Jiang Yunsheng's face changed abruptly, and he eagerly wanted to sit up, but this movement caused wounds again.

   Yu Qingluo became a little frustrated, "Didn’t I tell you not to move? You are a doctor yourself, don’t you know that calmness is the most important thing in this juncture?"

  A trace of embarrassment flashed across Jiang Yunsheng’s face, “I, I’m really sorry, I’m just in a hurry... Lord, these officers and soldiers, I’m afraid they came to me.”

  He has been chased along the way. These people said they were arresting him to go back to see the emperor, but they were merciless.

  But...every time he escaped a town, the officers and soldiers here would cooperate and besiege him, and he was able to escape here, which is already a great fortune in misfortune.

  If it hadn't been for Ye Xiudu, he was really desperate at the moment so that he had no energy to escape.

  Ye Xiu glanced at the door alone, and said in a deep voice, "You can raise your mind here, this king is here, no one can do what about you."

  He speaks very vigorously and can calm people's hearts. Jiang Yunsheng relaxed inexplicably, let out a sigh of relief slowly, and said in gratitude, "This has caused trouble to the prince."

  As soon as his voice fell, there was a voice of dispute from outside.

   "Whoever allowed you to roam here, never leave, disturb our master and kill you."

  Shen Ying’s voice was very cold, and when he put away his hippie smile, he was coldly deterring others.

There was a rustling sound outside the door, followed by a rough voice, "We are ordered to arrest criminals, no matter who your master is, who prevents us from arresting people, that is a fellow party. , We can still take you down."

  Shen Ying couldn't help but sneered, "Only you?"

"Why, don't you still want to resist?" He was very popular and proud, "If you don't want to be put in a cell for food, please let us go in and search for it. If it is found that you haven't If you hide criminals privately, naturally you won’t be entangled with you too much. Otherwise, if you push back and forth like this, it’s hard to convince us that you and the criminals are not in the same group. Maybe the person we want to arrest is hidden by you. ."

  Yu Qingluo thought, this person is really accurate in guessing, isn’t the criminal in this room?

  She raised her eyes and glanced at Ye Xiu Duo. Ye Xiu Duo just kept her face cold, saying nothing or making any movements.

  Shen Ying outside the door still blocked the officers and soldiers tightly at the door, joke, what scene has he never seen? Will they be frightened by these few words?

   "No matter what you say, this door is not allowed to enter, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless under the sword."

   "You..." The officers and soldiers were probably annoyed. "We are all ordered by the emperor to arrest the prisoners. You are against the current emperor when you stop us. Don't you want your head?"

  Shen Ying snorted coldly, "Emperor's fate?" Can't it be done when he hasn't seen the world? "You are wearing the costumes of local officers and soldiers."

  The people sent by the emperor were all dressed in the clothes of the Imperial Guard, or dressed up in ordinary appearance, how could it be like them.

  The man was choked by him and sneered, "Although we are local officers and soldiers, we are also cooperating with the imperial guards. The imperial guards are all members of the emperor, and the orders they give are naturally the imperial fate."

  Shen Ying said ‘Oh’ and didn’t intend to speak anymore.

  It’s just a little bit, it's not enough.

  The officer and soldier looked at him with a look of contempt, and instantly became annoyed.

  Although they are incomparable with the imperial guards in the imperial city, in this town, they are the same. Which one did not respectfully cooperate with each other? How can it be as difficult as him.

  Shen Ying is not difficult. He just tried to be soft just now, thinking that it would be better to give some money to send people away and to settle the matter, so as not to prevent the master from revealing his identity.

  But they don't have enough people to swallow an elephant, and they have to search after they have collected the money. Moreover, he felt that it was a bully for him to give the silver, and it was a bit of an inch.

   After receiving the secret signal from the master in the house, he has no worries.

  You can search, unless you get him down first.

  The officers and soldiers looked at each other. Seeing that he hadn't spoken all the time, they couldn't help but started to do it.

  It’s just that they are small, where are Shen Ying’s opponents, but for a moment, all of them were beaten to the ground, and they couldn’t get up anymore.

   "You, you..." The officer and soldier backed back, holding their heads to their chests, "You wait for me."

  As he said, he quickly turned and ran away.

  Nan Nan in the house heard the voice, a little dumbfounded, "I was beaten away? So fast? Not enough for Uncle Shen to stuff his teeth."

  He is still gearing up, he hasn't played yet, why did he leave?

  There was no sound outside, Jiang Yunsheng breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help feeling worried.

   "The identity of the prince is exposed in this way, I am afraid... there will be a lot of trouble." Although he is not involved in royal battles, he also knows those dirty things.

  Lord Xiu was already jealous of many people. If someone knew his whereabouts, the troubles that followed would be endless.

   Ye Xiu said nothing. Now that he met Jiang Yunsheng who was being hunted down, he never thought of hiding his identity again.

  He thought, the imperial guards who came to hunt him should be all the talents of the imperial concubine Meng. He was under the eyes of these imperial guards at this moment, and even if those people didn't know it at the moment, they would soon find him.

  In this case, it is better to appear openly.

  He exposed his identity, at least wherever he went, a local official would appear to guard him.

  Talking inside, there was a gibberish voice from outside.

   Soon, the officers and soldiers who had just left screamed, "It's him, right here, hurry, catch them."

  Before he had finished his voice, there were a lot of footsteps.

  Ye Xiu raised her eyebrows alone, Yu Qingluo took a look at his subtle movements, and asked strangely, "What's the matter?"

   "A lot of people have come, and many of them are masters." Even local officers and soldiers must have some extraordinary people, otherwise it would be impossible to catch a thief or something.

   Jiang Yunsheng became nervous again, "Then Lord..."

   Ye Xiu raised his hand alone, telling him not to speak.

   The sound of fighting outside has sounded. Although Shen Ying has a high martial arts skill, but there are many officers and soldiers, he blocked one or two, and many of them have crossed him and hit the door of the room.

The heads of the officers and soldiers’ voices were full of arrogant pride, "Ha, I see if you can stop so many people. Are you not very good? Then you block everyone and see. Today, I will take you back to the cell and let You and your master will stay there for a lifetime. You have not obeyed the emperor's orders, and you are already accomplices of the criminals."

  "Who do you say is an accomplice?" As soon as the officer's voice fell, the window next to him was suddenly opened, and a small figure suddenly appeared.


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