Yu Qingluo looked at him worriedly, the corners of his mouth opened, and he stopped talking, but in the end he didn't say anything.

  Ye Xiudu's face slowly became heavy. After a while, he said, "Tomorrow, let's go to Jiang Yunsheng's junior."

   Yu Qing was taken aback, looked at Ye Xiudu's firm face, knowing that he... had a murderous heart.

  She silently tightened the fingers holding his palm, and gave a soft ‘en’.

   Ye Xiu closed her eyes alone, and suddenly a small voice came from outside. As soon as Yu Qingluo raised her head, she saw Fan Pingyun not knowing when she was standing under the big tree outside the window, winking at Ye Xiu alone.

  Fan Pingyun appeared, Yu Qingluo immediately thought of chasing after Fan Xiuyun who had assassinated the emperor's murderer.

  Ye Xiudu’s face has returned to calm, he let go of Yu Qingluo’s hand and said, “I’m going out for a trip, it should be Fan Xiuyun who is back.


  Yu Qingluo let go and watched his back disappear into the room.

It’s just that her heart is a little overwhelming. Ye Xiu is going to find Jiang Yunsheng’s younger brother. It should be guessed that Jiang Yunsheng’s younger brother has Meng Guifei's handle. Otherwise, Meng Guifei will not be so impatient to kill Jiang Yunsheng’s master. , And chase him down.

  Things that are so exciting, the thing that Junior Brother Jiang Yunsheng holds in his hand is definitely extraordinary.

  It's been a while since he came back, but he hasn't mentioned this matter. He must have been hesitating before.

  Now knowing that the emperor was assassinated, and the murderer was a concubine, he has completely annoyed him.

  Yu Qingluo rubbed his eyebrows, and didn't know what exactly the man named Xu Yi had in his hands.

  And the notebook in her own hands...I don’t know how to tell Ye Xiudu.

  That's it, after you find Xu Yi first and see what is in his hand, she will talk to Ye Xiudu.

  She thought a lot, and when Ye Xiudu returned, the sky was completely dark.

  Ye Xiudu held a piece of paper in his hand and spread it directly on the table after entering the house.

  Yuqing Luo stepped forward and took a look, "Who is this?"

  "The appearance of the assassin." He drew it based on Fan Xiuyun's description. "The assassin escaped. Although he was injured, it was not serious."

  Yu Qingluo tilted his head to look at that, but how do you look at it... how come you don’t feel like a person?

   "Are you sure, that assassin really looks like this? Wouldn't it look a little better?"

Ye Xiu laughed alone, and took her hand to sit on her lap, "Fan Xiuyun has always been a little exaggerated. I think, although it is a bit inaccurate, there are always some imaginations. Fan Xiuyun also said, That assassin looks very good-looking."

  Yu Qingluo curled her lips and looked good. Why didn't she pretend to be an **** instead of a court lady?

"Okay, don't think too much. Fan Xiujun said that although the injury is not serious, he can't do anything in a short time." Ye Xiu saw that the time was not early, and stood up, "rest early and pay tomorrow. Go to the palace for a follow-up visit to my father."

  Yu Qingluo nodded, she was indeed tired.

  He also killed Yu Zuorin and Fei Ge himself earlier, and I don’t know if Concubine Meng has received any news.

  However, the assassination of the emperor is even greater. Compared with the death of Fei Ge, Yu Zuolin and Fei Ge's death, it is estimated that she has not much thoughts to pay attention to.

  When people die, there is no use value. Meng Guifei may not even bother to look at it.

  Early the next morning, Yu Qingluo entered the palace alone with the night training.

  The emperor’s complexion improved a lot, and when he saw them taking Nan Nan and Ye Lansheng into the palace, his eyebrows were stained with a smile, and he pulled the two children around to talk.

  Listening to Miao Qianqiu on the side, Concubine Meng and several concubines came to visit again, but they were blocked by the Queen Mother.

  The emperor also said that he could not see anyone, so the concubine Meng had to go back to Yixing Palace.

   Ye Xiu duo was expressionless when he heard this, and didn't even shake his eyebrows.

   Yu Qingluo sighed secretly in her heart, and instructed the emperor to take care not to get tired before rest, and then he packed up the medical kit and went back.

  The emperor left Nannan and Ye Lansheng, asking them to accompany them after lunch before leaving.

  Emperor Ye Xiu Dukan wanted the two children to talk beside him, so he left Fan Qiyun and asked them to take Nannan back to his home after lunch.

  He and Yu Qingluo went to the snack shop on East Street that Jiang Yunsheng said.

  There are not many snack shops on East Street. I went all the way and quickly found the Xu’s snack shop mentioned by Doctor Jiang.

  Yu Qingluo stood outside and took a look. The shop is neatly decorated. It seems that although it is a few years old, it is very clean.

  The guys in the shop are proficient, and pack the snacks that the guests want to buy neatly. Even the way of folding the paper bags is very beautiful.

  Seeing Yu Qingluo coming in, the guy was taken aback.

  They have small shops, and they are all ordinary people. Those big households go to the big shop on the street.

  Why now there is a person wearing such a delicate dress walking into a small shop like them.

  The guy looked confused, but he still laughed, and he quickly responded, "This girl, what do you want to buy?"

   "I heard that your shop has a kind of preserved fruit that is very delicious. It's the only one in your shop, isn't it?"

  When the guy heard it, he immediately laughed, "I dare not say anything else, this candied fruit is pickled by our shopkeeper's exclusive secret recipe. It's delicious."

   As he said, he immediately went to the side and took a tray, used a small clip to add a little bit on the plate, and handed it to Yu Qingluo, "Girl, would you like to try it."

  Yu Qingluo twisted one into her mouth, her eyes lit up, and it was really good. She buys some to Nan Nan and the others to eat. Those little guys will definitely like it.

   "I need this, weigh me two catties." Yu Qingluo asked the buddy to pack the preserved fruit, and then turned to look inside the shop.

  Wandered for a while before asking, "You said this preserved fruit is your exclusive secret recipe? Where is your shopkeeper? I want to discuss something with him."

  The guy was stunned, then smiled, "Does the girl want to buy this secret recipe?"

   "Why, many people buy it?"

"It's a lot, but a noble person like a girl is the first one." The guy glanced at her and hesitated for a moment. "So, the girl waits here for a while, I'll go in and talk to the shopkeeper. "

  Originally ordered by the shopkeeper, but anyone who has an exclusive secret recipe is missing. But the guy saw that the girl was generous, and he just gave him a small ingot, so he should go for a run.

  Yu Qingluo nodded, but before seeing the guy enter the backyard, the door curtain inside was lifted, and then a voice sounded, "What do you want to say to me?"

  Yuqing raised her head sharply, and saw a small and slender man approaching.

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