The Divine Healer is a Black Lotus

Chapter 537 It's a bit of a foul to be cute

I have to say, Huajiujiu is the truth.

This snow spirit fox was not consigned by others, but it was raised by Lintian Auction House.

The reason why they put it up for auction is not because they can't afford it, after all, they have a lot of money.

However, there are some things that cannot be easily bought with money!

That's fine, what's the most important thing?

But this little guy is still very picky eater, and he just wants to eat fresh ones, that is, the ones that have just been picked.

Who can stand this?

However, it's a pity to kill it directly, and it's a bit unbearable, so it can only be auctioned, and it can be exchanged for a large sum of money, which is not a loss.

Anyway, the blood they were supposed to take was the same.

As a result, this little guy is so listless now that he is hungry and weak.

Hua Jiujiu tried hard to look away.

However, the little guy's eyes can't be shaken away in his mind.


But it is really fatal!

When there was no more bids, Hua Jiujiu finally resigned to his fate and said, "Jinyue, take the bid."

I always feel that I have a destiny with this little guy, so that I can't sit idly by.

Jin Yue was a little surprised.

She thought that Huajiujiu was not interested, so she remained indifferent.

It turned out that they were all pretended.

"What, you want it again?" Yu Miao jumped angrily.

The box he was in was being bid for by someone, and it was about to be taken. Hua Jiujiu, a bad woman, wanted to snatch it from him again?

If Huajiujiu bids, then he must have no chance, after all, this is the box of the Blood Jade brand!

"When did I say no more?" Hua Jiujiu raised an eyebrow.


this woman!

Why do I have to grab something every time I like it? It's really irritating.

When Jin Yue started to bid, the scene suddenly fell silent.

This is the first time that the box of the Blood Jade brand has bid for it, and it is not known which Blood Jade card owner made the bid.

Lintian Auction House did a pretty good job in terms of privacy. People with blood jade cards wanted to bid, but they just turned on the lights and didn't reveal which box they belonged to.

Of course, it's okay even if it is revealed, as long as the person who owns the blood jade card doesn't want to, outsiders can't see their appearance.

However, Huajiujiu has not been hidden from the beginning, so many people still know about it.

I have to say that this blood jade card identity is really useful.

Jin Yue successfully captured the little guy.

Yu Miao'ai had already fainted from crying on the sofa, and he accused Hua Jiujiu of his evil deeds over and over again.

The Hua Youyou who watched it was gloating.

"I don't care, you have to let me take Xue Linghu's blood." Yu Miao looked at Huajiu anxiously.

"It's very weak." Huajiujiu wasn't that stingy, he wouldn't even let Yu Miao take any blood.

It's just that, looking at the appearance of the little guy just now, he seems to be very weak.

"The Lintian Auction House must have taken all its blood, ah, when will it take to raise it back!" If Xue Linghu was taken a lot of blood, it would be difficult to raise it back, and he didn't know what he was doing. It's time to get its blood research tools again!

Hua Jiujiu didn't speak, and quietly waited for the Lintian Auction House to deliver Xue Linghu.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

The people from Lintian Auction House brought Xue Linghu over.

Hua Jiujiu asked Jinyue to trade, while she herself looked at the weak Xue Linghu who had been lying in the cage.


Xue Linghu gave a weak cry, which was regarded as a greeting.

Hua Jiujiu looked at such a poor Xue Linghu, and wanted to open the cage and hug it out.

"My lord, Xue Linghu doesn't like people to touch it, so be careful not to hurt your lord." The person from Lintian Auction House who was about to go out after the transaction couldn't help but reminded him.

I heard that their lady cares about this young master very much, so a reminder is still necessary.

"En." Hua Jiujiu just responded lightly, but didn't take it to heart.

After the people from Lintian Auction House left, Hua Jiujiu opened the cage anyway.

Xue Linghu raised his small head, "Young Master, be careful." Jinyue thought that Xue Linghu was going to hurt Hua Jiujiu, so she quickly put out her hand to block her.

However, Xue Linghu didn't even give her a look, and lowered his head listlessly.

"No problem." Hua Jiujiu pushed Jinyue's hand away.

Xue Linghu's claws are poisonous, and I heard that the poison is very strong, and it is likely to die on the spot if caught. It is no wonder that Jinyue is so nervous, but Hua Jiujiu is not worried.

She was somewhat sure about this poison, not to mention that she believed that Xue Linghu would not hurt her.

Seeing Hua Jiujiu's confident look, Jin Yue had no choice but to withdraw her hand.

Hua Jiujiu stretched out his hand into the cage again, signaling Xue Linghu to come out.

However, Xue Linghu was still motionless, and he didn't know if he was too hungry to walk.

Hua Jiujiu hesitated for a moment, and took out the elixir made with Lingquan from the space.

It's not that she doesn't want to take out the medicinal materials, it's just that this seems a bit too exaggerated, let alone that this is someone else's territory.

Xue Linghu's small and cute nose moved, and then her pair of watery eyes fell on Hua Jiujiu's palm, and there was a look of longing in her eyes, obviously this thing was very attractive to it.

"Want to eat?"

Huajiujiu knew that no creature could resist the spirit spring, let alone such a spiritual snow spirit fox.


"Come over here if you want to eat." Hua Jiujiu tempted.

Xue Linghu seemed to understand, propped up her small body, and staggered towards Huajiujiu.

Yu Miao'ai at the side believed what Hua Jiujiu said just now.

This snow spirit fox is very weak.

Look, I can't move anymore.

This Lintian Auction House is really inhumane.

It turns out that the little guy is so overdrawn, and he still doesn't feed the little guy something good.

Hungry and listless.

Xue Linghu can be regarded as crawling to Huajiujiu.

Hua Jiujiu picked it up and put it in the palm of his hand.

I have to say, this Xue Linghu is really small, she can hold it in the palm of her hand.

Looking at the eager Xue Linghu, Hua Jiujiu didn't hang on to it, and fed it the elixir.

Xue Linghu couldn't wait to swallow it, and those watery eyes suddenly lit up a lot.

When Hua Jiujiu was about to feed it the second one, Xue Linghu trembled suddenly.

Then he fell down and twitched in Hua Jiujiu's palm.

"Dead?" Yu Miao'an's eyes widened, and then he stretched out his hand suddenly, and Hua Jiujiu slapped his hand off, "What are you doing?"

"Of course, before it dies, take out all the blood in its body!"

Otherwise, if you really die, the value of that blood will be greatly reduced!

With black lines on Hua Jiujiu's face, he said coolly, "It's not dead." It's just getting used to Lingquan.

It seems to be really too weak.

Fortunately, it was a diluted spiritual spring, otherwise he would have died directly from the impact?

Then she would be at a loss.

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