The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 932: Which little master is this

"Mother, I'm fine, don't worry about this kind of person." Ye Lansheng said in a low voice, obviously there are vegetable leaves on his hair and oily vegetable juice on his clothes, but he doesn't seem to care at all. The smile is very soothing.

  The princess was about to cry, and then slowly squatted down, wiped him with the kerchief, "Sheng'er, it's father and mother, it's tired of you."

Ye Lansheng shook her head, holding her tightly with her little hand, raised her eyes and glanced at Liu'er by the door, and then he attached to the princess's ear, and whispered, "Mother, didn't you tell me? We? The only thing I can do now is forbearance. I don’t have any other skills, tolerable, it’s still possible.

  The prince concubine suddenly thought of how he was living alone in the palace two days ago, and she immediately grabbed her heart as if she was tumbling in a frying pan.

  "Mother, don’t be sad. I don’t feel bitter. It’s nothing wrong to have my mother by my side. When one day in the future, I will be strong and powerful, and I will be able to protect my mother."

  The princess shed tears so much. Why is her son so sensible, so well-behaved, but...because of the prince?

"Mother, I'm really fine. The soup is not hot, and it doesn't matter if it is poured on the head. It doesn't taste good anyway." Nan Nan wanted to reach out to wipe her tears, but her hands were still greasy and she was carrying the soup. After a pause, he took it back.

The crown prince suddenly grabbed his little hand and pressed it to her face. She raised her head, with tears still in her eyes, but she already laughed, "You are right, my son is so sensible, mother. We should also be better and stronger. We are dependent on each other, and one day we will be able to leave here."

   "En." Ye Lansheng laughed.

The princess took a deep breath and grabbed his little hand again. Then she stood up and said, "Your body is still wet. If you don't change your clothes, you will catch a cold. They won't fetch you water, mother. I will call you."

   Liu'er raised her eyebrows, a little disdainful under her eyes, but he was more relaxed.

  The princess fetches water personally. After that, she can cook by herself, wash her clothes, and wipe the table by herself, right? Tsk tsk, maybe she will please and serve herself.

  Liu'er feels a little proud when he thinks of this. She had heard that those eunuchs and maids who had a face in the palace, even if they were subordinates, met some low-status masters, they still wanted to please them.

  For example, Miao Qianqiu's father-in-law next to the emperor. She felt that she would be lucky enough to be served by the princess in the future, huh, although it was the former princess who had been abolished, this kind of thing was also cool.

  Ye Lansheng heard what the princess said, but she was taken aback, watching her turn around to leave, really going to fetch water.

He hurriedly grabbed her sleeves and glanced at her slender white fingers at the corner of his eyes. He couldn't bear it, "Mother, I'm fine, don't fetch water, I'll go to the Magnolia Lake in the east to wash it, you Stop fetching water."

   "No, the water in Magnolia Lake is very deep, what if you accidentally fall?" The princess shook her head, disapproving.

  She said, ignoring Ye Lancheng's obstruction, brushing away his hand, and hurriedly out of the door and walked towards the well.

   Ye Lansheng was suddenly startled, and hurriedly followed. When he reached the door, he was stopped by Liuer.

"Oh, boy, don't think about going to Magnolia Lake for washing. If something happens, it will hurt us. I think it's better to let your mother go and fetch the water. I think she is quite powerful. ."

  Ye Lansheng's eyes suddenly sharpened, raised her foot and stepped on her severely, and shouted, "Get away."

  He was so powerful that Liu'er stayed for a while. When he recovered, Ye Lansheng had already ran out, and she stomped severely and hurriedly followed.

  Ye Lansheng just ran to the side of the well, and saw the crown princess struggling to lift up the water.

  The well does not have a roller, so I can only lift it up bit by bit by holding the rope with my hand.

  The princess has always been spoiled and spoiled, such a big bucket of water, nowhere can it be lifted.

  Ye Lansheng ran to her, her hand could not help being loosened, the rope hulled down, and the bucket fell back into the well. The princess hurriedly grabbed the end of the rope and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Ye Lansheng saw her always gentle and weak mother, her long and slender hands, which seemed to be drawn in the painting, had been scratched by the rough rope, broken skin, and even bloodshot oozing out.


   "It's okay, do it again." The princess smiled at him.

   Ye Lansheng gritted his teeth, "Mother, we are together. If a big bucket can't be hit, we will hit half a bucket. If it is still heavy, just hit a little bit, okay?"

   "Sheng'er is really smart." The princess nodded, bent over, and started flipping the bucket again.

   Liuer on the side gave a cold voice, leaning against the door to watch the excitement.

Seeing that the mother and son couldn't get the essentials for a long time, they couldn't help but laughed without a drop of water. "Oh, it really is a spoiled princess, ah, no, I can't call the princess now. Tsk tsk, even half a bucket of water. If you can't fight it, you can't make people laugh at it if you say it."

   Ye Lansheng turned her head abruptly, staring at her viciously, "You get out of here."

Liu Er was a little scared, and stepped back a few steps, but still mockingly, "That's not good, in case I can't take care of anything except the son. Didn't your mother also say it? You are the emperor's grandson. I can't afford it."

  This little thing stepped on her foot just now, and it happened to step on the toes of her little toes, and it was still a little numb, and she had to suspect that he had stepped on the toes deliberately.

   was thinking, a familiar voice suddenly came from a distance, somewhat noisy, "Let go of me, I will let you let me go, otherwise I will be rude to you."

  The voice was familiar, the crown prince's face changed suddenly, and she suddenly grabbed Ye Lansheng's little hand and held it tightly, "Why, why did he come back again?"

  Don’t think of any bad ideas again, do you want to deal with Shenger?

  The princess's eyebrows suddenly twisted together.

  Ye Lansheng also tightened the corners of her lips and shook her head, "Let’s take a look first."

As soon as his voice fell, Liu'er over there was already bright, and he walked towards the few people who came here from afar, and said as they walked, "Oh, Wei Shizi, Li Shizi, how come back? Are you thinking of something fun again? The slave and maid have something fun to tell you. Come and see, there are two people over there who are drawing water from the well, which is interesting. The two elders, be careful, don’t knock. Touching."

  As she said, she walked closer, only to find that there was a child who was carved and carved between Ye Lanwei and Ye Lanli.

  Looking at this dressing, and seeing that he can freely enter and exit Jincheng Garden, his identity is definitely not simple.

   greeted him with a smile, "Which little master is this? He looks so handsome and beautiful, and at a glance he knows that he is a blessed person." <

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