The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 888: Destroy the undead tree

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God axe waving, those who are not dead must avoid their edge!

Originally used as a dead object, or a tens of thousands of years of death and not a stiff species, the axe can destroy their bodies, but they can not kill them, because they can heal instantly, even if it is cut into seventeen eight segments.

However, there was a blood blessing at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. After their stiff body was opened by the axe, they left a scar of fire!

This scar, let them have no pain in the body for many years, once again experienced the pain of heartbreaking! And the wound didn't heal immediately... it made them a little scared. Can't this woman kill them?

They have lived for so long, and they suffer from death every day. If they can die, it is not a relief.

It’s strange to blame, when death really approaches, they still fear, they will find that they don’t want to die! Even if such a person is not a ghost, he is alive...

The movement inside the ban is greater, and the original transparent enchantment wall shows a white form.

In the fighting between the night Shen Yuan and the undead tree, every day, the ban will promptly release Yu Wei to the sea through the earth, but even so, there are still unrepairable cracks on the barrier.

Undead trees make a silent roar! It will pump out most of the roots of the soil, leaving only a part of the absorption of nutrients, so the whole day is banned, it is in the teeth!

Night Shen Yuan did not know how many dead branches were cut, countless black fruits followed and rolled to the ground. At first, Shen Yuan did not pay attention to them. As a result, I did not expect that in the extreme case, those black fruits would explode!

And after the explosion, there will be a strong gas of death in his body, and after his death, his behavior has become stagnant.

If it is a lower-level person, this dead air can erode their flesh, and the night Shen Yuan is only obstructed by behavior, which makes the undead tree feel great pressure!

The half-step flight is really powerful...but it is a **** tree, it existed at the beginning of the world, and it has been rooted in this for tens of thousands of years.

And the night Shen Yuan is just a mortal who has not yet reached the sky, and he does not believe that he can't live!

A faint blood radiance emerged, and the night Shen Yuan suddenly felt dangerous. At this time, a black line appeared on his arm, which was a sign of dead air!

In a burst of magical dance, the strength of the undead tree seems to have doubled! That red light may be similar to the drugs that humans eat to intensify their strength.

And the sky is so big inside the night, the night Shen Yuan side to suppress the undead tree, while also dodging the sneak attack, the battle situation is getting more and more difficult!

No, he will be passive if he goes on like this! After all, the dead space of this space is getting heavier and heavier, and the long battle is very bad for him! It seems that I can only use that trick...

The undead tree turns all the dead branches into a sharp arrow with black light, interspersed with the attacking night Shenyuan, because its attack is impenetrable and powerful, not only breaking the defense of the night Shen Yuan, but also his There was a wound in the body.

Feeling that the speed of the night Shen Yuan is getting slower and slower, the hollow tree of the undead tree is smashing, and the silent sneer is once again.

"go to hell!!"

It is all over the place, and the whole tree body is tilted in the direction of the night Shen Yuan.

Just at this time! The night Shen Yuanfeng 眸 眸 眯 眯 眯 一 一 一 一 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊 渊

If the undead tree sees it, try to catch him as much as you can, and the night Shen Yuan is shaped like electricity. You find the gap in the dead branches that cover the sky and quickly approach the center of the undead tree!

At that moment, his sleeves were broken, revealing the black lines on his arms. The more he was tired, the more his eyes were blue and black, but the sword in his hand was bright to the extreme!

The light is too strong, all the way to the fire and electricity, like a meteor, crashing into the dead tree!

The undead tree presupposes that the threat is already late. It desperately tries to intercept the night Shen Yuan, and at the same time, it has a big mouth and wants to fight for the last power to eat him!

"Go to death and die!"

The sharp curse turned into a long needle of the gods, attacking the night Shen Yuan, the night Shen Yuan has been scattered, the slightly white lips are closed, only four words - "instant, Wan Jian!"


The golden sword light broke through the ban and instantly illuminate the night sky!

I have already stepped into the half-step soaring night, and he used this trick before, the effect is completely different!

In the meantime, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it seemed that Jianguang had summoned the swords of the heavens and the earth. The swordsmanship descended from the sky, and it was like a raging fire. Finally, all of them were squatting on the undead tree, causing a series of explosions!

The bang is endless, and in the moment when the ban is open, the night Shen Yuan has already come to the front of the Yuan Dynasty, holding her tightly in her arms and protecting herself!

The queens, first of all, were scratched and scarred by the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and then they had not had time to recover, they suffered the sword of Wan Jian! Many undead people screamed in the light of the sword, and they fled in the air, and they trembled on the ground, and they did not dare to look up!

It turns out... they will still die!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I didn’t go to the end of the dead tree. She took a moment and suddenly hugged the night Shen Yuan!

In a series of explosions and flares, she said aloud.

"I'm pregnant!"

The night Shen Yuan’s body trembled slightly. He pressed his hand behind the head of the Yuan Dynasty and held her waist tightly.

At this time, he was scarred, but there was no moment, so that he was more satisfied than now!

The beloved woman has their children, and life is here, no regrets.

Seeing the night Shen Yuan did not speak, the early Yuan struggled to want to see his expression, but the night Shen Yuan right hand hard, just do not show her according to her!

At the beginning of the Yuan Yuan, he was on his shoulder, so he was not upset!

"I am pregnant! You don't have a little thought?"


In the first half of the Yuan Dynasty, I heard the hoarse and low voice of the night.

"In the future, there are two treasures to raise, a big baby, a little baby." You are my rare treasures!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he heard the hoarseness in his voice, and his eyes began to heat up.

Finally, the explosion disappeared, and the sword light that illumined half of the sky dissipated, leaving a piece of land to be broken.

Night Shen Yuan grabbed the beginning of the Yuan and then let go of her. In the undead who had smashed the ground, step by step toward the undead tree.

The undead tree in front of the eye has been pitted, and no complete branch can be found anymore.

Night Shen Yuan holding a sword, without hesitation, will give it a fatal blow!

But at this time, from the land, suddenly a sharp dead branch was drilled! It has never been faster, stabbed in the night!

Night Shen Yuan can't hide, only sideways at the last moment! Then the dead branches pierced his shoulders and lifted his whole person!

"Night Shen Yuan!!"

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