The Disintegration Of Mao Xiong: I Am An Oligarch And I Drive An Aircraft Carrier To Go Fishing

Chapter 82 Pressure From The European Community 【Full Decision】

It must be that those semiconductor giants remembered that 60,000 kilograms of memory chips were bought by the little-known Zhiqi Company some time ago, and now that the market has risen, they think that Zhiqi Company has no backing, and they want to come to a joint Baidao and insist on it. !

First, block your pellets and prevent them from leaving the country. Then what about the gap in Europe? Of course, we need to find big companies like Taiwan and Island!

In addition to taking the opportunity to increase the price and earn more profits, they can also wait until the price drops, and then swallow Zhiqi’s memory chips at a low price. Anyway, you won’t be able to ship them at that time!

Hehe, these guys from Taiwan, no matter how big or small the company is, for them, the habit of playing hooligans is engraved in their bones.

If Zhiqi's boss is not himself, but Tao Bohao, then this wave of temporary blows will undoubtedly kill Zhiqi in one move!

"Don't worry, I'll find someone to find out who wants to play against Zhi Qi."

"As for these batches of granules, hehe, no matter what kind of bullshit 'relevant departments' are, at this time tomorrow, I promise they will obediently come to beg you, and ask you to transport the granules to Taoyuan Airport to board the plane immediately!"

"Okay..." Tao Bohao, who was still in shock, hung up the phone after seeing Mr. Chen's words so convincingly.

After Chen Feng made a few more phone calls, he quickly figured out who was behind it.

It turned out to be TSMC playing tricks!

TSMC, known as the "Sacred Mountain of Protecting Taiwan", ranks first in semiconductor production in Taiwan!

Needless to say, this kind of temporary and rude decision must be the trick of Guo Taiming, the boss of TSMC!

Guo Taiming is a man with great ambitions. Not only has he flourished in Taiwan and Island, he has monopolized the entire semiconductor industry. He has also invested and built factories in the mainland and around the world, and he has earned huge profits for him by catching cheap labor.

He seems to be low-key and modest, but in fact he is extremely rampant, and everyone looks down on him except the West!

On the three-acre land in East Asia, Guo Taiming thinks that TSMC is the most competitive company, not one of them, even Samsung in South Korea, he does not regard the other party as an opponent!

Guo Taiming, I didn't intend to talk to you, but now you want to take the initiative to pick things up, don't blame me

There was a chill in Chen Feng's voice.

"Bohao, the company will immediately receive three copies of the compulsory delivery contract sent by the 26 European Community Industrial Committee. After you get them, just throw them to those 'relevant departments'. Within half a day, they will Crying and begging you to empty the warehouse quickly!"

"Ah... yes!" Tao Bohao immediately agreed.

The best way to deal with these black hands on the island is not through relations within the island, but...

Let the European Community come forward!

For Taiwanese people, Omi will always be their dear father, as long as your father loses his temper, whether you are Guo Taiming or Niu Taiming, you will deal with it honestly!

These three compulsory delivery contracts were originally signed by Chen Feng with the largest personal computer manufacturers in England, France, and West Germany after the negotiations ended that day. Of course, they were "recommended" by Thomas, Mary, and Muller.

At that time, Chen Feng did not expect such a nasty thing to happen on Taiwan Island. The original intention of signing the compulsory delivery contract was actually to fear that the other party would return, and to facilitate the collection of deposits. After all, Europeans value the so-called "contract spirit" most.

But I didn't expect to use the compulsory delivery contract in reverse to bring Guo Taiming and TSMC together!

Because there is often a clause in the contract, that is the "force majeure" clause.

If there are factors stipulated in the force majeure clause, such as war, major natural disasters, hostile government actions, and other factors not caused by both parties to the transaction, resulting in failure to deliver, Chen Feng does not need to take responsibility, and the deposit does not need to be refunded.

But the current situation belongs to "other factors not caused by both parties to the transaction". In this way, Chen Feng can collect a deposit of 10% of the total amount without delivery!

How can European masters accept this kind of situation? Doesn't that mean eating their tofu?

Chen Feng just mentioned a little bit about "It is said that the government of Taiwan Island may be secretly supporting a large semiconductor company on the island, and people have detained these memory chips". The three committee members of England, France, and West Germany , Immediately slapped the table angrily!

"A small island of Taiwan, a dog from a beautiful country, Yuanran dares to do this to us old Europe?"

"If you dare to cut off our raw materials, you will cut off his natural gas, steel, and metal!"

In the 1990s, most of Taiwan's resources were imported directly from the West, and the European Community was their second largest trading partner.

If you dare to break ground on Tai Sui, as long as we fight back, I am afraid that the stock market in Taiwan will plummet immediately when it opens tomorrow!

