The Disintegration Of Mao Xiong: I Am An Oligarch And I Drive An Aircraft Carrier To Go Fishing

Chapter 87 Blood Diamond! ! ! Goddess Of Luck's Blessing【Please Confirm】

"Professor Smith, you just said that the origin of true blood diamonds is Gorgonda, a diamond mining area in India. Do you know the geological structure there? If you can find the same geological area in Sierra Leone, have you found true blood diamonds?" The chances of mining are much higher?"

"Huh? I haven't been to India yet, but my students have brought materials."

This idea, it touches Smith never thought of.

Because in the field of geological exploration, the vast majority of people use field exploration to test the specific distribution of minerals. After all, you have come here, and you can just explore directly. What is the comparison?

But what Chen Feng said was aimed at the true blood diamond mine with a very small output. If you search for it according to the map, you can indeed save a lot of time and energy. Maybe you can find it in a short time!

So, with bright eyes, Smith said to the small male graduate student sitting in the last row: "Mike, go and get my brown notebook [Hurry up!"

This notebook contained excerpts of news that Smith had read in some books, and soon he found the description of the geological structure of the Gorgonda mining area.

Smith frowned, suddenly remembered something!

"Mr. Chen, we seem to have seen similar geological structures in the area we explored on Tuesday!"

"Oh? Bring the map!" Chen Feng immediately asked someone to hang up the map, and asked, "Which area is it?"

Smith picked up the teaching indicator stick and pointed to a certain map: "Here! D7 area, but it is marked in red...meaning the area with high outbreak of war.

"We only spent more than an hour exploring here last time, because it's too dangerous, Mr. Chen, do you think you want to...?"

Smith's tone was hesitant, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

That is, judging from the geological data, the probability of true blood diamond veins appearing in the D7 area is not small, but if serious exploration is carried out carefully, it will definitely take a lot of time.

Staying in that kind of place is life-threatening!

Of course Chen Feng understands Smith's concerns, but he thinks that I hired your team with a high salary, isn't it just for money?

The danger in the D7 area is dangerous, but I have a private armed force of more than 300 people in my hand, can it still not hold up?

Therefore, Chen Feng quickly issued an order.

"I'm leaving Sierra Leone 26 in two days."

"I hope that you can make a breakthrough in these two days, especially in finding the rare true blood diamond mine."

"In the next two days, you will focus on the D7 area for exploration. Don't worry about safety! In addition to staying 80 people to protect the base, there are more than 200 people, three Mi-8 helicopters and four BMP-2 combat armored vehicles. Here you go!"

"You should all equip your bulletproof vests and helmets to make sure everything is safe!"

"I'll be with you!"

Seeing that Chen Feng is going to the D7 area, now Professor Smith will not find any reason to shirk.

He immediately expressed his opinion with the graduate students.

"Okay, focus on the D7 area!"

In fact, the D7 area has been captured and controlled by the rebel organization for a period of time, but recently the ZF army has been aggressively attacking this area, and has been attacking along the river and fighting.

Although the Sierra Leone ZF army is scumbag, the D7 area is quite far away from the Warrington base camp where the Bombari area is located. In terms of supplies, the ZF army is more convenient and the resistance organization is more difficult.

So there has been a tug-of-war here recently, and it is possible to shoot suddenly at any moment within 24 hours, and fight directly, which is a veritable danger zone!

The reason why the D7 area is frequently fought is mainly because its traffic location is too important.

This is the meeting point of the three inland states of Sierra Leone. Even before the discovery of diamond mines, a large number of goods and food entering from the Atlantic coastal ports have to pass through the D7 area to enter the vast inland land.

This is equivalent to the throat of the inland. Whether it is the rebel organization led by Captain Warrington or the ZF army, they all know that once this throat is strangled, the other party will be in an extremely uncomfortable state.

Therefore, in less than a year since the outbreak of the civil war, there have been more than 30 fierce firefights, large and small, in the D7 area, and among them, there have been as many as twelve firefights with more than 20 deaths!

After coming to Sierra Leone for a while, Chen Feng no longer vomited when he got on the jeep like he did at the beginning, but even so, the bumps on the way to the D7 area this time still made him choke!


Because the road surface has been bombed for a long time, there are not a few flat pieces at all!

In order to protect Chen Feng's life safety, a special team of more than ten veterans brought from China this time, all followed Chen Feng.

The captain of this special team is named Shi Dongliang. Although he is only 28 years old this year, he has participated in peacekeeping operations in other African countries many times before retiring from the army. He has also fought many tough battles and has extremely rich experience.

