So Chen Feng approached his uncle and asked him to contact some factories with poor returns, and give him those talents who are very capable but have nowhere to play!

It would be better to double the salary and prop up the company's shelf!

Of course, Chen Fuqiang has no reservations about doing things for his own nephew.

Especially after witnessing Chen Feng's great success this time, Chen Fuqiang is also very optimistic about Chen Feng's future.

In the matter of finding someone, he spared no effort to help him!

In three days, a team of more than 20 elites was pulled out for Chen Feng!

The chief of the sales department of a certain meat factory, the chief of the financial department of a certain textile factory, the office director of a certain hardware factory who was in charge of administration, etc...

Once these people were in place, the company immediately stood up visibly with the naked eye!

"Mr. Chen, what do you think of our 'Huatong International Trading Company' brand?"

"It's very good! Those big characters, if you think of a way to make them gilded, it won't be too expensive, Director Hu!"

"Okay, okay, I'll send someone to do it right away!"

Huatong International Trading Company, this is the new company name registered by Chen Feng.

Not to mention Hua, "Tong" means Passepartout, everything knows! Also a good sign!

Chen Feng, you say his style, sometimes he is just an ordinary guy from Northeast China.

Although it is only a rented building for office now, Chen Feng will definitely not lose face!

Whole gold, give me a bright spot, don't be afraid to spend money!

Don't tell me, in the Northeast in the 1990s, everyone ate this set!

If the company brand is not well done and you are reluctant to give up money, others will look down on you!

After earning money later, he will repair the office building. At that time, Chen Feng will continue to make big and strong!

After the company started operating, Chen Feng quickly brought everyone together for a meeting to arrange work.

Now the company's liquidity is 4 million.

The 4 million is the capital, and there is still one month before the Chinese New Year.

If you operate quickly, you can at least do business with Lao Maozi three times!

Moreover, this time it is not limited to canned fruit.

One is that it is not good to sell too much of this stuff in the short term, the price will definitely drop, and the basic laws of the market must be followed.

Second, other products have higher profits!

Such as thermos bottles, fur coats, sugar, etc...

After turning around the loss of Xingfu Cannery after being reported by the newspaper, Chen Feng's reputation shot up in Fengtian City like a rocket!

Many factories came directly to the door and offered not to pay a deposit, but to settle the payment one month after the sale is completed!

Even a commission ranging from 10 to 20% of sales is offered, and the supplier is responsible for it!

This is equivalent to the other party giving me money, begging me to help sell something they can't sell!

After discussing with everyone, Chen Feng proposed the next three business trips, to sell different products, and to choose better sources of goods as much as possible!

After all, this is no longer the time when only the Happy Cannery could choose at first!

Higher quality products will not only allow Anna to quote a higher price when the time comes.

Moreover, the impression of himself in Commander Sergey's heart will be further deepened!

This old Maozi commander may still be of great use before the disintegration of the Soviet Union, ha ha!

Of course, Chen Feng will not announce the secret that his sales in the Soviet Union are all based on the channel of Commander Sergey.

Because no one knows how long Commander Sergei's business can last.

Now Chen Feng adheres to the principle of doing business in Suzhou, no matter how long it lasts in the future, if he earns a fortune, he must get a reward in return!

No one can guarantee whether Sergey can come up with enough money to pay this time.

What if this guy wants to "barter" again on a whim?

It can be said that the nine-axis five-linkage CNC machine tool was obtained this time, and at most one of these machines was obtained, and the other three were unnecessary, even if they were obtained, the value would not be too great.

Therefore, before Chen Feng ships this time, it is necessary to confirm first, if the other party wants to exchange something, what can be exchanged!

Moreover, Chen Feng himself has some small calculations already planned!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng went to find his fourth uncle, Chen Fumeng.

Since the nine-axis five-linkage CNC machine tool landed in the Fengtian small factory, Chen Fumeng, the head of the regiment, was specially assigned to lead people to take charge of security around the factory, and his work on the border was temporarily represented by the deputy head of the army.

This is also a precursor to Chen Fu's sudden promotion!

Think about it, the main job of a frontier regiment leader is to guard the "heavy weapon of the country" in Fengtian. It is foreseeable that after the true value of this nine-axis five-linkage CNC machine tool is thoroughly researched, Chen Fumeng will probably not know it. I went back to the border again, but took up a job elsewhere in the Northeast Military Region.

And there is a high probability of being promoted!

Sitting in a military jeep, Chen Feng came to the "defense center" near Xiaochang.

This place is actually a miniature version of the regiment headquarters. From the moment the nine-axis five-linkage CNC machine tool arrived in Fengtian, Chen Fumeng took on the role of defending it here.

"Xiao Feng, why are you free today?"

"Has the research expert team already determined the time to come?"

Seeing Chen Feng coming in a hurry, Chen Fumeng hurriedly took him into the office.

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