Yuqing was surprised, and hurriedly responded, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

   Could it be that the guard was bold enough to provoke Ye Xiu alone like this?

Ye Xiu glanced at the children alone, then stopped, lowered his voice and said, "Fan Pingjun just came over and said that the third and fourth brothers went to the seventh brother's mansion in secret." Although he lowered his voice, his tone of voice was not. It's very cold.

  Yu Qingluo's heart chuckles, the three princes and the four princes... are you allied with the seventh prince?

  Although the three princes and the four princes are really not good candidates to compete for the crown, they are also the kind of princes who are ambitious but have no strength. But even so, after all, they had prepared to fight for that position, and there were many plans and people who could use them.

  Even if they are just a small force, they can condense with the Seventh Prince Menggui, that is a force that cannot be underestimated.

  Yuqing's eyebrows were tied together. During the time they were not in the imperial capital, Concubine Meng and the Seventh Prince seemed not to be idle at all, and they did a lot of preparation work.

She pulled Ye Xiudu's hand, and whispered, "The seventh prince's goal has always been you. Now that they are united, I am afraid they are also going to deal with you. Look, do you want to find Prince Bao or... …The Sixth Prince?"

Ye Xiu pursed his lips alone, and shook his head after a long while, "Sixth brother himself doesn't have a deep friendship with me. Now the father's move is obviously to push him out to be a target. I am afraid that both the sixth brother and Min Fei will think this is My father is paving the way for me, maybe they already hate me in their hearts."

   He said, paused, and then whispered, “Even if you don’t hate, with such a complicated relationship in it, I won’t rest assured to join forces with him.”

  Yu Qingluo thinks about it, she is a little confused.

  It seems that the top priority is to bring down Meng Guifei first. Only when she falls, the alliance between the Seventh Prince and the Third Prince will be disintegrated.

  Yes, the first thing is to find the weakness of Concubine Meng. Without further ado, she must go to Yufu to find out what Madam Ge said.

Yu Qingluo made a decision in her heart, so early the next morning, when Ye Xiu entered the palace alone, she quietly touched Yu's house.

  She has been to Yufu several times, and she has figured out the route earlier, which is no stranger to her.

  It's just that she can't fly, so how to enter Yu Mansion without knowing it is really a big problem. If it is possible, she can just faint the doorkeeper, but she is afraid that it will cause unnecessary trouble.

  Yu Qingluo stood under a big tree more than 20 meters away from the gate of Yufu, holding his chin into contemplation.

   stayed for nearly two quarters of an hour, and she could not think of a complete strategy. After a pause, I walked around to the back door again.

  The back door is even more deserted and quiet, but it is even more useless.

   was silent, she turned to the front door again. The next moment, I saw five or six children playing under the big tree where she was standing.

  Yu Qingluo’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he drew a silk scarf from his sleeve to cover his face, and then smiled and walked to the children.

   "... My sister has something to ask you for help."

  The children were stunned for a moment, and looked at her with their heads tilted, and saw that she was not doing anything wrong. One of the older boys stepped forward and asked, "What's the matter?"

  Yu Qingluo pointed at the gate of Yu's house and said something lowly.

  After that, he took out a handful of candy from his small bag, "This is for you, and there are five copper plates for each person."

  The few children were immediately attracted by the delicate, small and attractive candy in her hand, and each of them looked eager.

  Yu Qingluo knows that they are all children of ordinary people. There are many brothers and sisters in the family. It is not easy to buy snacks on weekdays.

  She paused and took out all the sugar in the small bag, as well as a few pieces of pastries and preserved fruits that Nannan had stored in her place.

  The children agreed in an instant, "Sister, don’t worry, we will definitely complete the task."

   Yu Qingluo touched their heads and smiled, "Then I will trouble you, be careful."

  Several people nodded, and happily took everything carefully into their arms.

  After that, a few older children found some stones, ran to the gate of Yufu, and began to throw them vigorously.

  In a short while, the door of Yu's house opened, and a small servant who looked like a concierge came out, grinning at the children, "What are you doing, you don't want to live anymore?"

  "This is the house of the bad guys, the house of the traitorous officials, we are going to beat the traitorous officials."

  The eldest child shouted loudly, and several people threw stones at the door again.

  The little boy's eyes suddenly widened, and he stood fiercely in front of the gate, pointed at them and said angrily, "I'm not being polite when talking nonsense."

  The children suddenly broke up with a smile.

Xiao Si breathed a sigh of relief, and walked in the door again.

  Who knows that the door just closed, but the children went back and forth, throwing stones at the door again.

  The little girl was so angry that he walked out gritted his teeth and scolded them again, and he was about to beat them.

  Several children broke up again.

   Repeated this several times, the young man and the other concierge finally couldn't bear it, leaned over and took the broom and chased them out.

  Yuqing's eyes flashed, seeing the open door and the empty gap, and quickly squeezed into it sideways.

   Then, I found a corner and hid it.

  Not too long, the two young men who chased out came back cursingly.

   "It's really bad luck, let them escape fast, otherwise I will never spare them."

   "That is, it is flexible like a monkey, and it disappears at once. Don't be caught by me next time, otherwise I have to peel them a layer of skin."

  Yu Qingluo listened for a while with her ears sideways, and then he was relieved to breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that the children were safe.

   Then she focused all her attention on the house, carefully looking for no one’s route to the yard where she once lived.

  It's just that the more she goes, the more strange she feels.

  Outside the mansion, Yu looked deserted, as if Yu Zuolin was arrested and looked a little lonely, desolate, and listless.

  She thought that there was no master in this mansion, and it should also be messy, some chaos.

  But when she came along this way, she found that not only did she act in an orderly manner, she even seemed to have rules and regulations than when she came last time.

  The flowers, plants and trees in the mansion are also very delicate and beautiful, and all the places they go are clean. Even the walking and talking between the servants is like a spring breeze, without the slightest feeling of catastrophe.

   Something is wrong, something very wrong.

  There must be demons when things happen abnormal, which is strange in the mansion.

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