The Disintegration Of Mao Xiong: I Am An Oligarch And I Drive An Aircraft Carrier To Go Fishing

Chapter 2 This Is Four Wins, It's Hard To Win 【Favorites】

"You boy..."

Chen Fumin had never told Chen Feng about this before, just when he was surprised and wanted to say something.

The words were interrupted by Grandpa.

"Xiao Feng, what are you thinking?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng knew that the first problem he had to solve after his rebirth was coming.

That is, how to persuade the family to agree that I will not enter the factory, but go to do business with Lao Maozi and become a loser?

Fortunately, the current me is no longer that nineteen-year-old high school graduate who doesn't understand anything, but a man who has lived in two lives and is already in his forties!

Chen Feng stroked his thoughts in his mind, took a deep breath, and then spoke.

"Grandpa, Dad, Mom."

"I don't want to live in a state where I commute to get off work on time every day, and I can see my life in ten or twenty years at a glance!"

Chen Feng knew that at this time, his point of view must be clear, and he must impress them in the shortest possible time.

So he paused and said again.

"I have been a naughty bag since I was a child, and I have caused troubles for my family."

"If you enter the work unit and cause some trouble, wouldn't it be embarrassing for the family?"

"So, I want to go out and do business!"

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, Chen Fumin's face darkened, he glared at him and shouted: "Nonsense!"

"Joining the unit is to sharpen your temper and learn the rules, so that you understand that stepping into society is not that easy!"

"Business? What a whimsy for a teenage doll!"

"Do you know that doing business requires capital and means?"

"You are a high school graduate, you have no money and no means, why don't you go outside to sell pancakes?"

Grandpa was not happy when he heard this: "Fu Min, what's wrong with the teenage doll? I used to carry a gun and shoot little devils when I was a teenager!"

"Don't yell at him yet, wait for someone to finish talking!"

No one in the Chen family would dare not listen to the old man's voice. Even the uncle who is the most official now can only bow his head and listen obediently when he is scolded.

As a result, Chen Fumin's waist suddenly shrank, and he swallowed the half of the words that he hadn't finished speaking.

However, Chen Fumin looked at Chen Feng with a bit more distrust.

Seeing that his son was silent, the old man turned his head to look at his grandson Chen Feng, and asked, "Xiao Feng, tell Grandpa, what kind of business do you want to do?"

Grandpa won himself a chance to explain!

Chen Feng immediately said: "Grandpa, I want to go to Su to do business with Lao Maozi!"

"Doing business with the old man?" This time the old man was also confused: "What kind of business can the old man do?"

I'm just waiting for you to ask this!

Chen Feng immediately replied: "Grandpa, you should know about the recent situation in Su by watching the news these few years. The lives of ordinary people in their country are actually getting worse and worse!"

"Well, there are some signs." Grandpa nodded: "Go on."

"In fact, Su, a superpower, has spent so many years in the cold war with the beautiful country, and its resources have been invested in heavy industry and military affairs."

"The field of light industry and people's daily necessities is deteriorating day by day!"

"I heard that Su Guo has to wait in line for a month to buy canned food, wine, and clothes!"

“And the price is very expensive!”

"Look, since the reform and opening up of Long Kingdom more than ten years ago, life has gotten better and better, and there are a lot more commodities! And the price is much cheaper than Su Country!"

"So I've been thinking, if we can sell these things from our country to Su, we will definitely make money, and definitely make a lot of money!"


Chen Feng's idea immediately made the whole family gasp, stunned!

As for the understanding of Su country these years, everyone knows a little bit about it even though they read the news and newspapers every day.

But no one has reached the level of Chen Feng!

Waiting in line for a month to buy daily necessities and food?

Or the big brother Su Guo? The only superpower on the blue star that can wrestle with the beautiful country?

No matter what, this statement cannot be accepted by everyone!

"You... where did you hear the news?"

After a while, Chen Fumin asked stammeringly.