Also the "Four Asian Tigers"? I'll call you the "Four Asian Little Bugs" every minute!

Following several phone calls from members of the Three Kingdoms, plus the "compulsory delivery contract" provided by Tao Bohao!

It even alarmed the high-level officials of Taiwan Island, and had to hold an emergency meeting immediately!

The leaders of the relevant departments of Daobei City ran to the meeting, almost scared to pee!

Because this matter is basically handled by people at the level of Daobei City, and the higher-ups don't know about it yet!

Suddenly being "greeted" by England, France and West Germany at the same time? At first, Taiwan thought it was a good thing.

After hearing the other party's request clearly, the top management of Taiwan Island was frightened to death!

Good guy, when did Taiwan Island have this kind of "treatment"? It was spat on the phone by people from the three major European countries.

It is said that a director of a certain bureau in North Dao City who took the lead to seize the warehouse was directly kicked to the ground by the enraged senior executives of Tai Island!

"Ganlin is cool! (Taiwan swearing)"

"You useless idiots!"

"Who gave your dogs guts for ordering sparrows from our most distinguished European guests?"

"Hurry up and unblock the warehouse, and send it to Taoyuan Airport overnight!"

"If you offend the European side, everyone involved in the detention operation this time will have their official hats taken off for me, and they will go to jail, do you hear me?"

This group of Daobei City officials who had accepted Guo Taiming's benefits were so frightened that they immediately went to work!

In this way, Tao Bohao experienced the process from great sadness to great joy in just half a day.

Not only was the warehouse unsealed, the memory pellets were quickly transported to Taoyuan Airport, the "relevant department" came to apologize and did not say anything, but also paid a so-called "compensation" of 1 million New Island Dollars!

Small businesses on Taiwan Island, when did they see the "relevant departments" pay compensation to the companies?

This is the sun coming out from the west, and it is still a full 1 million New Island coins!

"Mr. Chen, what should we do with the 1 million New Island coins?" Tao Bohao, who called Chen Feng, couldn't hide his surprise in his tone.

Chen Feng said lightly: "When I was not in Taiwan, you worked very hard. You should save the money for the R&D fund of new memory. Anyway, it is free.

"Okay, then thank you very much, Mr. Chen!"

"Remember, the research and development process must be kept secret, don't let those 'colleagues' inquire about anything! Later, continue to work hard!"

"I see!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Feng immediately sent a fax to the companies in the three European countries, telling them that the memory chips will arrive at the specified time, and the supply is guaranteed!


After dealing with this wave of emergencies, it happened that Sashasky also arrived in Geneva.

Chen Feng immediately took him to the Swiss Patent Office!

The headquarters of the Swiss Patent Office is not in Geneva, but in Bern, the capital of Switzerland.

The building where the famous scientist Einstein once stayed has a history of more than 100 years, and more than 2,000 new patents are registered here every year around the world!

It is also the largest and most authoritative patent office among the three "Switzerland, Beautiful Country, and Hong Kong" patent offices in the world!

Because the news that Longteng motorcycles passed customs in Europe this time made a lot of noise, Chen Feng also became popular.

As soon as he entered the headquarters building of the Swiss Patent Office, sharp-eyed staff immediately recognized him, and rushed upstairs to report to the leader!

As a result, Briggs, the third deputy director of the Patent Office, was responsible for the work that should have been received by an ordinary staff member.

The deputy director of Briggs has a big belly and a classic Mediterranean hairstyle. He is a typical image of a middle-aged Germanic fat man.

But when the other party spoke, they used fluent English.

"Mr. Chen, after we read about the new stainless steel technology used in your company's Longteng motorcycles in the newspaper, we are about to contact you proactively. We didn't expect you to come to our door. You are so brilliant!"

Hehe, this person is so courteous as soon as he opens his mouth, is he going to do something like a dog?

It's not that Chen Feng is prejudiced, he approached the white people he met for the first time with a sense of vigilance.

The Deputy Director Briggs was too enthusiastic and proactive, there must be something tricky in it!

"Don't dare to admit it, we came here today for this matter." Chen Feng took a photo of Sashasky next to him and said: "Please bring out the materials for patent application.

Sashaski hurriedly put the ten-centimeter-thick document on the table, and Briggs smiled even wider: "Since all the documents have been brought, please wait a moment, I will call the review team to come over." .

A few minutes later, three audit experts in the field of materials arrived.

The patent application standard process of the Swiss Patent Office is as follows: the applicant prepares the written materials and attachments, and then the patent office will send review experts in the corresponding field to conduct on-site review + question and answer to confirm that the patent application is valid and has not been repeated. In the case of a patent, proceed with the patent application.

This process takes different lengths of time. For a patent that is not very complicated, it can be done in one or two hours. For a particularly complicated patent, it is entirely possible to spend a few days, a week, or even half a month!

