"1 million rubles in cash + a second-hand nine-axis five-link CNC machine tool, deal!"

Seeing Chen Feng readily agreeing, Lao Maozi finally heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately stretched out his iron-like right hand, shook hands and said with a smile, "Okay! Refreshing!"

Slot, this old Maozi commander is so strong, he almost crushed his palms.

As a result, the business of 250,000 bottles of canned yellow peaches was completed perfectly while Chen Feng grinned!

Moreover, Commander Sergey also proposed that if there are similar businesses to be done in the future, you can call him directly!

As long as Sergey's name is reported for any wagons brought in through customs, there will be no obstacles and they will pass through the border smoothly!

In this way, Chen Feng's plan to open up "dealers" in Moscow has been completely successful!

As for Ivanov on the border...

Anyway, his role as a matchmaker has been completed, and he has not treated him badly, and the commission he will be given this time will not be less than a penny.

It's just that if this guy wants to take advantage of him in the future, he can't do it!

Not only can he no longer take advantage of himself, on the contrary, this guy will become his own pony in the future!

After all, Chen Feng is now considered to be a member of Commander Sergey. You are a mere regimental commander, do you still want to turn against the sky?


1 million rubles in cash, after spending an hour checking the authenticity, it was fully loaded into two brand new anti-theft suitcases!

As for the nine-axis five-link CNC machine tool...

This thing can't be pulled with a train leather, it's too big.

Therefore, after discussing with Commander Sergey, it was decided to use a freighter to ship by sea. It will take about 20 days, and finally the goods will be shipped at Lushun Port in the northeast!

One million rubles!

It's a win, I'm a winner!

Chen Feng had a great time in Moscow that night!

Of course, Anna waited all night again at night, which is great!

The next morning, Chen Feng got up from the bed limply with dark circles under his eyes.

Seeing that Anna was about to jump on him, Chen Feng hurriedly shrank to the side and waved his hands.

"There is an old saying in our Dragon Kingdom, which says that there are only exhausted cows, but no fields for plowing!"

"It's not going to be done today, and the future will be long..."

Anna is also very familiar with Chen Feng now, she rolled his eyes at him and said with a smile: "Didn't you say that you are in good health and can handle everything?"

"Ahem... Well, the body also needs to recover, doesn't it?"

"By the way, speaking of things, this business is over, what is your next plan?"

"Do you want to stay in Moscow, or return to a small border town?"

Chen Feng hurriedly avoided the subject and asked.

A complex expression flashed in Anna's eyes, and she didn't answer right away.

This time, she witnessed Chen Feng's success.

A nineteen-year-old man, alone, can make a big deal with Sergei, the commander of the Caucasus theater. Why doesn't she want to be like him and achieve success in her career?

However, Anna knew that it would be impossible for her to go to Longguo, a place she was not familiar with.

Obviously, she was born in Moscow, and it was impossible not to stay here.

A small border town is just a short stop in my life.

But after Chen Feng's business is done this time, what reason does he have to stay here?


Anna was about to say something, but Chen Feng walked towards her with a smile, and gently pressed her lips with his fingers.

"I know that you want to stay in Moscow."

"But you don't know what reason to stay, do you?"

This handsome man from Longguo is always so considerate.

Anna nodded, tears welling up in her eyes, although she didn't speak, everything was kept silent.

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng directly waved his hand domineeringly.

"Anna, I'll give you a reason to stay!"


"You also heard what Commander Sergey said. This business is not the end, and he wants to do more business with me in the future!"

"After returning to China, I will set up a trading company that specializes in doing business with Su."

"The person in charge of the station in Moscow is you!"

"Don't forget, I still need your translator to communicate with Sergey! Do you think I will throw you back to that nightclub where you can only rely on others?"


He... turned out to be such an arrangement!

After Anna finished listening, a huge sense of surprise welled up in her heart!

He understands me so well!

So, in ecstasy, Anna threw herself into Chen Feng's arms almost without thinking, and gave him a passionate kiss!


When returning to the border by train again, according to the agreement, Chen Feng certainly did not forget to give the kickback of 450,000 rubles to Commander Ivanov.

Of course, this time the attitude of the other party talking to me has obviously changed!

There is no longer the arrogance and greed before, but honest and respectful.

Needless to say, he knew that Commander Sergei must have greeted him!

"Chen, if you need help in the future, just ask."

"This money, this is the first time I've charged you, and it's also the last time!"

Ivanov said politely.

Chen Feng also nodded slightly, and handed the other party a suitcase that had already been filled with 450,000 rubles.

Chen Feng has always been aboveboard in his work, as long as he promises good things, he will not renege on his debts.

Of course, both parties are very clear about each other.

Time has passed, and the relationship between the two now is no longer the same as it was a few days ago!

If he, Ivanov, still wants to profit from it.

I'm afraid it's not a question of money, but a question of whether he can keep the hat on his head!

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