"Uncle Shen." Nan Nan screamed and hurried over.

  The other people suddenly looked at Shen Ying. Peng Ying narrowed his eyes and shouted at the remaining seven or eight people in black, "Retreat."

  After he finished speaking, he took the lead in the woods.

  Jin Liuli's whip curled up the last man in black and threw him violently. The man was killed on the spot.

  Others, but they have already ran away one after another.

  Ye Haoran and Jin Liuli looked at each other, and hurried to Shen Ying.

  Fan Qiyun carefully helped him to sit up, and Shen Ying's blood spurted out again.

   Nan Nan was in a hurry and hurriedly rummaged through her bag, found a medicine and stuffed it directly into Shen Ying’s mouth, “Uncle Shen, hurry up and eat it quickly.”

  Shen Ying strenuously swallowed the pills in Nannankou, and smiled at him, “No, I’m fine, don’t worry.”

  How could it be okay? He had been injured, plus Peng Ying's fierce palm, and fell to the stone. I am afraid the internal organs have been damaged long ago.

   "Let's go, take the people back to the Palace of Xiu first." Jin Liuli looked at Shen Ying's situation very unoptimistic, and hurriedly said to several people.

  Ye Haoran and Fan Qiyun nodded at the same time, and carefully carried the person onto the carriage.

  Nan Nan and Jin Liuli took care of him. The two of them drove a carriage and hurried to Xiuwang's Mansion.

  As soon as he arrived at the gate of King Xiu's Mansion, Fan Qiyun said to the young man standing outside, "Go and ask the doctor."

  "Isn't there Yuqingluo?" Ye Haoran asked in surprise.

  Fan Qiyun shook his head, "Girl Jade went into the palace to save Yu Baoer, she is not in the house." Going to the palace to find Yu Qingluo, it is better to find a doctor to come over faster.

  Ye Haoran nodded, and ordered the servants of the Palace Xiu Palace to quickly lift the soft sedan chair over, and carried Shen Ying, who had been unconscious, into the Palace.

  Mo Xian and Steward Yang heard the movement and hurried over.

When he saw Ye Haoran and Jin Liuli, Qi Qi was stunned. However, the next moment, after Shen Ying's eyes fell on the soft couch, he suddenly gasped.

   "What's going on?" Mo Xian couldn't help shrinking his pupils, his expression shocked.

  "Bring the people back first and then speak." Before it was too late to explain, everyone hurriedly lifted their voices back to the room.

  The doctor came over soon, and Mo Xian drew the person in front of Shen Ying, "Hurry up and show him."

  The doctor shook his body, and quickly stretched out his hand to hit Shen Ying's pulse.

  But after a while, his face turned white, and he knelt on the ground, "Everyone, sir, this son is seriously injured, I, I can't do anything."

   Mo Xian took a breath, lowered his head and raised his collar, "What did you say? You say it again?"

   "The old man is really powerless, this, this injury is too serious. Especially, especially the palm of his chest, it is fatal, the old man really can't heal him, you prepare for the funeral."

   "Don't talk nonsense." Nan Nan yelled, his eyes flushed, and he turned around and ran out of the house.

  Jin Liuli hurriedly followed, "Nan Nan."

The room fell into a weird silence. The doctor knelt on the ground and shivered. He quietly raised his eyes to look at the people in the room. After a long while, he whispered, "Old man, I heard that the ghost doctor girl is in the palace of Xiuwang. Ladies and gentlemen, you can invite her to be healed. The ghost doctor's medical skills are no one in this world, and they can definitely be cured, so, so..."

   "Shut up." Mo Xian snorted coldly. Of course he knew that Miss Yu was there, so they didn't need to be so anxious.

  Ms. Keyu is now in the deep palace. She is already in danger and her whereabouts are hidden. Even if they want to send a message in, it might be difficult for them.

  As the fire was raging, Nan Nan, who had just ran out, suddenly ran in again, holding a large number of medicine bottles in his hand, all piled beside Shen Ying’s bed.

   "Nannan, what is this?" Ye Haoran asked with frowning.

   Nan Nan lowered her head and began to search, "These are my mother's medicine bottles, very precious, I will look for them."

He was talking, and he kept in his hand for a while before he turned out a small brown bottle, his face was happy, "This is it, this thing is very useful for treating internal injuries, the last time the **** was injured, mother This is what I used."

Nan Nan immediately poured out two pills and stuffed them into Shen Ying's mouth.

  The doctor who was kneeling on the ground was taken aback, and hurriedly stopped, "Hey, little boy, little boy, you can't take this medicine indiscriminately."

   "You shut up." Mo Xian yelled at him again.

  Although Nan Nan is a child, he runs around with Yu Qingluo all the year round. Although he has no medical skills, he can be touched by ears and eyes, but he also knows some common medical knowledge.

  Especially this kind of life-threatening matter, he will not just joke casually.

  He said that this medicine is useful, so it must be useful.

  Others didn't mean to stop them, they just looked at Shen Ying with a deep gaze.

  If you still don’t see well after taking this medicine, then it’s really...

  The doctor looked around, cursing secretly in his heart, if there is a case for this person to take the medicine, don't put the account on his head.

  After taking the medicine, Nan Nan hurriedly pulled up the doctor, "Hurry up, and show me Uncle Shen again."

  The doctor complained repeatedly, so he had to take the pulse to see the doctor again.

   then a little surprised, "This medicine seems to be useful, but..."

   "But what?"

  The doctor sighed, “The injury is too serious, and this medicine can only hold him for a while.”

   "What nonsense are you talking about?"

   "Master Mo, the prince is back." At this moment, steward Yang's voice suddenly came from the door.

  Nannan stood up quickly and hurried to the door.

  Far away, I saw Ye Xiu looking like a lonely wind and dust, walking towards this side in strides.

Nannan was under too much mental pressure this day and night. First, she watched Yu Bao'er being tortured all night, and then met Peng Ying’s rebellion. Now she knows that Shen Ying may not be able to live anymore, and she will soon be dead It's the same.

  The steps he walked forward shook a little, and stumbled to Ye Xiudu's face.

   Ye Xiu Duo clearly felt Nan Nan's strangeness, seeing that he was about to fall, hurriedly picked him up with one hand.

"heads up."

   "Daddy, Shen Ying, Uncle Shen... the injury is too serious, the doctor said... is about to die."

There were two tears in the corners of Nan Nan's eyes. Ye Xiu felt sore in his heart. He patted his back and walked forward while holding him, while whispering, "It's okay, there's daddy here. Nothing will happen, huh?"

   Before his voice fell, a voice suddenly passed by him, and he rushed into Shen Ying's room.

   Nan Nan was taken aback for a moment, turned to look at the figure that passed by them, "Daddy, that's..." <

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