The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 930: This is the youngest son of King Xiu's Mansion

  The two guards were taken aback for a moment, a little puzzled, "Wei Shizi know this person?"

Ye Lanwei took a small step backwards, and saw Nan Nan's cannibalistic expression and the small fists clacking beside her. He drew a sigh of relief when he thought of what he had just said. Ye Lanli continued to retreat and said to the two guards, "Stop him, stop him, stop, stop."

  He was trembling with fright, and Nan Nan had sneaked into his room and beat him in his mind, and his words were uncomfortable.

   To say that Ye Lanwei is lawless and provokes troubles everywhere, but he is full of fear when he encounters Nannan who is even more lawless, who is better than him, and who is more favored by the emperor and smarter.

   Seeing this, the two guards immediately blocked Ye Lanwei's follow without saying anything, and came over to grab Nan Nan's collar.

  Nan Nan leaned back, avoided him, stood directly in front of Ye Lanwei, and grabbed his arm.

  The guard's pupils shrank, and the spear in his hand pierced towards Nannan.

  However, just halfway through the stabbing, Peng Ying grabbed it, snatched it over, and threw it aside.

  The guard's complexion changed drastically. Knowing that the two in front of him were Lianjiazi, he hurriedly shouted angrily, "You are so brave. If you don't let Wei Shizi go and hold Shizi into Jincheng Garden, this is a capital crime."

  His voice was deliberately raised, and it soon reached the guards patrolling and guarding Jincheng Garden. In just a moment, more than a dozen people hurried over.

  Seeing the scene in front of him, they pointed their guns at the Nannan group one by one.

   Yu Bao'er pursed her lips, trying to stabilize her frantic heartbeat as much as possible, and stood stubbornly in front of Nan Nan, for fear that he would be injured.

   Mo Xian narrowed his eyes, and said coldly, “Bold, this is the youngest son of the Palace of Xiu, who of you dare to move him and don’t want to live anymore?”

  The youngest son of Lord Xiu?

   Repair the palace?

  Xiu Wang?

  Everyone looked at each other for an instant. Although they didn't know who Nan Nan was in front of him, everyone knew about Lord Xiu, and the rumors about Lord Xiu's son... also all knew.

   Is the child in front of him the one who has been rumored some time ago, that young martial artist is strong and intelligent, and the son of the emperor's favorite Xiu Wang and Tianyu Princess Tianfu?

  This, this, how is this possible?

  No, I heard that Lord Xiu came back yesterday, so it might really be...

  For a moment, everyone hesitated and hesitated, and looked at each other, but unlike just now, they wanted to step forward in a domineering manner.

  Especially the two guards who guarded the gate earlier, the cold sweat fell all of a sudden.

   But still a little unwilling, turned his head to look at Ye Lanli, hoping to confirm Nan Nan’s identity from his expression.

  Ke Ye Lanli, like Ye Lanwei, has an inexplicable fear of Nannan. He has already hid aside at this moment, and can't even care about Ye Lanwei's safety.

  Ye Lanwei started to scream, "Yu Qingnan, what are you doing? Let go, let go, you pinch me."

Nan Nan ignored him, but the fingers holding his arm tightened even more.

  He turned his head, looked at the guard, and asked the original question, "Didn’t you say that people like idlers can't enter Jinchengyuan casually? Why can they two **** go in?"

  Bastard Dan Dan Dan? ? ?

The bodyguard shook inexplicably, watching Ye Lanwei yelling, his angry face flushed, but the arrogant person who has always been arrogant, at this moment, did not shout and kill as he used to do, listen to him. The meaning inside is clearly recognized.

  There is also a night ban ceremony, and he is also afraid of Nannan when he sees a ghost. Not only did he lack the arrogance of his son, but he didn't even dare to settle the accounts, as if Nan Nan could keep his life and death at any time.

  Seeing this, even if the guard was ignorant, he knew that the child in front of him was something he could not afford to offend.

  He was busy with a smiley face, and whispered, "They are not ordinary people, they are the elder sons of the third and fourth princes. Well, this Jincheng Garden is guarded by the fourth prince, naturally, naturally..."

   "Naturally, what do you mean, as long as the four princes agree, all cats and dogs can enter?"

   Ye Lanwei jumped up when she heard it, "What a cat or a dog? Who do you say is a cat or a dog? I am the son of the world. How dare you compare me to a cat or dog?"

   "You shut up, I can hear what you just said clearly. You bully Xiao Shengsheng, I will ask you to settle the account in a while, and if you talk nonsense here, I will pinch you to death."

"You, you, you..." Ye Lanwei wanted to refute and choke Nan Nan back, but found that Nan Nan's eyes were trying to swallow him alive, the kind of look he had never seen before in Nan Nan. My heart became entangled all at once, and I couldn't say anything.

  But when she turned her head, she saw a lot of people standing next to her. They felt that they were a little bit uncomfortable, so she muttered unwillingly, "Pinch me to death? Humph, I'm the son of the world anyway, you can pinch it anyway?"

Nan Nan gave a cold snort, ignored him, and turned to look at the guard.

  The guard's forehead was immediately covered with sweat, but he didn't even dare to wipe it.

   could only hesitate and said in a low voice, "I, I mean, it was Wei Shizi who came to look for the Fourth Prince. After all, this place is guarded by the Fourth Prince. So, so..."

   "Oh." Nan Nan nodded, "That's OK, then I have to go in and find someone, Ye Lansheng, Sheng Shizi, is there a problem?"

  "Here, this Shengshizi is a sinner, he can't, can't just meet him casually."

  Nan Nan really wanted to throw up his saliva. Mo Xian watched him holding Ye Lanwei in one hand while trying to rush up to teach the guard. He was a little too busy, so he took a step forward and kicked the guard directly.

   "Who do you say is the body of sin?"

  The guard was surprised, and then he realized what he had said. The emperor's decree was to confine the prince, and Sheng Shizi could still enter and leave the Jincheng Garden. Sheng Shizi was not... a prisoner.

  He suddenly felt that the sky was falling down, what did he say?

  The guards next to each other glanced at each other, but they all stepped back intentionally or unintentionally, trying to push the people around them.

   Nan Nan looked up at them and snorted coldly, "I can go in now, right?"

   As he said, he raised his leg and walked inside.

   "...No, no." Ye Lanwei hurriedly grabbed him, his face pale. He thought of how he bullied Ye Lansheng these days and the friendship between Yinannan and Ye Lansheng. If they meet, Ye Lansheng will definitely tell him. At that time, Nan Nan will definitely not let him go.

  So, can't let them meet.

   "You can't go in, if you break in privately, the fourth uncle has the right to arrest you, I, I tell you, don't..."

   Before he finished his words, a bright yellow silk cloth suddenly spread out in front of him. On it, the words ‘Fengtian, the emperor’s edict’ were brightly reflected in his eyes. <

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