Yu Qingluo smiled and wiped his sweat, "Why? My mother always loves you, you can't misunderstand your mother's kindness."

   "Mother, your smile is so treacherous now." Nan Nan was wronged to death.

  Yu Qingluo smiled, and the fan patted him on the back, "Who do you say is treacherous?"

Nan Nan shrank her neck and immediately thumped Yu Qing's legs with a dogfight, and said with a grin, "My mother's smile is sweet and cute. It's best to watch. I mean so and so, oh, that's Yu Zuorin, that People are too treacherous. I hate him too much. He actually lives here, making me feel very inconvenient to get in and out. He swayed downstairs all day, making my hands itchy and wanting to beat him."

  Yu Qing raised an eyebrow and asked him, "Do you really think so?"

   "Of course." Nan Nan said, patting his chest.

  Yuexin has almost smashed the ice cubes. Hearing the conversation between her own lady and Nan Nan, she pursed her lips and smiled, and said back, "Miss, I will find two more pieces of ice."

   "En." Yu Qingluo nodded, and Yue Xin wiped her hands and went out.

  Yu Qingluo then fanned Nan Nan again, her eyes narrowed slightly, and smiled, "Since you hate him so much and want to beat him so much, how about mother giving you a chance?"

   "Huh?" Nan Nan was dumbfounded, and then immediately became excited, "Mother, what opportunity?"

"Don't you like him swinging downstairs all day? Then don't let him come out." Yu Qingluo said, gave him a porcelain bottle, and smiled, "You find a chance to put it inside Pour all the food on Yu Zuorin’s food."

  Nan Nan took the porcelain bottle and looked left and right and looked up and down. Finally, she squinted her eyes and couldn't see what it was. Finally, I pulled out the soft plug, put it on the tip of my nose and smelled it. After a while, my eyes brightened, "Mother, this is a laxative."

   "I don't like him always dangling in front of me. We have to stay here for a few days, let him stop for a few days." So as to avoid trouble with her, Ye Xiudu and Jiang Yunsheng.

  According to her guess, Yu Zuolin is likely to visit Jiang Yunsheng’s house in the middle of the night.

  Although Shen Ying and others are guarded, it is always a big trouble. What if you accidentally saw it? Could it be that Shen Ying actually cut off a court commander with a holy edict on his body?

  So, let him lie in bed for a few days.

   Nan Nan felt that her mother's plan was simply wonderful, and immediately walked away with joy, holding the porcelain vase.

  Yu Qingluo hurriedly grabbed him, "Be careful, he is good at hand, there are so many guards around him, don’t let him see."

  "Don’t worry, mother, I know how to use Lu’s footwork." He smiled, raising his eyebrows like Xueyu Qingluo, and said triumphantly, “Otherwise, why did your mother ask me to do this?”

   Yu Qingluo snorted softly, "You will be smart, go, be careful."

   "Okay." Nan Nan dug a small piece of ice from the bowl and put it in his mouth to eat, feeling a lot of heat in a moment. Then when Yu Qingluo came to beat him, he ran out of the room quickly.

  Yu Qingluo sat in the room and waited for him, holding a flashing fan with the wind.

  Yuexin went and returned, and continued to poke the ice cubes. When the poke was almost done, he poured all the fruits in the fruit plate on the side.

  After that, she sat next to Yu Qingluo and fanned her, "Miss, I just saw Wang Ye let out a homing pigeon."

  Carrier pigeon? Yu Qingluo pursed her lips, then thought of the letter he had written earlier, and snorted twice.

  Cultivating independence at night is definitely going to do bad things, absolutely.

"Miss, is it really okay for Yu Zuo to be here?" There is worry between Yue Xin's eyebrows. She stayed in the mansion for many years, not to mention knowing it well, but for Zuo Lin, she still has fear in her heart. .

  "Miss, Yu Zuolin is so mean and there are so many intrigues. I am very afraid that what happened six years ago will happen again."

Yu Qingluo turned his head and glanced at her, flicked his tightly twisted eyebrows, and smiled, "What do you want so much to do? Six years ago, it was because I was isolated and helpless and didn't have the ability. Now Somehow there is Ye Xiu alone by my side."

  Yue Xin was startled, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, “That said, there is a prince, and Yu Zuolin can’t do much. And there are also Moye and the others to protect the young lady.”

  Yu Qingluo teased her, "You are turning a corner and telling me that Mo Xian is good?"

  Yuexin immediately smiled embarrassedly.

Seeing her like this, Yu Qingluo pursed her lips slightly when she thought of how she and Mo Xian felt, and said, "You are not too young, and so is Mo Xian. When we return to the imperial capital, things will come to an end and let you and Mo Xian, Hongye, and Wentian all take care of this."

  Yuexin’s face instantly blushed, turning his head and shouting, "Miss, why did you suddenly talk about this?"

  She was very embarrassed when she said that, dropped her fan and ran out.

  Nan Nan just came in and almost ran into her.

  Yuexin hurriedly supported him and ran out again after seeing that he stood firm.

  The little guy scratched his head and walked inside in surprise, "Mother, what's wrong with Yuexin?"

   "She's embarrassed." Yu Qingluo hugged him onto the bed and asked with a smile, "Is things done?"

Nannan chuckled like a little mouse, "It’s done and done, mother don’t worry. I watched him eat it with my own eyes. My ability is unique. It is praised by the world. Don’t worry about me doing things. he……"

   "Let's go see the excitement." Yu Qingluo interrupted him, but hurriedly led Nan Nan out of the room.

   Nan Nan pouted, and my mother didn’t listen to him and listened to what he had said about him. It was too rude.

   But he also followed out soon, looking enthusiastic.

  Sure enough, as soon as they left the room, there was a change from downstairs.

  Yu Qingluo was a little surprised. I didn’t expect Yu Zuolin to sit in the lobby and eat like this, no wonder Nan Nan got it so easy.

  Tsk, he deserves it too.

   was thinking about it, and saw Yu Zuolin stood up abruptly and knocked over the chair behind him.

  The guards who had eaten quietly in the lobby looked up at him in surprise, "My lord..."

   "It's okay, you continue to eat." After he finished speaking, his face was strained, and his steps were hurried and weird, and he strode out.

  Yu Qingluo smiled silently while holding on to the railing, especially when he thought of his almost unbearable expression, he laughed and trembled.

   Nan Nan pulled her aside, Yu Qingluo brushed away his hand, and continued to laugh silently.

   Nan Nan pulled her again, Yu Qingluo flicked away again, and gave a low warning, "Don't pull me."

   "...mother." Nan Nan hesitated.

  Yu Qingluo felt something was wrong, and when she turned her head abruptly, she saw Ye Xiu standing in front of her expressionlessly, looking at her condescendingly. <

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