The Divine Hunter

Chapter 8 Crimes

The next day, Roy woke up from six hours of deep meditation. He found that all the magic power had fully recovered, and he was relieved.

If one meditation is not enough to restore mana, the applicability of guided arrows will be greatly reduced.

After all, the Fayin in the future is also a big drain of magic.

After washing, the boy quickly rushed to the front of the palace and followed the dwarf Kramer to walk on the white marble road to the servant's room in the palace. Today he wants to investigate the dead palace servant.

Suddenly, from the direction of the main hall not far away, several mighty knights in silver plate armor came towards them.

The leader was the Cleveland Cavaliers, the leader of the Knights of the White Rose. He was accompanied by two tall companions, both of whom were full of anxiety. Cleveland shouted angrily while walking.

The voice couldn't hide from Roy's ears, and he could hear it clearly.

"Damn, tell me, the wanted notice has been posted for several days? Not even a suspicious target has been found! If it goes on like this, how will the Knights get a foothold in Elland? There is still any trust before the Prince's Highness. Word?"

"Captain Cleveland, please calm your anger temporarily. After all, the portrait of the murderer is blurry, and it is normal to find it in a short time. Besides, there is no news of Master Leto now, and without his assistance, the Knights alone have nothing to do with it. It is very difficult for the power to find a guy who is hard-hearted and hidden in the big city of Errand."

"Then what?!"

"The witcher... yes!"

Out of the corner of Cleveland's eyes, he caught a glimpse of the figure in the cloak, and his eyes suddenly lit up as he strode over.

"Master Roy, have you found any clues in the past two days?"

The teenager shook his head, "It took my teacher Lesso a month or two to catch the murderer. How long have I been here? Your expectations for me are too high."

"That's true," Cleveland sighed with a flash of embarrassment on his face, "I'm worried that if the stalemate continues... there will be new dead... Six people have died, and the murderer will definitely act!"

"I'm doing my best to investigate, but please give me a little more time." Roy said, suddenly feeling two glances from behind Cleveland,

"Who are these two knights?"

"They are my right and left hands,

Knight Sylvester Pedy, a key member of the Knights of the White Rose of Elland, and—"

"Simon Patrick Latin Knight..."

The former has a sturdy stature, with a huge scar near his chin, and he has a chilling temperament that strangers are not allowed to enter.

The knight named Simon has brilliant blond hair, strong and handsome features like a lion, and a delicate and small blue rose tattoo can be seen on his neck with half of his armor exposed.

They were both on Old Huck's list, Roy remembered.

"Let's do it for now, Your Excellency Cleveland, if I find anything, I will immediately notify the Knights."

"If the master needs assistance, don't be polite to us," Cleveland finally gave the dwarf a vicious look and turned to leave.

Until the three knights walked away, Roy turned to the dwarf and asked, "Patrick Latin, is he a nobleman?"

"Why are you interested in him?"

"This knight is suffocatingly handsome and has a unique temperament, so I'm a little curious."

The dwarf walked into the colorful flowerbed beside the palace and took a deep breath.

"You asked the right person. I have been the commander of the bodyguard for many years. Because of my work, I have studied the heraldry and surnames of many famous families. The surname Patrick Latin was originally a great noble of the Nasser Kingdom south of Sintra. "

"However, since Nasser was annexed by Nilfgaard and turned into a province, some of the descendants of this great noble moved to Temeria and settled there. Generations of people shed their blood for the kingdom and earned the status of nobles. ."

"The knight with the scar on his chin?"

"The local native of Vizima, a knight with a more stubborn temper... was dispatched to Elland City like the Cleveland leader."

"Do you know the White Rose Knight here?" Roy thought of the list from Old Huck, "I mean the official knight, not the apprentice."

"There are only about twenty White Rose knights in Ellander City, and I have come into contact with them all," said the dwarf, stroking his beard on his chin, "After all, our guards and knights have never been very good at dealing with each other, and I have a group of brothers. We have to take care of it, so we have to understand our opponents and prevent them from using underhand tricks to disgust us."

"Uh... Then can I trouble you to check these knights for me?" Roy took out the list that Old Huck gave him from his arms, "I want to know their family background, life style, and people's preferences... …”

The dwarf's eyes showed a strange light, and he looked up and down the boy, but he took the list without asking the reason, and said happily, "You help me catch the murderer, I will check the knights of Bai Qiangwei for you, it is reasonable, wait for the news! "


The two of them successfully met the target of the trip - Alex, a close friend of the dead palace servant Xia Zuo's roommate.

Also a young manservant.

He was wearing a rust-colored jacket, blue-and-white breeches, and khaki short boots. His cheeks were very cleanly groomed, and his appearance was somewhat feminine. His delicate face was lightly powdered, and his chin even showed a hint of blue stubble. No, long black hair smeared with hair oil was tied into a bundle at the back of his head, and his body still exuded a faint scent of perfume.

People can't help but think of those male pets that were kept in captivity by noble men. His accent was also soft, and his voice was deliberately sharp, which made the boy feel uncomfortable.

However, the expressions and movements are still solemn, and there is no obvious feminine feature.

Roy asked patiently,

"Alix, I won't repeat the question of the Knights. This time I'm here to ask something else."

The dwarf stood beside him and added sternly, "It's a matter of great importance, you must tell the truth, dare to conceal any lies or lie, you know what happens!"

"Sir, please feel free to ask, Alix will never dare to cheat!" The servant bowed in fear.

"How is your colleague Xia Zuo on weekdays and how does he get along with his colleagues?"

Roy's eyes swept over, and the servant immediately lowered his head and said

"He has a good relationship with everyone. It's very polite to meet and say hello, and I haven't heard of any conflicts with anyone."

