Everyone was taken aback and turned back together.

  After a while, I saw a man running up to the carriage, panting.

  Mo Xian, who was riding a horse in front of the carriage, gave him a surprised look and hurriedly turned over and said, "Master Weng, why are you here?"

  Yuqing fell in the car and heard the movement. He lifted the curtain and saw it. Sure enough, standing outside was Weng Yuan, one of the five judges of the wine tasting conference at that time.

  Nannan’s little wolf came from his house. Hearing Nan Nan came back to say that this Weng Yuan likes to collect all kinds of things, and he has everything weird and strange at home.

  When I heard that Mengzhi became a rebellion, as Menglu’s friend, he provided a lot of weapons and swords and various self-defense weapons.

  Weng Yuan was holding something in his hand, and it took a while to breathe well, and then he walked forward with a smile.

  "Fortunately, catching up, Nannan?" He called into the carriage.

  Nannan got out of the carriage with a ‘swish’, and immediately opened his eyes when he saw him.

  "Uncle Weng, why are you here? Is there something good for me? Oh, you don’t have to be so polite. It is enough to give one or two, and I’m embarrassed to take it if I have more."

   "..." Weng Yuan turned his head silently, he was wrong, he shouldn't have come.

  For a while, he walked forward silently and handed him the things in his hands, “This is what the patriarch asked me to give you. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask Lord Xiu.”

  That is a box, square.

  Nan Nan held it in her hand, only feeling light and light, as if it was not heavy at all.

  He shook two vigorously, feeling...

   "It looks like a book."

  Nan Nan’s face collapsed immediately, Grandpa Lu was too much, and he would still be holding him to read when he was not by his side.

  He looked up at Weng Yuan and asked pitifully, "Can I not accept this? Uncle Weng, you should have other treasures, you give me other treasures and I will definitely accept them."

  Weng Yuan thought, didn’t he have a cub? This little thing has gotten such a good baby and is still not satisfied.

  He coughed heavily and whispered, "Nothing else."

  He is going to be serious, his face still looks very majestic.

  Nannan sighed, somewhat interested. After a while, there was an ‘oh’, and he said to him in low spirits, "Uncle Naon, goodbye."

  As he said, he put his head back, the curtain of the car was also lowered, his head was placed on the pillow his mother had prepared for him, and his eyes stared fiercely at the box.

  But he just didn’t want to open it, and after a while, he put it next to him and ignored it.

  But the next moment, the curtain of the car was suddenly raised by a corner, and then, a square box was also thrown in.

Nan Nan was taken aback. Before he could react, he heard Weng Yuan's voice, "I gave it to you. Go back and open it again. I have something to do, so I won't send you out of the city gate. There will be a period later."

  As soon as the voice fell, there was no more movement.

  Nannan Yigulu got up, holding a square box in his hand, and hurriedly raised the driving curtain to look outside, but there was Weng Yuan's figure outside.

  Ye Xiu had almost said what he saw alone, and then he waved his hand and said, "Go."

  He is sitting on the high-headed horse, with awe-inspiring awe-inspiring, stern appearance, and exceptionally good-looking.

  The two carriages rolled up one after the other. Seven or eight horses surrounded the carriage and slowly moved towards the gate of the city.

  Yue clan elders and Xiang clan elders also followed, sending them out of the Mongols all the way.

  When their group of people gradually moved away, they slowly sighed.

  "It feels like the Mongolian people will be much deserted when they leave."

"Yes, although I don’t spend much time with each other, that family’s style of behavior is very enjoyable. By the way... the patriarch, really doesn’t send people to Feng Cang country? Mengzhi Cheng rebellion, the one in Feng Cang country. Bit... can't get rid of it."

   "That person is the mother of Xiu Duo. Let's intervene. It's not very good. Let them leave this matter to Xiu Duo."

   "Ah...It's okay for the famous clan elder to fall asleep now, if he wakes up and finds that these two children are... Forget it, forget it, go back."

  The two people shook their heads and said a few more words, watching Ye Xiu's lone figure disappear completely before they hit the horse and returned to the gate of the city.

  The carriage was not traveling fast. Yu Qingluo and Nan Nan were in separate vehicles. On the carriage behind, there were also Mother Xiao and Yue Xin and others.

  Nan Nan was very curious about the box Weng Yuan gave him, but remembered that he said that he would open it only after he had to go back, and it looked a little bit ridiculous.

   "This can't be opened, let's take a look at this." Yu Qingluo reached out and took the box containing the book, frowning slightly.

  Menglu gave him...I don’t know what book it is. Why does she feel like her left and right eyelids are jumping together?

   Nannan had a gift from Weng Yuan, so he didn't reject Menglu's box much.

  I heard Yu Qingluo say this, and immediately came over enthusiastically. The whole person was squeezed on her, her little head arched and said, "Mother, you can open it and take a look."

  Yu Qingluo pursed his lips and stretched out his hand to push his head away. Really, the hair was poking into her mouth.

   Pushing Nan Nan away a bit, she opened the box.

  The purpose of entry is indeed a book, or a book-Wuxueshu.

  Yu Qingluo twitched the corner of her mouth fiercely, losing interest at all, and threw the book directly into the corner of the carriage.

   "I knew it, it's not a good thing."

Nan Nan blinked, crawled over and took the book, opened it and looked at it, smiling, "It seems to be a martial arts secret book written by Grandpa Lu himself, yeah, yeah, I have learned this trick, and there are many more in the future. Well, you can take a good look when you go back. Well, this book is not thick and I can learn it quickly. Well, when I become a master of martial arts, I will be invincible in the world."

   "Are you constipated, what kind of grace?" Yu Qingluo gave him an angry look, showing no interest in the book.

  She just said, what good things can Menglu give? Given a book, it will definitely not be the Four Books and Five Classics.

  Sure enough, in the final analysis, I still fell in love with Nan Nan's talent, and he was reluctant to just let it go.

  Yu Qingluo snorted lightly with a disdainful face. Seeing Nan Nan still shrinking in the corner watching with gusto, she couldn't help rolling her eyes, too lazy to bother him.

   simply turned around and opened the driving curtain to see the scenery outside.

  But at this look, she suddenly stopped, and her pupils shrank slightly.

   "Yexiu, where are we going?"

  This road... It seems that it might seem wrong.

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