The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 981: Modern Fan, Sixty Five

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Chapter 981 Modern Fan, Sixty-five

Therefore, after Wan Minmin’s three full heads were smashed, the hand of the night Shen Yuan was pulled at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Forget it." She looked at Wan Xiaomin's slightly trembling body, and said with some sorrow, "The misfortunes are not as good as the family, and she also bowed her head, and she must have learned the lesson."

Wan Hao Ming Yue is overjoyed! She quickly stepped forward and seemed to want to pull the hand of Yuan Yuan, but the night Shen Yuan was there, and she was excited and said seriously.

"Thank you so much! You can rest assured that this is the fault of our family. We will definitely have a gift and apologize to you!"

Shaking his head at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, "I don't have to apologize..."

She looked at Wan Minmin, who looked down and didn't talk. She frowned and said, "I am just an ordinary person. I don't want to deal with Miss Qianjin. If I can, I hope that the money will not appear in front of me again!"

Her words made Wan Min’s hand on one side suddenly tighten!

If she can, she can't wait to see the beginning of the Yuan in her life. What does she think she is? The genius of the slums!

Wan Hao Mingyue listened, and some of the embarrassing look at Wan Min Min, and Wan Min Min children are stunned, this will certainly not insist on anything.

Just listening to her sobbing, "You can rest assured... I will definitely detour in the future, thank you for letting me go this time..."

However, she told herself in her heart that she really didn't have to appear again, because she could hide behind the scenes and kill people with a knife! As long as she is no longer so impulsive!

Seeing that they have been "reconciled", Yu Shenyuan frowned and said nothing. He knew that he was afraid of him and other people at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, so he was so easily let go of Wan Min Min, but it does not matter, she said let go He hasn't.

After that, Wan Minmin did not know how to return home with her parents. Before she saw the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she really fainted. She didn’t want to do such a thing, and she took the stone and smashed her own. foot.

She underestimated the feelings of the night Shen Yuan on the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and also underestimated the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she can really be sincere! This hatred, she remembered!

After returning home, Wan Haoming was sitting in front of Wan Haomin's seriousness. At this time, Wan Minmin was still a wolverine, but in the face of her mother, she did not dare to move.

In the living room, the atmosphere is very dignified.

"Talk about it, why do you take the initiative to provoke the girl? Miner, you are not an impulsive person, why do you have to make such an embarrassing thing in someone else's home?"

Wan Minmin lowered her head and she couldn't say that she was too scared, so she was impulsive. The result is clever and wrong.

She was unwilling to suppress and said dumbly.

"Because... I am jealous of her! I like the night too much. I didn't have a woman around at night. I still have a chance, but today, I actually saw other women in the night, so I can't restrain myself... Just did something stupid..."

"Mom...sorry! I won't be anymore, I am really stunned! So I will insult her..."

It is reasonable for her to say this, and when people are jealous, they will indeed make a faint thing.

Wan Hao Ming Yue believes, after a moment, she whispered, "If you do, then you have been calming down at home for a few days recently, don't go out, I need time to reflect on myself, how much I have failed in your education." !"

Wan Hao Mingyue finished, long sighed.

Because their husband and wife don't have much time to educate their children, when they don't have time, they will send Wan Minmin to her grandfather. Her grandfather is studying Chinese painting, and the requirements for children are very strict, and Wan Minmin Although children are not good in all aspects, they are better at being sweet, but are these all appearances?

Then their education is too failed!

Wan Min Min’s heart is convex! She is afraid that Wan Hao will remember the blood test again, so she promises.

"Mom! Don't be sad, I really know it's wrong! Hey... I won't be like this in the future, you believe me..."

Wan Minmin said, sitting next to Wan Hao Ming Yue, gently hugged her.

Wan Hao Ming Yue is somewhat uncomfortable. She didn't like to get along with this child since she was a child. She always felt that she seemed to be in a purely eye-like manner. She had something she didn't like very much. Especially when she was holding it, she could not feel the family. Le, but still feel a little cold...

But she did not push away Wan Min Min, just frowning.

"Well, then this thing will not be said. After this battle, you should understand something. Since people don't like you at night, don't go to him and don't feel uncomfortable. Also, don't visit later. The old lady at night, from now on, broke the mind of the night."

Wan Haoming said this is also for Wan Min Min, because the attitude of the night Shen Yuan to the beginning of the Yuan, she as a person to see clearly, he likes the girl very much, the outsiders can not stand.

But what I heard in Wan Min’s ear is another taste...

Want her to break the mind of the night Shen Yuan, so that the first yuan to give way? She is not worthy of the night Shen Yuan, the beginning of the Yuan match?

Sure enough, my mother and daughter! I still don’t recognize each other, I know that I have to clean up my daughter’s obstacles. Then, where is she, where does Wan Hao Mingyue put her?

The more twisted her heart is, the more smooth her mouth is. "Well... I listen to my mother, you don't feel angry, I will give you hot milk."

When she finished, she got up and went to the kitchen.

As long as the moon is at home, Wan Min Min will give her hot milk at night to show filial piety.

And Wan Haoming looked at the back of Wan Minmin's back, some uncomfortable frowning, although she was her daughter, she never saw Wan Minmin, a little girl, but her mind was so deep...

Especially when the night is less angry, she can actually pull down her face without hesitation, and publicly swearing... This kind of courage not only does not make her feel gratified, but is a little scared.

This feeling is just like her suspicion that the child is a biological one, but it is a biological one...

After Wan Minmin went to the kitchen, she stood for a while and said nothing, she was very quiet, but in the dark, her expression was extremely embarrassing!

After a while, she began to give Wan Hao the moon hot milk, and then put a little things in when the milk is good...

The milk spoon is stirred, the powdered object and the milk are integrated into one. This is the way the family doctor told her how to let her die slowly...

At that time, she was still young, the family doctor who took her for the first time, and the article gave her a way.

She has three ways to go.

First, no one found the truth and married with the identity of Missy!

Second, strive to strengthen your own strength and hold the Tianfang Group in your hands as soon as possible!

If you can't marry a good man and you don't have the strength, then there is only one last road.

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