The Disintegration Of Mao Xiong: I Am An Oligarch And I Drive An Aircraft Carrier To Go Fishing

Chapter 78 European Community Industry Committee Negotiations! Chen Feng Also Participated In【Seek Q

"Thank you." When Yan Hong returned the gift, he had already noticed the "supplies" being unloaded, and he was very excited at the moment.

That's a Su-30!

Su's latest fighter model, the world's leading three-and-a-half-generation fighter!

The darkest moment when the people of Longguo were still struggling to figure out how to break through the bottleneck of the third-generation machine within five years.

In this way, a three-and-a-half-generation fighter came to Fengfei Manufacturing Factory.

How can this not excite a Long Guohang flyer like Yan Hong?

After finally waiting for the Su-30 covered with special materials to enter the research institute, the first time Yan Hong saw this top fighter appeared in front of his eyes, he felt like a steel blue eagle waiting to soar into the blue sky!

Looking at the streamlined shape, exquisite materials, and its clean weapon rack.

Yan Hong's eyes were moist.

He thought of the difficult days in recent years when he led his team to break through the problems of the second and a half fighter jets day and night, just to improve the technical value a little bit!

He thought of the disappointment after the country offered two conditions for importing third-generation fighter jets from the Soviet Union this year, but was ruthlessly rejected by the other party!

But at this moment, this latest three-and-a-half-generation Su-30 fighter jet is right in front of you, within reach!

Seeing that everyone was still standing behind him, Yan Hongcai reacted, secretly wiped away tears with his sleeve, turned around and ordered.

"Hurry up, organize inspections of all parts of the fighter plane, and report the status of the whole plane as quickly as possible!"



Only now did the technicians get busy, rushing forward with all kinds of equipment.

At this time, a red flag car entered the secret base, and a young man got out of the car, walked straight into the research institute, saw Yan Hong's location, and immediately greeted him.

"Director Yan!"

After Yan Hong saw the young man's face clearly, he immediately greeted him in surprise.

"Ah, it's Xiao Chen!"

"Finally waiting for you!"

Yan Hong shook hands with Chen Feng deeply, and said gratefully: "I've been dreaming about Su 30 for the past few days, now it's all over, I finally saw it was delivered safely, you worked hard!"

"I don't work hard. It's really hard work for you to do scientific research in such an isolated environment for many years." Chen Feng replied modestly, while handing a suitcase to the assistant of the other party: "This is the one I personally brought from Moscow. Some Su-30 related materials brought back, I believe it can play a great role in the research process.

"Okay, I really don't know how to thank you this time..."

"No need to thank you, this is what I should do as a Longguo person." Chen Feng smiled and said: "I believe that with this Su-30, our Longguo's negotiation to buy the batch of Su-27 should be much smoother."

Hearing this, Yan Hong was shocked.

How could he know this?

But soon Yan Hong reacted.

This time, the secret shipment of the Su-30 to the country was initiated by Chen Feng and reported directly to Beijing through the Northeast Military Region, and then notified to Fengfei Manufacturing Factory.

Come to think of it, the leaders above must have met Chen Feng and talked about this while commending him.

After all, they were able to get the Su-30 here, and the relationship in the country of Su must be extraordinary, so they should have found out about the 24 Su-27s that the country of Long wanted to buy!

Naturally, there is no need to mention these details now, Yan Hong kindly chatted with Chen Feng.

"Xiao Chen, speaking of which, I have known you since you were very young."


"Your father, Chen Fuqiang, before entering Fengtian Heavy Industry, was still an educated youth jumping in the queue. He and I were jumping in the same county. At that time, I heard that he found a beautiful and virtuous teacher as his wife and gave birth to a big fat boy. , hugged the photo and rejoiced for several days. I also joined in the fun and saw the photo of the big fat boy "Isn't it you? I thought you must be promising!"

"Haha! Then why did my dad say that I don't like to eat when I was young, and I'm not skinny..." Chen Feng laughed heartily.

It goes without saying that Director Yan is close to himself to be able to talk about such a long-distance relationship with him.

"Ever since I was young, my dad has always said that my mind is running wild all day long, and he has criticized me a lot."

"Hey, you can't say that. The ancients said, 'It's not necessarily good when you're young'. You can be naughty when you are young, and you can do a great job when you are old~◀!" Yan Hong said: "This time you brought back such a precious gift to the country. Present, we, Fengfei, will spend at least one year or two on researching this Su-30, so we don’t know what we can do to help you.

Chen Feng was originally ordered to hand over the box of Su-30 materials by himself, and he planned to go back after handing over. Hearing what Yan Hong said, he thought of something, and asked casually: "That... Director Yan, I think Excuse me, do you have anyone who studies engines?"

