The Divine Healer is a Black Lotus

Chapter 520 Strange Rockery

Leng Xiye took Huajiu and went to the empty yard next door.

Pushing open the dilapidated door, all kinds of unpleasant smells and dust rushed in.

"My lord." Leng Xiye put a clean scarf on the ground.

"No need." Hua Jiujiu replied lightly.

This young man is quite discerning.

"How could there be such a dilapidated courtyard in such a bustling street?" Tao Zi asked a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that the city lord of Lingcheng would not allow such a place to exist, and it would really ruin the city's appearance.

"Many people wanted to forcibly demolish this place, but in the end, accidents of all sizes happened." Leng Xiye replied.

"Huh?" Why does it sound so mysterious?

"Since the original owner of this yard was killed here, this yard has become a haunted house. Whenever someone wants to take over this place, accidents will happen in the end. Later, the yard gradually fell into disrepair, which has some influence on Lingcheng. City Lord Ling sent people to demolish it, but accidents happened to those who demolished it several times, and after several times like this, no one dared to demolish it again."

Tao Zi has traveled all over the world for so many years, so she has naturally heard of such things.

I knew immediately that this place had become a haunted house.

It is true that no one dares to touch a haunted house, and there will be bad luck.

"Some people say that it was the owner of the yard who died unjustly and was entrenched in this yard, so people who approached it would be unlucky. However, every time the master is invited to perform deeds, it is useless. People say that it is the owner of this yard. Master's resentment is too heavy, ordinary people can't clear it up, unless it's an eminent monk like Master Gao Yuan." Leng Xiye saw that Taozi was very interested, so he continued?

"Then why did you live in here? And it seems that there is nothing wrong." Of course, Taozi didn't want anything to happen to them, but she was really curious.

"Probably because we are all poor people." Leng Xiye said, he didn't know what happened, anyway, they were all fine.

Taozi thought about it, and felt that this was the only reason that could make sense.

Hua Jiujiu didn't speak the whole time, she looked at the dilapidated yard thoughtfully.

Are there vengeful spirits?

She doesn't believe it.

So, did someone do it on purpose? Or is it just a coincidence?

If someone did it on purpose, then there must be something here that people don't want to be discovered.

If it's a coincidence, it's really too mysterious.

The yard is huge, Hua Jiujiu and the others walked for a long time before they got inside.

When she saw many beggars lying in the yard, Tao Zi also had an incredible expression on her face.

Leng Xiye actually took in so many beggars.

"There are some people with disabilities here." Of course, Leng Xiye's people are not just the old, weak, sick and disabled.

It's just that they are afraid of dragging others down, so they come here to fend for themselves.

However, how could Leng Xiye have the heart to let them fend for themselves here? Still helping them in various ways.

Hua Jiujiu scanned the surrounding area without much expression on her face.

Jinyue found a complete table from nowhere, wiped it clean and placed it in front of Huajiujiu.

"Let them come and line up, I'll show them." Hua Jiujiu said after sitting down.

Leng Xiye glanced at Huajiu gratefully, and hurried up to organize them to line up.

He believes that Huajiu can cure them, and they won't have to suffer so much anymore.

Hua Jiujiu looked at it this way, saw the evening, and could be regarded as seeing all the patients in the past.

Fortunately, she has rich experience, otherwise I'm afraid I wouldn't have read it so quickly.

"Thank you, young master." Leng Xiye bowed deeply to Hua Jiujiu.

Those beggars who were rescued also kowtowed to Huajiu.

"This is the duty of a doctor, you don't need to thank me much." Hua Jiujiu knew what she was thinking at the beginning, so she couldn't bear and didn't want to accept such a heavy thank you.

What are the duties of a doctor? What these beggars think is that other doctors are not like her, who are willing to treat their illnesses and look at them more.

Moreover, this doctor is such a dignified son, they even felt that the mud on their bodies was a kind of blasphemy against her, they rubbed their wrists on their bodies several times, but they still didn't dare to approach her.

After Leng Xiye settled these people down, he wandered around the yard with flowers and wine. He naturally wanted to repay them for treating them so sincerely.

When he came to a rockery, he stopped.

"My lord, that voice came from near this rockery." Leng Xiye pointed at the overly large rockery.

"Is there a secret channel?" Hua Jiujiu's first thought was this.

"I thought so too at first, but I haven't found the mechanism after searching for a long time." Leng Xiye said helplessly.

"Isn't it under the rockery?" Hua Jiujiu believed that with Leng Xiye's ability, he would definitely not be able to find the mechanism, let alone after looking for it for so long.

"No, the support must be coming from below." Leng Xiye immediately denied it.

Hua Jiujiu was silent for a moment, glanced around and said, "Maybe the agency isn't around here."

But, would someone hide the mechanism so far away?

Leng Xiye was wondering if there was such a possibility.

"I will continue to search." It can only expand the scope of the search.

However, he also has to be careful, if there are really no ghosts here, then there must be someone staring at so many things that happened before, and if he is noticed, he will probably be in bad luck.

"Well, be careful." Hua Jiujiu also knew the severity.

It's not that she didn't want to search, but she was afraid that it would alarm the people in the dark.

Hua Jiujiu continued wandering around in the yard, when suddenly, she and Leng Xiye exchanged glances.

All of a sudden, they jumped away from the spot, and their figures hid in the dark, always staring at the place where they were standing.

However, after a long time, there was still no movement.

The two looked at each other suspiciously.

Obviously just now they realized that someone had been following them.

It seems that those who hide in the dark are very cautious.

I'm afraid I won't be able to squat.

Hua Jiujiu and Leng Xiye reappeared in the yard, and continued walking as if nothing had happened.

This time, they didn't notice anyone following them.

In this way, they are more sure that this yard is not simple, and it has always been guarded.

It seems that if we look for an opportunity, we need to investigate carefully, maybe it will be a great breakthrough.

Nothing was found in this yard, Hua Jiujiu and the others left.

After a day today, I have gained a lot.

However, this is not the time to lament these things. They still need to go to bed early and recharge their batteries. Tomorrow will be the highlight.

The powerful people in the entire continent are paying attention.

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