With a dark face, he is usually not good at speaking, especially after the EO mercenaries arrived in Sierra Leone, the special team has been keeping a low profile.

Because EO mercenaries are responsible for the security work of the base construction, the special team has only one task from beginning to end, and that is to ensure 100% absolute safety of Chen Feng!

There are a large number of roads in the D7 area, and besides the tropical rainforest, there is also a river about ten meters wide.

In the convoy of Chen Feng and the others, apart from military jeeps and military heavy trucks transporting personnel and equipment in the middle and rear, four BMP-2 combat armored vehicles cleared the way in front of the team

It's loaded with EO mercenaries.

And above the head, there are three Mi-8 armed helicopters in a triangular formation to guard.

The military jeep that Chen Feng is in is undoubtedly the most important in the entire fleet, code-named "A1".

"A1 attention, A1 attention, there are people moving 3 kilometers ahead!"

In less than a few minutes after entering the D7 area, a Mi-8 helicopter received information!

Normally, in the operations that Chen Feng does not participate in, the EO mercenaries naturally have their own set of action plans and specific division of labor.

But today, when Chen Feng came to the scene in person, ensuring his personal safety became the top priority, so Shi Dongliang's opinion carried a lot of weight.

Shi Dongliang, the captain of the special team, immediately entered the state: "A1 received it, and F3 continued to monitor. After approaching, you can communicate with the other party through shouting. If the communication fails, you can preemptively fire!"

It can be said that Chen Feng has experienced big and small scenes after his rebirth, but those are mainly in the commercial field.

This time I came to Sierra Leone in person. Although I have seen the desolate scene after the war before, it is the first time in my life that I am so close to the war.

This can't help but make Chen Feng a little nervous, his adrenaline soaring!

Sure enough, after hearing the Mi-8's loudspeaker, the opponent did not retreat, but suddenly sporadic and sporadic fire!

"Attention on the ground, attention on the ground! The enemy's identity is unknown, the main weapon is a rifle, and no anti-tank firepower has been found for the time being!"

Shi Dongliang has experienced many wars in Africa. To him, this kind of scene is just a trivial matter, and he immediately started to direct!

"Air power, combat armored vehicles strafing enemy areas, attacking indiscriminately!"

"Don't use the artillery yet!"

After an overwhelming burst of shooting, the enemy was soon beaten to death.

More than ten minutes later, there were no more gunshots of resistance in the woods, but a huge white cloth was thrown.

"Mr. Chen, it looks like the enemy is about to surrender. I will send someone to check it out. If there is no other situation, after capturing the enemy, we can start the exploration work.

Soon, all the prisoners were brought over in less than half an hour.

After simple questioning at the scene, I learned that the people on the opposite side were all from the ZF army.

But they are not ordinary ZF troops, but a group of guys who have not received military pay recently. They want to rebel but have not made up their mind. Bo, see if you can get something.

Unexpectedly, what greeted them was a black-tech armed force that Sierra Leone had never seen before, so they broke up after a few clicks.

"...Mr. Chen, the situation is roughly like this."

"More than 20 enemies who were killed were buried on the spot. The remaining 80 or so captives will be brought back to the base camp, and it will be up to you to decide how to deal with them."

Shi Dongliang's handling was very calm and scientific.

The first actual battle of EO mercenaries, after a small test, it can be regarded as a complete victory!

On his side, only two people were slightly injured, while the enemy died and the rest were all captured. Although the results of the battle were brilliant, Chen Feng still felt a little unsatisfied.

That's it?

Isn't it said that Africa fights every day, these guys are experienced?

Why did it end in less than half an hour, I still want to see the scene of shells washing the ground!

Perhaps seeing what Chen Feng was thinking, Shi Dongliang smiled slightly and explained.

"Mr. Chen, wars in this part of Africa are actually like this. There are at least dozens of such scenes every day, but it is almost impossible to see the large-scale war scenes in movies.

"The reason is that the vast majority of African countries do not have their own military industry, and they all rely on buying. The things they buy are AKs. Individual soldiers can play with them, and there are only a very small number of African countries."

Chen Feng nodded approvingly and said: "Yes, in modern wars, what is actually fought is military industry, and what is fought is money. Watching them fight wars is like playing house. Fortunately, we Long Kingdom don't learn this way."

"It is precisely because of the existence of patriotic entrepreneurs like you, Mr. Chen, that the development of Longguo has been rapid."