"Of course! One of the most important parts of a fighter jet is the engine, and it is the most important part. We have many researchers here. What's the matter?" Yan Hong asked.

"It's like this. I'm going to engage in the production of automobile engines. There are some professionals here..."

Chen Feng briefly talked about the talent gap that he plans to enter the auto industry.

Although airplanes and automobiles are different, there are still many similarities between the two in terms of engine principles.

To build a car, money is not enough, you need someone, even if you don’t have ready-made ones, you still have to find a group of good teachers to teach, right?

Those Maozi engineers are good, but firstly, they need translation because of the language barrier, and secondly, their thinking system is different from that of Longguo people, so Chen Feng thought about how to find some engine researchers in Fengfei Manufacturing Plant, come over to help, and lead the way. Team or something, in the future we will be able to establish our own auto engine talent system faster.

Of course, I haven't discussed this matter with the other party before, that is, I just asked casually after I came, and I don't know how likely it is to succeed.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Chen Feng's request, Yan Hong agreed without hesitation.

"No problem, Xiao Chen!"

"Although we will have a large number of engine researchers to focus on this Su-30 after it arrives, our factory's talent echelon construction has always been excellent, and there are still many reserve researchers. They can fully support you."

"How many do you need? Five, or ten?"

This, this, this...

Chen Feng originally planned to recruit only two or three people to be teachers.

When the other party opened his mouth, he said five or ten?

Of course that's great!

"Then...just 10 people, won't it delay your work here?" Chen Feng asked cautiously.

"Don't delay, we, Fengfei, can transfer 10 researchers casually. Let me say another word of boast, compared with fighter jet engines, civilian car engines are basically pediatrics, haha..."

This Yan Hong was also very happy, and he spoke very straightforwardly, so he agreed straightforwardly!

So, after having a simple meal that day, Yan Hong directly appointed 10 researchers and left with Chen Feng!


"Longteng Research Institute" has finally ushered in a researcher who is not an old man from Su!

Because the automobile production line is still in the initial stage of preparation, apart from Sashaski and the 6 Volga engine experts brought back from the Soviet Union this time, these 10 researchers are also placed here first, and all the remuneration is calculated as the station!

In Chen Feng's plan, the future automobile production line will naturally be placed under the Longteng factory, so the recruitment work is still handed over to the factory director, Yao Ze.

"Old Yao, my plan is that by this time next year, we will start car production."

"This area is no different than motorcycles. It requires a lot of talents, both workers and managers, preferably experienced.

"You have to take a long-term view. In the name of Longteng, find a way to start recruiting all over the country as soon as possible."

Chen Feng said to Yao Ze in a deep voice on the phone.

As far as collective enterprises are concerned, their competitiveness is still inferior to that of state-owned enterprises, which is more obvious in the matter of recruiting talents.

But now Longteng motorcycles have become popular all over the country. The word "Longteng" is not just a simple brand, but a kind of pride!

Moreover, Chen Feng came from 2022. He knows that just shouting slogans cannot attract talents to generate cohesion.

In the workplace in the previous life, the popular saying was: there are only two reasons for employees to be dissatisfied with their jobs, one is that they are not happy with their work, and the other is that they do not have enough money!

Therefore, Longteng has always recruited people twice the average salary in the industry!

Coupled with strict internal management but a fair, just, caring and proud working environment, new employees recruited to Longteng will not have any dissatisfaction.

At the end of the year, Su State will be disintegrated, while Long State will quickly open up to the outside world and become a major exporter. At that time, the development of all walks of life will be like a blowout, and the demand for labor will be huge.

If you don't plan in advance, not only will the cost of recruiting more and more later, but there may not be so many talents to choose from!

Just recruiting workers is not enough, you have to provide support, whether it is worker dormitories or purchasing machinery and equipment, there is a cost.

Of course, this all costs money, a lot of money!

Currently, Chen Feng has less than 100 million working capital, most of which is the cost of the Su-30 subsidized by the Air Force.

With the official mass production of the new version of Longteng motorcycles, Chen Feng also felt that the time was almost right!

The surge of personal computers in Europe is coming, but Chen Feng still needs information on which node is the most appropriate to throw a blockbuster.

So, he made a phone call to the office landline of Vice Minister of Industry Xiang Zitao.

"Hello to the Minister, I am Chen Feng from Longteng Motorcycle."

"I would like to ask, has the time and venue for the next round of negotiations with the European Community Industry Committee been fixed?"

Soon, Xiang Zitao told Chen Feng the relevant details.

On August 4th, the next round of negotiations between the two sides will be held in the famous European city of Geneva!

