Butler Yang tightened the corners of his lips, then lowered his voice, and said in a low voice, "Master Biao, you have gone wrong."



  Yu Qingluo and Ye Xiudu did not make a sound for a long time. After a long time, Ye Xiudu turned their heads and coughed slightly.

  Yu Qingluo couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing out.

  Going off the road, how could such a bizarre thing happen to Meng Ziqian?

   But then I thought that Meng Ziqian had left the Mongolian for the first time, and it was normal.

  Just thinking of this scene, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

"When Master Biao came to the mansion, he was still a little embarrassed." Steward Yang continued to talk about Meng Ziqian. "Probably I felt a little embarrassed. He would have been reading in his house until he knew that you came back today. Won't come out."

   "Has he ever had a meal?"

  Butler Yang nodded, "It's used."

   "Well, let him go. You can arrange for someone to take care of him." Ye Xiudu said, and gradually walked to the yard where he lived.

Butler Yang thought that he had been in trouble all the way and didn’t want to bother too much, so he said in a low voice, “Master, I’ll let you come and wait for you and Miss Jade to rest first. It also happened during the days when you were not in the house. A lot of things have been done, and it will take a lot of time to talk about it. If I will report to the prince in detail tomorrow, what do you think of the prince?"

   "En." Ye Xiu waved his hand alone, agreeing.

Yu Qingluo thought that Yu Bao'er, who had returned to the room with Nan Nan, had no use for dinner. She only ate some cakes, fearing that he would be hungry, so she told the housekeeper to let the kitchen give him a bowl of noodles. After eating and resting for a while, sleep.

  Nan Nan held his chin on the side to watch him eat, and started to swallow inexplicably, his mouth was very greedy.

  But he ate a lot at night. At that time, the emperor kept serving him dishes, and he simply refused to come. He hasn’t digested it yet and can’t eat it.

   felt a little depressed in his heart, and the expression in his eyes followed with faint resentment.

  Yu Baoer was stared at by him, wherever he could eat it, and after a while, he put down the chopsticks.

  Fortunately, he had a small appetite. He ate a lot of pastries in the car. He didn't plan to eat any more, but his sister asked the kitchen to make it specially. He couldn't bear to brush his sister's kindness, so he ate a small bowl.

  Nan Nan saw that he stopped eating, and felt it was a pity.

  Yu Baoer thought he was particularly interesting, neither was it to eat, nor was it not to eat, so she simply pulled him into the room to talk.

  Without that bowl of noodles, he was tempting in front of him, and his mind immediately jumped out of what he had seen and heard along the way.

I will meet Meng Luoyu on the road, help her discipline Meng Ke, recognize the old Yue clan and her father, and tell him all the things at the wine tasting meeting. Naturally, about the internal strife of the Mong ethnic group, mother. I've told you personally, don't just say it everywhere.

  Yu Baoer was envious, "I really want to go and see."

  But he can't go. At least, he can't go for a short time.

  Nan Nan grabbed his hand and lay on the couch together and said, “When you grow up, you can go. In the future, I can also take you to Tianyu Country, where there are many fun places.”

  Yu Bao'er admired Nan Nan very much, and his eyes were shining. He felt that Nan Nan was really knowledgeable, and Nan Nan knew a lot of things he didn't know.

  As the two talked, they talked about Ye Lansheng's body.

  Among the Mongolian people, Nannan is most worried about Ye Lansheng. When it comes to him, he is a little anxious, "Have you never seen Xiao Shengsheng again?"

"En." Yu Bao'er's mood was a little depressed, "I also specifically asked Ping Shizi. Although the emperor does not restrict Lan Sheng's freedom, it is actually not easy for him to come out. There are many procedures in between. To leave, if Lan Sheng goes out, there will be guards who will follow. It is clearly said that it is protection, but it is actually surveillance and restriction. Whoever goes out, is willing to take a group of people, and obviously tells others that he is the son of the dead prince, it is better Stay in Jincheng Garden."

He frowned when he thought of what Ye Lanping said, and continued, "Furthermore, Ping Shizi said that the fourth prince guarding the abandoned prince was the fourth prince. The fourth prince has always been at odds with him. Now that the abandoned prince loses power, he is even more He was arrogant, and often had to go and ridicule him in front of the prince, even more disregarding Lan Sheng."

  These words, Ye Lanping did not intend to tell him, after all, this is a royal matter, and Yu Bao'er is just a small child.

  It can be seen that Yu Bao'er really cares about Ye Lansheng, and thinks that they will spend a lot of time with Lord Xiu, and can't stand his repeated questioning, so she has to tell him.

  Yu Qingluo was very worried, but Ye Lan was not surprised at these things. In his opinion, at least, although Ye Lansheng lost his freedom in Jincheng Garden, he still had food and drink, and his parents accompanied him. In this regard, he was thrown into the palace a few years ago. It's better that no one cares about it in the corner.

  Ke Yu Bao’er also has a deep understanding of losing freedom. Wasn’t she locked up in that hut for so many years?

  The kind of feeling that you should not call the earth every day is not working. In fact, the torture in your heart is really a kind of torture, which can make people lose their energy and motivation quickly.

  At this point, Nan Nan was more agitated than Ye Lanping.

  He couldn't even see Ye Lansheng being wronged. Therefore, he and Yu Baoer had a special resonance with Ye Lansheng.

Seeing that he jumped up anxiously, Yu Baoer hurriedly pulled him back again, "Don't worry, I'll tell you this, I want you to know the current situation of Lan Sheng, and we will do well when the time comes. Think of a solution together."

  In fact, there is one more thing he didn't tell him. According to Ye Lanping, several people in Ye Lanwei saw Lan Cheng in such a state of desolation, they even stepped forward to provoke and provoke things.

  It is the four princes who guarded the abandoned prince. They turned a blind eye to what Ye Lanwei and his son did.

  He dared not tell Nan Nan these words, because he was afraid that he would be even more angry.

   But even if you don’t say it, the original ones are enough for Nan Nan to breathe.

  He was a little annoyed, "It's all Xiao Shengsheng's father, and it was him who made Xiao Shengsheng tired."

   "Shhh, Nannan, I can't say that."

Nan Nan pouted, "It's a fact, I really hate him. He used to doting on a concubine and bullying the princess. When he was in good clothes, he never thought about Xiao Shengsheng, let Xiao Shengsheng A person suffers there alone. When Xiao Shengsheng got the grandfather Huang to take a different look, he immediately remembered that there was such a son who wanted him to speak good things to him in front of the grandfather. Now he did something wrong, but wanted Xiao Shengsheng accompanied him to suffer."

   Yu Bao'er sighed, which is indeed the case. Can't share sweets, but have to share sorrows. Lan Sheng's experience is much more complicated and miserable than ordinary people at a young age.

  Nannan pursed her lips and tightened her jaw. After a while, she exhaled, "Tomorrow we will go to Jinchengyuan to see Xiao Shengsheng." <

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