Fan Xiuyun suddenly raised her head and looked at her, "What a pity?"

"It's a pity that you are actually our prince's brother." Yu Qingluo shook his head, "I feel...a bit embarrassing, but forget it. Who will let the prince recognize you as a righteous brother? ."

  These words just pierced Fan Xiuyun’s sore spot. He jumped up and said angrily, “Stop talking nonsense, isn’t it just sitting? How come I can’t?”

   As he said, he quickly pulled aside the chair and sat on it upright.

  I have to say that Fan Xiuyun is the master of a village in the end. He sat on it and got up in an instant.

  Yu Qingluo and Grandma Xiao looked at each other, and the two revealed a tacit smile.

  After that, she saw Yu Qingluo nodding, "Well, there is such a nod, it seems that the owner is also a smart person, then the next thing, I will rely on Mother Xiao."

  Grandma Xiao responded blankly, "Miss, don't worry."

  Yu Qingluo then greeted Nan Nan, turned and left the shabby room.

  Who knows, when I just went out, I found two people standing in the yard.

  One raised his eyebrows to look at him, one had a slight embarrassment on his face, but he felt like he was holding back a smile.

  Yu Qingluo walked over quickly, glanced at them, and asked, "Did you talk about your affairs?"

"En, so come and take a look." Ye Xiudu nodded to her, then looked inside, then turned his head and said to Fan Pingyun who was on the side, "There should be nothing more to do here. Go ahead, I and Qing Go and see Doctor Jiang."

"Okay." Fan Pingyun nodded, and then took a look at the shabby room, and found that his eldest brother was really sitting in jeopardy listening to Madam Xiao's words, and he couldn't help but laughed out, "I have never seen my eldest brother look like this. Blame me, for so many years, he has been allowing him to behave and let him focus on martial arts, and ignore other aspects. Anyway, I still have to thank Miss Yu."

  Yu Qingluo waved his hand, and then frowned, "It's okay to say that he is particularly despised of women for such a problem and must be corrected. Otherwise, he will never marry a wife for the rest of his life."

  Fan Pingyun gave a light cough, smiled again, and left.

  Ye Xiudu took Yu Qingluo's hand and walked to the house where Doctor Jiang lived.

"Fan Xiujun doesn't care whether he has a wife or not. He is a martial idiot. As long as he has a martial arts school and a woman's wealth, he can throw everything aside. But what you said makes sense. Anyway, you must have a wife who knows the cold and the hot. It’s better to take care of him on the side. After all, Fan Pingyun and Fan Qiyun can’t take care of him for the rest of their lives. The two of them are also going to get married."

   Ye Xiu thought of Fan Xiuyun’s problem alone, but he didn’t think there was anything in the past. Men, they shouldn't be held back by women and can't do anything.

  After he realized the taste of this, he knew the taste of the marrow, and couldn't let go of it.

  Yu Qingluo nodded. When she got up in the morning, she asked the maid curiously about this matter.

  How come the three Fan family brothers are all reaching the age of marriage, but there is no woman around to wait on them.

  The maidservants were a little weird on their faces, and then they slowly said that the owner of the village was not married yet, and the second master and third master were not easy to mention this matter.

  I mentioned it once before and asked Fan Xiuyun to find a wife.

  Ke, how did Fan Xiuyun answer? He actually said that his wife is empty and that martial arts is the most important thing. Indulging in the gentleness of the country all day is not the work of a big husband. He also said that if you really need it, just accept a concubine, and the wife will take care of everything and feel uncomfortable.

  As soon as he said this, Fan Pingyun didn’t have to look for it.

  If it hadn’t been for Fan Pingyun to have a heavy duty, a lot of things, and a sensitive identity, it would be a good idea to find a wife, he would have taken Fan Xiuyun a long time ago.

  Yu Qingluo looked at this fan Xiuyun really felt uncomfortable, his attitude, is this not even harming others?

  Fortunately, Fan Pingyun and Fan Qiyun grew up a bit more normal, without his stinky problem.

   "Going back this time, I plan to let Fan Xiuyun follow."

  Yu Qing fell for a moment, and suddenly turned around to look at Ye Xiudu. What did he just say? Let Fan Xiujun return to the imperial capital together?

  She thought of his hot temper, and her eyebrows became a knotty knot.

  Ye Xiu looked at it alone, couldn't help but laugh, stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyebrows, and said, "Don't think badly. Although Fan Xiuyun is a little impulsive, no one here is better than him."

  Yu Qingluo pouted, nonsense, he was called Wu Chi anyhow, if he was no better than others, would he still have the face to retreat all day?

   "It's not that I think badly, it's Fan Xiuyun's temperament... It's too easy to be used by others."

Ye Xiu smiled alone, "Don't worry, although he is acting rashly, he can still distinguish the importance of major events. As long as he is clarified, he can count as ten people alone. Besides, Fan Pingyun looks at him, he is the most important person. It is his second brother who is afraid."

  Yuqing slid down three black lines on her forehead, and then she thought about it wrongly, "Although Fan Xiuyun has good skills, the others are not bad. This time, the matter is really serious... want to bring Fan Xiuyun?"

   "Just in case." Ye Xiu pursed his lips alone, and said nothing.

  Under the hands of the imperial concubine Meng, the real masters are Mengpo and his ilk, and now Mengpo is dead.

  In addition, Meng Zhicheng was also dead, and he worried that Concubine Meng would become angry from embarrassment, and ignored everything.

   But... the spies around him have not been found yet.

  This person hides so deeply that he is not exposed at all, making him the most jealous.

  Ye Xiu Dudu is most afraid of hurting Qing'er and Nan Nan.

  Yu Qingluo looked at him with a thoughtful appearance, and did not bother him. The two returned to the yard together.

  After resting for a quarter of an hour, he went to Jiang Yunsheng’s house.

  Jiang Yunsheng is already much better. He was walking slowly in the house at the moment. When he saw Ye Xiudu and Yuqing coming over, he smiled with joy on his face, "Lord, Miss Jade."

  Yu Qingluo gave him a pulse, Jiang Yunsheng was a little embarrassed, "Jade girl, I’m fine, as long as I take a break, I don’t have to bother you to run every day."

  He is also a doctor, and now he has the ability to take care of himself, so it’s really hard to trouble the future princess running around every day.

  Yu Qingluo doesn't matter, anyway, they have to rest here for a few days, just idle.

  She re-prescribed a dose of medicine, and only then went back to the yard with Ye Xiu.

  However, as soon as she sat down, she heard footsteps coming from outside, and she gave Ye Xiu a unique look.

  The latter took a sip of tea and said in a low voice, "Shen Ying and Peng Ying are here, I'll go out and have a look."

   Speaking of Shen Ying, Yu Qingluo recovered abruptly, and hurriedly grabbed him, "I have something I want to tell you."<

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