The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 997: Shen Ying, how can you die

  Ye Haoran and Jin Liuli looked at each other, and pursed their lips, seemingly difficult to express.

   "Fifth brother, I have to say sorry about this matter. If it weren't for my mother... mother, Peng Ying would not have been by your side for so many years, let alone become a concubine Meng, to deal with you."

  Ye Xiu laughed alone, “I don’t want to listen to this at this time. For so many years, I haven’t found him to be a spy. That’s because of my lack of ability.”

  "Five brothers..."

   "Well, I never blamed you. I know you have nothing to do with this matter. At least you rushed over at a critical juncture. I still have to thank you."

  Ye Haoran laughed and looked at Ye Xiudu. The two of them looked at each other tacitly, as if they had returned to their former brotherly affection.

After a while, Ye Haoran put away the smile on his face and said with a serious face, "Fifth brother, although my father has asked me not to return to the imperial capital. But no matter what, at this time, I always hope to be by your side to help you. Yes. At the beginning, I did return to Jiangcheng with Li'er, but I didn't stay for long, and I felt anxious in my heart. I knew that Concubine Meng had to deal with you one day, so I still rushed to the capital with Li'er. I thought of hearing bad rumors before arriving in the imperial capital."

  He glanced at Ye Xiu alone, who sneered, "You heard the rumors that I imprisoned the emperor and controlled the government?"

Ye Haoran smiled, "Yes, but I also know that the emperor originally liked the fifth elder brother to inherit the throne, so there is no need for the fifth elder brother to do such a thing. I think the situation in the imperial capital must be very serious. However, the distance The closer I was to the imperial capital, the more I could feel the situation in the imperial capital. Until this morning, when I arrived outside the imperial capital, I had heard that the seven princes had begun to gather troops and played the title of rescuing the father and rectifying the court. I Only then did I know that this emperor is really beginning to change the sky."

   "I think, even if I am a citizen, I can always help the fifth brother. However, when I pretended to enter the imperial capital, someone stopped me."

"Fifth brother, you know, before my mother died, she left me a group of dead men, let them protect me and listen to me. I have seen those dead men. I think I am no longer a prince. These It was really unnecessary for people to follow me, so they asked the leader to disband them. But the leader did not agree, and finally, at my insistence, he disbanded them temporarily, saying that there is no need for protection, but if I can use it someday, I can still disband them. All were summoned. However, the leader always followed us and did not leave."

   "This morning, he stopped me. I saw that he wanted to talk and stopped, as if he had something to say, thinking he didn't want me to enter the imperial capital."

"Unexpectedly, he said, the biggest help I can help Brother Five is to find out the spies who have been hidden by Brother Five for many years. Heh, I only knew that at that time, it turned out that my mother still kept such a hand, but she did not expect her There were also people arranged by Brother Fifth, but he didn't expect that he would obey Concubine Meng's instructions in the end."

"The leader said that my mother didn't tell who the spy was before she died, just to make the fifth brother fight with Concubine Meng, and prevent Concubine Meng from having a better life. But, in the final analysis, my mother doesn't want Concubine Meng to win. That’s why she told the leader of the dead man, and asked him to tell me who the spy was, if necessary, and let me tell the fifth brother. When I came to Xiuwang’s Mansion, I happened to see Peng Ying and Shen Ying taking Nan Nan away. After repairing the palace, he chased it up."

Concubine Wan Wan is actually a very smart person. She knows very well that in the future, even if the Seventh Prince becomes the emperor, even if Ye Haoran becomes a commoner, I am afraid he will not let him go.

   But she knew better that if Ye Xiu Duan didn't make him anxious, he wouldn't want to sit in that position.

  In Wan Fei’s mind, if his son cannot become emperor, then the only person who can sit in that position is Ye Xiu Duo, who has the best personal relationship with his son.

   In the final analysis, even before dying, Wan Fei still took a good move, a good move that counted everyone in.

  Ye Xiu did as she wished. After experiencing the assassination of the Mongol clan and the assassination of the emperor, she gradually became determined to get rid of the concubine Meng.

Concubine Wan said to Yu Qingluo at that time that she might find an unexpected gain if she finds Grandma Ge. She knows exactly what this gain is, and knows very clearly...what is the true identity of Concubine Meng.

  She didn't say it at the time because he knew that Ye Xiudu didn't hate Concubine Meng enough or cruel enough at that time. If he were to tell him the truth, he might be self-defeating and let Ye Xiudu give in.

  Now that it’s good, Ye Xiudu will no longer let Meng Guifei take half a step. Even if Meng Guifei’s life experience is miserable, Ye Xiudu will not give it half a step.

  At this moment, Ye Xiu Duo gradually understood Wan Fei’s thoughts. However, whether it is him or Meng Guifei, it seems that they can only follow Wanfei's ideas.

   "Fifth brother, I...I'm sorry." His mother had calculated so much, Ye Xiu Duo was the top priority.

   Ye Xiu waved his hand alone, shook his head and said, "The matter has passed. For now, the most important thing is to deal with Concubine Meng and the Seventh Prince. No matter what, you are back, I have one more helper."

   "Ye Xiu Duo, I can be regarded as a strong helper." Jin Liuli snorted slightly dissatisfied.

Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows alone, but Nan Nan in his arms had adjusted his emotions, slid down from his arms, ran to Jin Liuli, grabbed her hand and said, "That's that. , Aunt Jin is the best helper."

  Jin Liuli loves him so much, she hugs the little guy in a hand, "My Nannan is still the cutest."

  Nan Nan nodded vigorously, feeling a little negative because of the relationship between Yu Baoer and Shen Ying, and because of seeing Jin Liuli and Ye Hao again, but he was much better.

  He held Jin Liuli's neck and turned his head to look at Ye Xiudu, "By the way, Daddy, why is Uncle Jiang back? Also, who is that sister? Does she know Uncle Shen?"

As    was talking, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and Jiang Yunsheng walked out in sweat.

  All the people outside the door got up from their chairs with a ‘swish’, and looked at him together.

  Fan Xiaoxiao even leaned in front of him and eagerly pulled his sleeves and asked, "Doctor Jiang, how is it? How is Shen Ying? Does it matter?"

   Jiang Yunsheng sighed and lowered his head slightly.

Fan Xiaoxiao was stunned, and took two steps back abruptly, tears came out of his eyes, and his body collapsed to the ground all of a sudden, crying, "Shen Ying, woo, how can you die Chen Ying? You? You are dead, what should I do, this grief? You badass, you bastard, woooo..."<

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