The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 924: Modern Fan, eight

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But somehow, she felt that the name would be suitable for him.

"Night, Mr. Night, wait for me, I will definitely paint your portrait for the first time..."

Although she is well-versed, she is best at portraits and has the most confidence in this.

The night's long eyelashes hang down, and then swayed at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. He was very dark, like a little ink, so that when he looked at his eyes at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it would be easy for the brain to be blank.

I saw him laughing and said, "This is not anxious, I need the most perfect portrait, it must be the best time to paint."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he understood his attitude towards art cautiously. Then she turned her eyes and asked nervously. "What about my dad?"

Night Shen Yuan put the cup aside. "I told him something, he has already gone back."


At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he was anxious. "He... cough! When did he go?!"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I wanted to get out of bed, but I was held down by the night. "Don’t worry, I sent someone to follow him. He will come back soon. He just went to pack things."

"Pick up things?" At the beginning of the Yuan, he looked at him suspiciously. "What are you doing?"

Night Shen Yuan smiled calmly. "It is like this. The place where he lives now is too dangerous. Just happened, there is a property in my name that has been vacant and can live for you."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I frowned. "How can this be done? Cough... You have helped us a lot, how can we?"

Night Shen Yuan suddenly reached out and grabbed her lips. After the slender fingertips, it was his twin eyes.

"You deserve it."

He paused and retracted his hand and said with a smile. "It’s hard to buy cash. As you can see, I am the kind of rich child who only has to do nothing. As long as I am happy, no amount of money is a problem.

But if you are too polite, I am not happy.

... If you really don't want to go, it will be the best reward if you help me draw more portraits after the injury. ”

This? No, this is too cheap! At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I wanted to refuse.

"In addition, your father has agreed, his age, to see people more sophisticated, he chose to believe me, you do not have to worry too much."

In fact, Yuan Yuntao also disagreed with life and death. He grew so big that he never took advantage of others. He was still thinking about how to give back the hospitalization expenses of Xiaochu to others first! As a result, people have arranged his residence.

Night Shen Yuan knows how to convince him, he whispers.

"Now the Wen family wants to kill your daughter. If she goes back with you, she will die soon. Do you want to watch her be so young, is it killed by the bad guys?"

Yuan Yuntao was silent. At that moment, he felt deeply unwilling! anger! There is still no power... If he can do a little bit of being a father, Xiaochu will not be so miserable by them.

Night Shen Yuan sees that he already wants to understand, follow the temptation, of course, it is still the rhetoric.

"As you can see, I am not lacking in power. For the sake of my heart, spending more money is irrelevant to me. You don't have to feel pressure.

Of course... I understand very well what your concerns are. I can swear that I have not played with your daughter. I am only soft-hearted and appreciate her talent. I can’t bear to see such a clean little girl. A group of snake-hearted people are scourge.

I am doing good in the day, if you really want to repay me, just wait for her to be safe. ”

Yuan Yuntao is actually very heart-warming, because he can't protect Xiaochu!

It can be so troublesome for a person who has a good life, and the other party has saved their lives! Where did he come from?

Night Shen Yuan saw his struggle and smiled indifferently.

"It's about your daughter's life, and her reputation and future. You'd better think twice before making a wrong decision."

That is, the words of the night Shen Yuan, let Yuan Yuntao finally make up his mind!

Although he is very embarrassed and embarrassed, but for the safety of his daughter, what other principles can not be abandoned?

It’s a big deal, and when he is a cow, he will answer the nobleman and give him his life!

See Yuan Yuntao being persuaded, and Shen Shenyuan blinked and smiled.

He didn't want to show too strong purpose at first, because if you want this kind of simple and stubborn person to accept him, you must do it a little bit. Too radical is only a counterproductive effect.

After all, what he wants is a complete recognition, not a reluctance. Just a lot of bad people around her, let him have the opportunity to directly intervene.

It seems that he has to solve those people slowly. Only when he experiences "difficulty" with the girl, she is the easiest to admire him and find the "sparkle point" on him.

All in all, he is sure to win her favorite, the immediate imperative is to give her a good injury, by the way to raise a little fat, she is now, watching too much distressed.

The night Shen Yuan was slightly fascinated, and at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, after knowing that his father had promised the other party, he showed a strange expression.

She knows her father very well. Dad can't easily accept the kindness of strangers. Is it because this person saved them?

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, I thought of this, and I couldn’t help but touch my heart.

At the pier, she really felt that she was dying. I didn't expect that in the end, she not only died, but also met noble people.

... In this world, is there really someone who is so good to her?

Thinking of the ugly face of the literati, she became more and more unreal, so she kept staring at the night.

Night Shen Yuan touched his face. "I have something on my face?"

"No..." At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he shook his head and looked like a fragile white rabbit, but in his eyes, it was only her stubbornness.

"I was just thinking, why are you so good to me?"

She licked her lips and finally said what she said.

"Since you have investigated me, you should know that my reputation is not good at all..."

Speaking of this, she was a little vigilant and stared at the night Shen Yuan!

"You shouldn't think that I am... that kind of woman, so I am good to me, I want to let me..."

She couldn't go on, and the night Shen Yuan stunned and suddenly laughed.

He bent his fingers and bounced on the forehead at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Stupid girl, what are you thinking about?"

The lights shrouded them, and in a burst of rhythmic waves, the atmosphere was warm and sweet.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, his hands were on his forehead, and he was accused of staring at him. The more he thought, the more likely he was! She is squatting on her body, and only this face has some value.

Night Shen Yuan saw her vigilance, and she moved her hand with a funny smile. The palm of her hand was gently rubbed in the place where her forehead was shot. He said with a smirk.

"I am good to you, just because... you are good enough."

Then, I want to be nice to you.

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