Of course, with so many fields in all walks of life, the Swiss Patent Office will not maintain a super large team of review experts, but adopt a hiring system.

When a patent application in any field comes, the corresponding hired experts will be in place immediately to participate in the review, and their remuneration is also settled on a case-by-case basis.

The three audit experts who came this time are senior people from France, Sweden, and West Germany. They were very interested in this new technology of Longteng, and they were very happy to participate in this audit.

However, when they saw that the real inventor turned out to be an old Maozi scientist from the Soviet Union, the three of them still felt a little surprised.

People from the Soviet Union, why would they come to Switzerland to apply for a patent? Aren't they afraid of being assassinated by the KGB when they go back?

Don't forget, it's still the Cold War period, and the two sides are also fighting each other in the competition for scientists. As a person from the Western camp, I naturally feel strange.

Moreover, within the Warsaw Pact, there are also two patent offices in Moscow and Warsaw, which have a deadly relationship with the West. Why do you see people from the Soviet Union appearing today?

But what Chen Feng said dispelled their doubts: "This time, we applied for a corporate patent in the name of Longguo Longteng Motorcycle Factory, not Mr. Sashasky's application for a personal patent.

"Oh, okay, let's review the materials first!"

The three experts immediately started the trial on the spot, and Chen Feng was not in a hurry. He and Sashasky tasted the black tea sent by the patent office and waited for the result.

The first phase was completed quickly, followed by the second phase of question and answer, although

Because Sashaski's old Maozi's English accent is a bit heavy, it was delayed for some time, but the process was not slow. It took a total of 3 hours and all the review processes were completed.

The three experts signed their names on the audit report, and left first to receive the reward.

At this time, Briggs, the deputy director who had been accompanying him all the time, asked enthusiastically: "Mr. Chen, does your company plan to share the fee for this patent?"

Of course, before Chen Feng officially agreed, Briggs still had doubts.

After all, in the eyes of Westerners like them, those countries in the east that engage in SHZY, their companies register patents, mostly to protect their strategies from being stolen by the West, not to

It will directly share the charges like the "market economy" thinking in the West.

But who is Chen Feng250? He is a reborn person who has witnessed the expansion of foreign trade [Ten Steps and Ten Steps] in the previous life.

Take a long-term view. If you only deal with this patent according to the thinking of the 1990s, you will suffer a lot in the future!

"Do you have any relevant plans?" Chen Feng asked back.

Hearing that the other party did not directly refuse, Briggs breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile on his face became even brighter: "Of course there is! The model of fee-sharing is widely used in many industries in Europe.

In patents, it is a very common phenomenon. "

"After all, if you keep the patent in your hands, you may not be able to make more money!"

"We have two most used solutions here for you to choose

The Swiss Patent Office wants to make money from patents, in addition to the high cost of registering patents.

The biggest trick is to open the fee-sharing patent model and then draw commissions.

The reason why Briggs is so enthusiastic about Chen Feng today is also related to the opening of the fee-sharing patent model!

According to him, the two schemes are the annual contract system and the piece-by-piece system.

The annual contract system means that according to the size of the enterprise that needs to use the patent, the Swiss Patent Office and Longteng jointly make an assessment and charge a one-year patent royalty at one time.

Repeat this process in two years. For example, if company A is bigger, I will charge USD 500,000 a year; if company B is smaller, I will charge USD 200,000 a year, etc.

Whether it is a profit or a loss, as long as you use it, then I must charge so much!

The piece-by-item system is similar to what the little devil did before. You used my technology. No matter which company it is, I will calculate it separately for each product sold.


This is what Apple did in the previous life. Jobs applied for a lot of patents, which led to many domestic smartphones. As long as you use his patents, you have to pay for each smartphone.

Patent royalties of a few yuan, or even more than a dozen dollars, are paid to Apple!

Don't underestimate this number, a mobile phone seems to be unable to receive a few, but once the number rises, there will be N more patent fees in the account every year lying at home!

And this thing is for life, unless you no longer use this patented technology in your future products, then you will not be paid!

When Briggs was reviewing by experts just now, he heard the experts comment that "this kind of technology will be difficult for the West to surpass in a short period of time".

In Briggs' view, Chen Feng will undoubtedly choose the "per-piece commission system". Ten years and eight years will flow steadily, and the motorcycle market is growing rapidly now, and the other party can make a lot of money

Your own commission will also increase!

But Chen Feng gave his own answer after thinking for a while.

"I choose the annual contract system."

"What? This... You have to think carefully about this!" Briggs didn't expect Chen Feng to choose the first option, and immediately persuaded him a little anxiously: "Now the motorcycle market is so

It’s so popular, and you’ll be paid on a yearly basis, you’re at a disadvantage!”.

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