"Dad, isn't there a classmate in our class whose hometown is on the border?"

"He said that every time he went back from vacation recently, he saw a lot of people just pouring things across the border and selling them, and he made a lot of money!"

"These news are all heard by those poor people from the old man who bought things. It can't be faked!"

At this time, of course Chen Feng can only explain by changing "I have a friend" into "I have a classmate".

Chen Fumin knew that there was indeed such a classmate in his son's class, and he thought his son hadn't lied, but he still didn't turn the corner.

"Then...even if this is the case, what can you sell?"

"What about the capital? What about the source of goods? What about the sales channels?"

Hearing this series of questions, Chen Feng thought to himself that his father is indeed the director of the office of Fengtian Heavy Machinery Factory, and his thinking is still very clear.

But this is of course not a problem for a reborn person!

"This business does not require capital."

"Not only does it cost nothing, the merchants who provide the source of goods also ask me to help them sell things!"

Chen Feng chuckled and said.

When Grandpa heard this, he also thought it was a bit of a fantasy: "Xiaofeng, which merchant still asks you to help them sell things? I'm afraid you are not a fool!"

Chen Feng laughed: "Haha, grandpa, have you forgotten the troublesome things that uncle mentioned when he came to our house for dinner last week?"

"The annoying thing that Fu Qiang mentioned?"

"Well, uncle, didn't you say that he has been on a business trip for the past two months to investigate and run around because there are many factories below that have a backlog of products that cannot be sold, which leads to the failure of the factory to pay wages and bonuses, and the workers come to argue with the leader all day long? ?”

Chen Feng sped up his speech, and continued: "These factories are all under the management of the Erqing Bureau. They didn't make a production plan according to the market, and the poor sales caused the capital turnover to be poor. They asked the bureau to help them get loans all day long. wages, or find a way to sell these products for money.”

Grandpa understood a little bit: "So you kid wants to..."

"I... these products, try to sell them to those old men in Su country, and the profits are very high!"

"Since it is a backlog product, I can get the goods first, and settle the payment to those factories after they are sold."

"And help them sell the inventory, not only can they not collect money first, but after selling, they have to give me a certain percentage of handling fees!"

"This will not only help those factories solve the practical difficulties, but also make the uncle's work more comfortable. The living standards of the old Maozi people can be improved, and I can still make money. This is a win-win for all!"

Chen Feng pointed out four fingers and said confidently.

Chen Fumin was obviously also attracted by Chen Feng's idea, but he was still worried: "But, in Su, who are you selling it to? How much is the right price?"

"Besides, you have to rely on trains to transport things to Su, right? Where can I get the wagons? You kid doesn't know the tricks on the railway. If you don't have a good relationship, you can't get the wagons at all!"

"Without these connections, how can we do it?"

Chen Feng rolled his father's eyes, and said, "Dad, our family has this way!"

"Does our family have one?"

"Yes, have you forgotten Fourth Uncle?"

"Isn't Fourth Uncle the head of the regiment on the border? He comes into contact with Lao Maozi every day. Hasn't he got acquainted with him?"

"As long as there are goods, Fourth Uncle will release some news that we don't need Longguo's wagons at all. The old man would like to bring the goods when those trains go back!"

Now, Chen Feng's entire plan has been clearly described.

From the source to the specific operation, each step has sufficient reasons and specific practices!

The way Chen Fumin looked at his son, already doubtful at the beginning, slowly began to waver!

Could it be that my nineteen-year-old son can really do this business?

However, not even a second after this thought popped out of his mind, Chen Fumin shook his head mockingly.

I'm afraid this kid has read too many novels from street stalls, so he was deceived!

These days, who doesn't know that entering the unit and serving the country's job is the safest and most promising job?

Go out and do business by yourself? Even if those self-employed earn some money, what can they do if they become million-dollar households? It's not like being looked down upon!

The Chen family, starting from the old man, are all doing things for the Dragon Kingdom. You are a mere high school graduate, can you still turn against the sky? !

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