Chen Feng immediately expressed his desire to participate in the negotiation.

This request, in the eyes of outsiders, seems simply unbelievable.

The boss of a collective enterprise, without any official position, still wants to participate in this kind of dialogue between ministries and commissions at the national level?

But Xiang Zitao is very clear that Longteng Motorcycle needs to open up the European market, and when all conditions are ripe, it is indeed time to confront the opponent head-on!

During this time, Hui Zitao paid close attention to Long Teng's dynamics in his spare time.

Of course, he is well aware that Longteng bought the Qinchi Winery in Lu Province with a big deal, and just a few days ago, a ministerial-level confidential internal reference mentioned Chen Feng's introduction of Su 30!

Undoubtedly, it will cost a lot of money to do these things, which cannot be supported by the domestic profits of Longteng Motorcycle alone.

So, after Xiang Zitao thought for a moment, he immediately agreed.

"Okay, I will put you on the list of the negotiating delegation this time.

"For specific notices, I will ask Fengtian Industrial Department to issue documents to Longteng."

"Then thank you Minister Xiang."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Feng stood up and took a few deep breaths.

As the birthplace of modern industry, the European market has never been ignored.

Even in some fields, European technology is far ahead of the beautiful country and the foot basin country, and even reached the point of monopoly!

For example, the Dutch lithography machine technology is beyond the reach of any other country.

And if Longteng wants to go global, he must not avoid Europe!

Europe, I Chen Feng is coming!

Soon, the document notification from the Ministry of Industry was issued.

In the list of negotiating delegations, Chen Feng's name is impressively listed!

Compared with other comrades with positions, Chen Feng wrote "industry representative" in the brackets behind, which is also unprecedented!

This kind of operation of bringing entrepreneurs or industry representatives to participate in international negotiations is generally only liked by beautiful countries.

There is no other reason. As the most developed superpower in the world, capital has long penetrated into every corner of the beautiful country. All their external actions are for the benefit of capital.

But in a SHZY country like Dragon Country, this is the first time to do this!

As the predecessor of the European Union in the previous life, the European Community certainly has an annual rotating country.

This year's rotating country happens to be Thomas from England, who is also England's Minister of Industry.

As a rotating national industrial official, Thomas has done his part to become the leader of the negotiating delegation for this year's industrial negotiations with Longguo.

In his opinion, what else do we need to talk about with those yellow-skinned Long Kingdom people?

We, the European Community, make a list and send it to them according to the needs. If there is anything missing, let them provide it at the price we specified.

Do you still need to sit at the same table with them every few months and chat for so long?

Isn't this a waste of time!

Moreover, in every negotiation, what Dragon Kingdom desires the most is not to sell things to Europe, but to import some urgently needed commodities from Europe.

For this kind of unequal status, it is completely a negotiation that the other party wants from him, and Thomas also thinks that it is not interesting to talk about (Qian Zhao's).

Anyway, didn't those stammering Longguo people obediently sign the meeting minutes and leave in the end?

"Mr. Thomas, this is the list of people who will negotiate with Longguo tomorrow, and the other party just faxed it over.

"Please take a look."

The secretary handed a fax to Thomas, and he took it over to see that it was no different from the last time.

It seems that there is an extra name?


Chen Feng?

There is also a parenthesis saying "industry representative"?

what the hell

But Thomas was not in the mood to take the initiative to contact Longguo for verification.

Anyway, he thinks there is no difference, it doesn't matter if there is one more person or one less person, even if your Dragon Kingdom really catches a monkey and sits on the table, it can't change the situation of the negotiation!

"If there is no problem, just arrange the audience according to this list."

"Also, remember to make the coffee stronger tomorrow."

"Good Mr. Thomas."

Staying up late to watch the football game for the past few days made Thomas always lack energy when working during the day. Although he was only dealing with those Long Kingdom people, it would be bad if he really fell asleep.

And on the other side of the earth, the capital of the Dragon Kingdom.

Regardless of previous life or rebirth, Chen Feng is the first time to participate in this kind of delegation representing the Ministry of Industry's external negotiations.

In addition to applying for a business passport for him alone.

Xiang Zitao also asked Chen Feng to prepare detailed information - after all, Chen Feng did not participate last time. Compared with himself, no one should know the development status of Longteng Motorcycle better?

On the plane to Geneva, Xiang Zitao did not forget to ask: "Xiao Chen, how is your English?"

"It's okay, it's definitely better than Russian." Chen Feng replied.

"Haha, you don't need to speak Russian in European negotiations. If you are good at English, you can respond faster."


"Here is the meeting agenda, you can take a look first."

Chen Feng took the document and checked it, it was clearly written on it. .

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