Shi Dongliang flattered Chen Feng just right, making Chen Feng laugh out loud, and he felt a lot better.

"It doesn't matter if he is the ZF army or the resistance organization, as long as he dares to block my way, he will hit me!"

"You and others have done a good job of defending the exploration team, and the rest of the time will be handed over to Professor Smith and them.

"I saw blood today. Although it is not a good omen in our Dragon Kingdom, don't forget that the thing we are exploring today is called the 'Blood Diamond Mine'!"

"Isn't this just the right number, ha ha!"

Chen Feng said vigorously.

In order to prevent hidden enemies in the D7 area, Shi Dongliang sent several elites to scout around, and until half an hour later, all the "clear" passwords came from the radio, which meant that there was no threat to this area.

After Shi Dongliang ordered a mercenary to fly the green flag symbolizing safety, Smith and his graduate students immediately brought their exploration tools and prepared to start working.

Most of the inland areas of Sierra Leone have the same climate as the D7 area - high humidity, high temperature, and almost no wind except for rain, which makes people breathless

So the workers who came with the team also set up a simple camp.

With so many people here, it is impossible to be exposed to the high temperature in the wild casually, otherwise, even if the mosquitoes do not bite you, you will be fainted by the sun.

Chen Feng was resting in the tent, and after sitting still for a while, his back was wet with sweat.

"The conditions are really bad..."

"Fortunately, after the base is repaired after the exploration is completed, all the black uncles are working here..."

It was like this in the tent, Chen Feng thought about Smith and the others who were staring at the scorching sun outside, and could only sigh in his heart, this money is really not something that ordinary people can earn casually.

According to the plan, the Longguo workers came here only to do the initial base construction. After the mine infrastructure is almost done, the follow-up manual mining work will be carried out by local workers.

Because of Chen Feng's presence, everyone's work efficiency is very high today. 137 In less than an hour, all the simple camps were set up.

After having a light meal, Professor Smith finally found something at two o'clock in the afternoon!

"Mr. Chen, we found the characteristic stone of the colored diamond mine at 4 o'clock in the southeast! Look!"

The white professor excitedly took a piece of bright yellow crystal and ran to the tent to show it to Chen Feng.

The drowsy Chen Feng suddenly regained his spirits: "Oh? Is there hope?"

"I dare not say 100%, but there is at least a 70% chance of colored diamonds in the D7 area!" Smith's voice was also very excited: "As long as colored diamonds can be found, there may be blood diamonds like the one you mentioned!"

"Great job!" Chen Feng lifted his spirits after hearing this, and waved his hand: "Everyone, please work hard for me, as long as there is something to gain, I will give everyone a special bonus!

Money is the guts of a person, no matter who it is, since they followed Chen Feng to Sierra Leone, thousands of miles away, to mine, isn't it just to make money?

Otherwise, who would risk their lives here to sweat and suffer?

So Smith immediately took out all the knowledge he had learned all his life. Even though the work clothes had been soaked in sweat and changed twice, they still couldn't get out of the fire. of.

There is a long-standing experiential saying in the field of prospecting—"When you concentrate all your energy on prospecting itself, the goddess of luck will also take care of you."

And Smith quickly experienced the essence of this sentence!

At the last moment when his team was exploring continuously for 5 hours and watching the sunset was about to set, he finally discovered a 1.5-kilometer-long colored diamond vein in the northwest of the D7 area!

After Chen Feng heard the news, he immediately took people over to check it out. Smith's voice could not conceal the excitement: "Mr. Chen, look! It stretches from where we are standing to the river bank over there. A complete vein!"

He asked a graduate student to hand over the sample rough stone [hold it in his hand and show it to Chen Feng: "Do you see the red star dots on it? This is the blood diamond mine.


"How many carats of blood diamonds can be dug out in this area?" Chen Feng's voice trembled because of his excitement.

"I can't give you the exact number yet. We won't get the results until we return to the base camp to measure the spectrum and isotope with professional instruments." Knowing that the boss was tempted, Smith quickly explained: "Don't worry, we will work overtime tonight Report!"

The exploration work is over. According to the plan, everyone should return to the base camp immediately. Chen Feng is even more eager to return, and wants to know how many blood diamond mines he owns as soon as possible!

But when he got into the tent, Shi Dongliang immediately came to report another matter.

Shi Dongliang had a serious expression on his face, and after paying a military salute, he said: "Mr. Chen, today we arrested more than 80 prisoners from the ZF Army. You'd better decide how to deal with them as soon as possible."

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