  She was dreaming, Mo Xian's voice suddenly sounded outside the door, "Miss Jade, Madam Meng is here."


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