But when a beautiful woman with blond hair and long legs in a miniskirt walked into the box, Chen Feng's eyes lit up when he saw her face clearly under the light.

this is not...………

The most famous supermodel in the 90s, Cindy Crawford from Pretty Country?

This supermodel should not be too familiar to people in the fashion circle, because her beauty is really amazing!

Born in 1966, she is regarded as the leading figure in the world's supermodel circle in the 90s, and has won honors such as the world's sexy actress and the most beautiful face many times!

Why did it appear in South Africa today?

"This is my boss, Mr. Chen, just call him Mr. Chen.

"This is my friend, Cindy Crawford."

While Chen Feng was still in a daze, Barlow had already enthusiastically introduced the two to each other~.

"Hello, Mr. Chen." Cindy Crawford, who was only 25 years old at this time, stretched out her right hand delicately and shook Chen Feng's hand.

"Oh, Cindy, hello." A refreshing scent of perfume immediately poured into Chen Feng's nostrils, lifting his spirits.

Seeing that the two were already on the line, Barlow chuckled secretly, then turned and left, closing the door of the private room.

The other party is indeed a stunner-level international supermodel. As soon as he sat down, he exuded infinite charm and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, you were a little surprised when you first saw me just now. Could it be that we have met before?"

Of course I have, Chen Feng thought.

It's just that it was in the videos and magazines of the previous life.

This is the first time for me in real life!

Chen Feng nodded without shame and said, "I think we should have met each other in a dream.

"Haha, you really know how to joke." Cindy Crawford picked up the wine glass, which was half filled with South African red wine, and said, "Have a drink. 21

After speaking, she took a sip herself, and then brought the wine glass still stained with lipstick to Chen Feng's mouth.

Good guy, I'm direct good guy, this supermodel can play!

If he didn't even understand such obvious hints, then Chen Feng wouldn't be a man.

"No, no," Cindy Crawford couldn't bear it anymore, and quickly changed the subject: "I heard from Barlow that you are going to Sierra Leone for business?"

Chen Feng didn't want to reveal too much to her, so he said vaguely: "Well, small business is not worth mentioning. By the way, why did you come to South Africa? You knew Barlow before?"

"Our profession often travels around the world. Isn't there an international fashion show in South Africa these two days?" Cindy Crawford stroked her waist-length blond hair, and this action made Chen Feng a little distracted. Said: "Barlow's people have been in charge of our security. It happened that there was no show today. He called me in the afternoon and said that his boss is a very attractive man. He hoped that I could come and see him."

"Oh? So how did you feel when you met?"

"Hmm... so attractive, I like it."

"Ha ha!"

Before leaving South Africa for Sierra Leone, Chen Feng gave him a 3-carat natural diamond.

He is not a person who likes whoring for nothing, even though he feels like he was being prostituted by the other party in the end?

However, it is natural for a beauty to match diamonds, and he is not short of that little money. Chen Feng is still thinking about choosing a good one for Cindy Crawford after the blood diamond mine is dug!

During the remaining day in South Africa, Chen Feng and Barlow stopped by the training base of their EO mercenaries.

This is an area next to a wild animal park more than 80 kilometers away from the outskirts of South Africa, covering an area of ​​more than 300 acres. In 1992, this was already a fairly large-scale small military training base.

Of course, it is a private mercenary organization after all, and it cannot be compared with regular troops in any case.

Because the relationship between Soviet Union and South Africa is relatively good, and most of the weapons and equipment here are Soviet-style, there is a certain reason why Chen Feng chose EQ in the first place.

At least the things I bought from Sergey, these mercenaries will not be unable to get started because of the different formats.

Things like Mi-8 helicopters are not considered high-end products in the Soviet Union.

But in the African continent, it is a first-class and practical black technology!

There are tropical rain forests everywhere here, and the road conditions are poor. Many armed battles take place in the wild, and most of them are ambushes and encounters.

Therefore, with the Mi-8 helicopter, which is aimed at infantry and can ignore the terrain, the combat effectiveness of FO mercenaries will undoubtedly be greatly improved!

Looking at the daily training of the mercenaries, Chen Feng thought it was pretty good.

Under the scorching sun, this group of young white mercenaries were conducting running, team sweeping and shooting training.

