The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 950: Ye Xiu Du and the Seventh Prince are not brothers

  Yu Zuolin's face changed drastically. He wanted to grab her, but found that his hands were soft and powerless.

Yu Qingluo snorted coldly, and kicked him aside suddenly, "Six years ago, using this method of initiation, six years later, there is still only this nasty way. Yu Zuorin, you are really disgusting. "

   "Yu Qingluo!!" Yu Zuorin was in a big hurry, but couldn't do anything. He wanted to yell loudly, but the voice on his lips was deep and powerful, and he simply didn't have the strength to make a louder voice.

  Yu Qingluo didn't even pay attention to him, but walked towards Fei Ge.

   Flying Pigeon raised his head with red eyes, "You, when did you poison?"

   "I got off when I first came in." Yu Qingluo squatted in front of her with a smile, "I would also like to thank you for the delay of your presence."


"Speaking of which, the imperial concubine and the seventh prince are really brave. They dare to steal the day and get Yu Zuolin out of the prison. Tsk, if the emperor knows about this, what will happen to the seventh prince? Will it? Is it also like the waste prince, put into confinement, or is the emperor furious, like the eighth prince Ye Haoran, be demoted to the common people?"

Fei Ge’s face changed, but he quickly returned to its original state and sneered, "You have no evidence, why do you say that this was done by the Seventh Prince? As long as Master Yu does not admit it, and the Seventh Prince does not admit it, we can say it. You were taken out of the prison and then deliberately brought to the front of the emperor. What's more, it's strange that you suddenly appeared in the mansion."

  She absolutely believes that Empress will use this point to find a breakthrough.

Yu Qingluo suddenly realized, "Yes, why are you so smart, I almost forgot, we have no evidence, what can we do? By the way, just poison both of you to death. Anyway, you can do it. If you die here, the people in Yu's house dare not say anything. Otherwise, don't everyone know that Lord Yu has left the prison in private?"

  Fei Ge suddenly raised his head, staring at Yu Qingluo firmly.

  But she found that although she seemed to have a careless attitude, her eyes were very serious.

  She is serious, seriously considering how to poison them both.

   "Girl Flying Pigeon, your mind is so vicious, living in this world is also a curse to others."

  Yu Qingluo smiled and stood up slowly. There was a needle on the tip of her finger. When the footsteps passed by her, the needle slammed into the top of her head.

  Flying pigeon's pupils shrank, and his whole body trembled. The next moment his body fell limply to the ground, there was no movement.

  All of this, Yu Zuolin saw clearly, his eyes widened, staring at Yu Qingluo, who was walking towards him step by step, as if...she was the Lord Yan who came to claim his life.

"Master Yu, I have never been able to find a chance to take revenge. I have never forgotten all the sufferings I suffered back then. Over the years, whenever I think about it, I wish I could cut you a thousand times. Now such a good opportunity lies in it. In front of me, even if I killed you today, no one would find me, and no one would even dare to do an honest investigation. You said, should I seize this opportunity?"

  Yu Zuo Lin's breathing hurried for an instant, and when he looked at the needle in her hand, he truly felt that this woman had the ability to kill herself.

  He suddenly became frightened. This woman has become so cruel now that she didn't even blink her eyes when she just killed the flying pigeon. What's more, it is herself who has a deep hatred with her.

  He wants to run and bark, but he feels that his senses are no longer his own.

  Yu Qingluo is already standing in front of him, "Pity your mother, white-haired people send black-haired people. But well, poor people must be hateful. When she harmed me, she also performed very well."

"... Yu Qingluo, Qingluo, Qingluo, if you forgive me, I will never hurt you again. I won't go with the Seventh Prince. If you let me go, I will fly away immediately, OK? ? Back then, I was sorry for you back then, but for the sake of our husband and wife, don’t..."

  Before he finished speaking, Yu Qingluo's hand was already photographed on his head.

  Yu Zuolin's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe his life, so it fell into Yu Qingluo's hands.

  This woman he tried his best to get rid of.

   "You have a lot of nonsense, can you just die if you die?" Husband and wife love? Yu Qingluo wanted to laugh, why didn't he feel awkward when he said this?

  She withdrew the needle abruptly, without looking at it, she walked to the incense burner aside, and threw a medicine into it.

   Soon, a faint fresh smell emanated from the room, which soon masked other smells.

  Yu Qingluo put the silver needle away and let out a breath.

   is like a boulder that has been overstocked for many years suddenly fell. In fact, it is not difficult to kill Yu Zuorin. As long as he loses his official position and loses the trust of the emperor, it is nothing more than a silver needle.

  Open the door of the house, there is still no movement outside.

  That’s right. The yard has been renovated and reorganized. It is suspicious. There are more people here. Don’t you tell everyone clearly that Yu Zuo is on the verge of escape?

  Yu Qingluo closed the door and walked under the big tree that Grandma Ge said.

  She looked around, and beside the flower pot, there happened to be a shovel. Although the yard was renovated, the things left behind helped her a lot.

  Yu Qingluo found the position Ge Ma said, and then began to shovel carefully.

  The stuff was buried a little deep, Yu Qingluo dug for a long time before digging out a square box.

  Yuqing let out a sigh of relief, took out the key that Grandma Ge gave her, and opened the box directly.

Inside    are two jade pendants with strange patterns and a book.

  Yu Qingluo frowned, and looked at the words on the book hard. It seems that only a few words are vaguely recorded, "What Mongolian...what?"

  Only the Mongolian words can read clearly, and she doesn't know what else is written.

  She hesitated, and then opened the book carefully.

  There is nothing special about the first few pages, just the name of the person and his life deeds. Although brief, it is also clear at a glance.

  Yu Qingluo looked inexplicable, very strange, what did Grandma Ge want her to do to find out this thing?

  She turned over again, and finally turned directly to the back, and quickly searched for it.

  For a while, her face changed drastically, her eyes became extremely shocked, and the notebook in her hand fell back into the box with a ‘pop’.

   "What, how? Ye Xiudu and the Seventh Prince... are not the same father and mother... brothers?" <

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