Compared with the Longguo military camp he had been to, that is, the situation at the fourth uncle Chen Fumeng's side, the amount of training was even greater.

"They are all veterans with experience in the army, and most of them are from the regular army in South Africa." Seeing Chen Feng's interested look, Barlow quickly added: "The coaches I hired here are all from the Soviet Union. , The training is very strict, please rest assured."

Chen Feng nodded and said: "Well, the ones from Su are pretty good. They advocate the aesthetics of violence, so they come here anyway. The training instructors for the new equipment this time are also invited from Su.

The words you are familiar with here are just right.

"When you go to Sierra Leone, you may face a battle at any time. During the training period, you need to pay enough money and eat well!"

"I hope that the troops that I will pull over will be able to fight directly when they arrive. You have to pay attention, Barlow!"

"Yes, I will definitely do it well!"

When Barlow answered, he was also very emotional.

Since EO was established more than a year ago, most of the missions it has received are bodyguard missions, and it is not uncommon for EO to take missions of mercenaries.

But the number is small, and the scale is relatively small, and the time is very short, usually within a few days, and the length is no more than half a month.

But what Chen Feng needs is to be stationed in Sierra Leone for a long time, at least to ensure stable production for a period of time before gradually reducing the number of people.

This is a big test for EO mercenaries!

Because wars in Africa don’t last for one or two days, fighting today stops tomorrow and fighting again the next day, this kind of situation should not be too common.

Bullets don't have long eyes. Although advanced equipment is provided this time, wars are always fought by humans. Every well-trained mercenary is a precious asset. Chen Feng also hopes that the casualties on his side will be reduced. The less the better.

After leaving the training base, Chen Feng's next step is to find a diamond mine exploration expert.

Workers who mine diamond mines can be found in China, and then let them come to Sierra Leone to work directly. As long as the salary is sufficient and the security is in place, it is not difficult.

However, experts in diamond mine exploration cannot be recruited from Longguo.

One reason is that there are no diamond mines in Dragon Kingdom, and there are very few talents in this field. There are some sporadic ones, and they don't have much experience.

Secondly, Chen Feng did not dare to casually send domestic experts to a war-torn place like Sierra Leone. In case of any accident, it would not only be his own loss, but also our country's doctors.

Therefore, Chen Feng did his part to contact Li Zekai on the phone again!

Of course, Chen Feng did not intend to seek local English experts, because this would cause unnecessary trouble.

Don’t forget that South Africa was a colony of England in the past, and it is also inextricably linked with England, and the largest diamond company, De Beers, is also owned by England.

Although it was because of giving Thomas diamonds last time, I believe Thomas told his wife about this story when he went back, and he has a positive impression of himself.

But in the future, Longteng Diamond will definitely be a direct competitor with De Beers in the international arena, and the two parties will definitely have friction in the competition for diamond mining. Therefore, Chen Feng does not want to have any relationship with the other party at the initial stage. any entanglement.

If you find an expert in diamond mine exploration in England, England is such a big place, and the news of Chen Feng's entry into the diamond industry will soon be known to the circle, which is not good.

Make a lot of money in silence, and when it is really done, even if De Beers has any ideas, what can I do?

"A Feng, you want to find a diamond mine exploration expert? Do you want me to find a way to go to the beautiful country to help you find out?"

Having been in contact with Chen Feng for so long, Li Zekai has also seen many operations that he has never heard of before, so it should be no surprise.

But this time when I heard about Chen Feng, I suddenly wanted to build a diamond mine? And the most convenient way to find people is in England, why don't you go to the beautiful country?

Even Li Zekai even had hallucinations. Could it be that Chen Feng on the other end of the phone drank too much today?

Chen Feng said: "That's right, this matter is a bit urgent, I ask the experts to arrive within half a month, and the reporting place is Africa!"

"The treatment here must be the best on my side. You know my way of doing things, and you won't treat them badly. Remember, you must keep it secret, and the person you are looking for must have a clean background, and you can't have anything to do with Yingjili!"

"Okay then, wait a minute, let me ask and see..."

However, Li Zekai graduated from Stanford, and Second Young Master Li still has some contacts in the Ivy League college circle, so after hanging up the phone, he immediately used his connections in the beautiful country to help Chen Feng inquire.

Soon, Li Zekai really found someone!

Smith, male, a beautiful Italian, 52 years old, a professor at the School of Geological Exploration of Columbia University in beautiful China, a postgraduate tutor, and a senior exploration expert.

...asking for flowers......

In the 1980s, he participated in the exploration of three large ore veins in the west of the beautiful country, and achieved remarkable results, and discovered many ore spots that were considered impossible to mine!

Since 1985, he has been studying the direction of diamond mine exploration. In 1987, he participated in the Botswana new diamond vein exploration working group and served as the deputy team leader for 7 months.

As soon as Smith's information was passed on, Chen Feng decided on the spot that it was him!

Columbia University is a good school in the top 10 in the beautiful country, and the Institute of Geological Exploration is also the trump card of their school, and the identity of Italian is destined to be absolutely impossible to have any connection with England.

Not to mention that he has the experience of being the deputy team leader of the 7-month exploration work in Botswana, Africa!

Compared with Longguo, the management of these university professors in the beautiful country is relatively loose.

For professors like Smith, the main task given by the school is to recruit graduate students. As long as they bring enough numbers within the specified time, they can graduate successfully. At other times, if you want to work on projects, you can do projects, and if you want to go out to earn money, go out to make money, anyway. In a capitalist society, all money has the final say.

He is not the kind of professor who specializes in scientific research, and the school will not allocate more funds to him in these areas. It is normal for him to come out for three and a half months.

So Chen Feng contacted the other party immediately, and with Li Zekai's relationship as a guarantee, Chen Feng offered a condition.

Smith needs to bring no less than 5 graduate students with exploration experience to form Longteng Diamond in Sierra

Ang's exploration team.

In addition to the normal support and full reimbursement of exploration work expenses, Chen Feng pays the Smith team a salary of US$500,000 per month.

As for how Smith allocates the $500,000, that is his own business, and Chen Feng doesn't care.

The only requirement is that within three months, a natural diamond vein with a reserve of no less than 1 million carats must be discovered, and this vein must be mineable.

Smith's salary at Columbia University is US$15,000 a month. When he heard the US$500,000, he agreed immediately without any hesitation!

Oh my God, $500,000 a month!

Those graduate students are each exhausted for a month. Give them 5,000 US dollars, thank God, and the rest is their own!

So, Smith immediately found the five most capable graduate students under his command, and immediately applied for visas. Three days later, Sierra Leone, West Africa!

One day before Smith's team arrived in Sierra Leone, Chen Feng had already arrived in this poor country under the escort of two of EO's best bodyguards!

Coming out of the airport, Chen Feng felt what war is called.

Dilapidated streets, burnt-out cars and houses destroyed by grenades can be seen everywhere.

And this is actually in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone!

I can't imagine what it's like in other parts of the country!

No wonder, in the previous life, De Beers had to wait until 1995, when the civil war ended, even after learning of the huge diamond reserves in Sierra Leone in advance.

At the end of the first stage, dare to enter the arena only after the fighting has calmed down a little!

Now in Sierra Leone, there are two diamond companies in the country. One is a partnership of several English small bosses. The scale is so small that it can almost be ignored.

The other one, which is slightly larger, is from South Africa, but only has a small vein with a reserve of 200,000 carats, and hired some local people to make trouble.

In general, the value of Sierra Leone's diamond mines is the same as the current situation where there are only two companies mining, and it is far from being recognized by the outside world!

When he arrived in the urban area, Chen Feng immediately asked the bodyguards to rent a bulletproof jeep.

Because he did not intend to stay in the capital Freetown.

If Li Zekai knew about his operation, he would definitely ask, Ah Feng, don’t you want to talk to the authorities about diamond mining?

Then you are not in the capital, who do you talk to?


As mentioned earlier, Sierra Leone is an African empire in civil war.

The two sides in the civil war are naturally the current ZF army and the civil resistance organization.

There was a gap between the two sides from the very beginning.

To put it simply, the ZF army is unpopular due to a large amount of corruption, so it only controls the capital and a few large cities. The area is small and the population is not large, and they are all in the city.

However, non-governmental resistance organizations are different, blooming everywhere, and most of the rural areas are under their control.

Diamonds, even if you think about it with your butt, it is impossible to dig them out of the city, they must be in the wild.

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