"Does he have any bad habits? For example, the behavior of petty theft with dirty hands and feet?" Roy thought of the bank clerk's corrupt behavior,

"Master, your words are serious," the servant said with sincerity. "Give Xia Zuotian the courage to take the property from the palace. He will be hanged! No one dares!"

"He is too lazy, and he is often lazy in his work?" This is the characteristic of a disabled old beggar.

"No...just the opposite of what you said," the servant said after a moment of thought, "Xia Zuo is very diligent,"

"As far as you know, does that guy have any bad habits?"

If the murderer was a "civil judge", he would definitely stare at the flaws in human nature.

"This..." The servant pursed his lips and lowered his head silently.


Dennis Kramer looked impatient, "Dare to hide it, I will report it to His Majesty the Prince, you are with the murderer!"

The servant trembled like chaff,

"Don't, I said lord... Xia Zuo... he... he usually likes to steal food..."

"Stolen food?" Roy and the dwarf exchanged glances, and Gu Du looked surprised.

The servants stole the master's food, and in the palace they said it was too big or too small.

If Seeward didn't know that nature was at peace, if he heard that he was in a good mood, he might not have taken it to heart and smiled and passed.

However, when he was in a bad mood, such as the current situation, Seeward had been irritated by the murder case for several months, and when he was extremely depressed, he might have directly killed the servant.

The dwarf suppressed his curiosity and waved his hand, "You little boy, I won't report this matter to His Majesty the Prince, you don't have to worry about being implicated!"

"Thank you for your magnanimity, Lord Kramer!" Alex was full of gratitude, wishing to kneel down to thank him, "Don't lie to the two of you, Xia Zuo is neither greedy for money nor intrigue, but he prefers the lust for words, as the master said. Said that he occasionally sneaks a taste of the early adopters in the process of delivering food."

"Have a taste of it? I'm afraid it's more than a star and a half?" Roy asked,

Alix hesitated for a moment, then thoughtfully said, "The prince and the queen eat the rest of the food, our servants... servants will also eat it. That guy Xia Zuo eats the most, and eats the most every time."

"Well..." Roy nodded, and with a wave of his hand, the servant retreated like a pardon.

He was silent, and began to recall the behavior and characteristics of several dead people——

Bank Clerk: Corruption

Disabled Beggar: Laziness

Palace Servant: Stealing

The Knight of the White Rose, Arthur Telles... This guy who forcibly dueled Leto at the city gate gave him the biggest impression—arrogance!

There are already six dead -

A thought jumped out.

A series of human evil deeds came together into one word in Roy's mind... He rubbed his temples, feeling unbelievable, and couldn't help whispering to himself,

"No, this concept also exists in the witcher world?! Never heard of it before, is it my illusion?"

If he was a native through and through, he wouldn't have thought of that at all.

"Roy, what you just said... Could it be that Xia Zuo was chosen by the murderer because he stole something? It's too absurd." The dwarf next to him was full of doubts and interrupted his train of thought. The dwarf couldn't understand the question just now. what sense?

After thinking about it, the dwarf Kramer and the murderer are too different in appearance, and they are not suspicious, and they do not hide it from him.

When the two came to a quiet room, the young man said bluntly,

"After these two days of investigation, I feel that I have grasped a trace of the murderer's motive."

"But it's just a guess."

"Oh? Hurry up and listen!" The dwarf looked excited, "Don't try to hide it from Leto, you just want to suffocate people to death!"

"Let's start with the Thales knight you are most familiar with. What do you think of his character?"

The dwarf tilted his head and said, "Defiant and arrogant." Then he saw the boy crouch down. The knight's name was outlined on the ground with his fingers, and the word "arrogant" was marked under the name.

The boy's eyes were calm, and he motioned the restless dwarf to continue listening.

"Recalling how he died, kneeling on the ground holding his heart. I think the murderer seems to have taught him humility."

Roy's voice paused, giving the dwarf enough time to think.

"Next, let's talk about that bank employee Fauquier. After my investigation, I found that he had a series of secret operations before his death, trying to embezzle the public property of the bank." He engraved "greed" under Facquier's name. Character.

"It's a pity that he was persecuted by the murderer after he tried to commit the crime. Having his fingers cut off and his eyeballs taken out is a warning to the murderer - keep your hands and eyes under control and control your inner greed."

"Xia Zuo, the servant in the palace, deceived the top and the bottom and gluttony, that is, gluttony, and his mouth was sewn as punishment."

"Bruce the Butcher is short-tempered, representing anger..."

"Bal, the disabled beggar, represents laziness..."

"Scud Boris, the previous champion of the horse racing conference, gave up on himself because of the loss of the race, and was jealous of his opponents, but he vented his anger on his own horses, and abused him wantonly. He represents jealousy."

"His small size and mind are not even comparable to his old buddy, so the murderer cut open its chest and exchanged the internal organs of the two."

Roy paused, and then said word by word, "The six dead represent the six crimes of humanity..."

The dwarf suddenly realized, and then said in surprise, "You mean that the murderer kills to purify the sin?"

"Obviously in the eyes of the vast majority of ordinary people these people are not guilty of death. So the murderer, I guess it is only those psychopaths, or - extreme religious people. He is carrying out some kind of mysterious ritual through orderly killing. "

A gleam of light flashed in the boy's vertical pupils,

"The six sins have been brought to an end, and there is yet another sinner who committed the sin of silver desire (harmony). Only in this way can the seven sins of mankind be collected, and the murderer will continue to act!"

"Wait, Roy!" There was strong curiosity in the dwarf's eyes. "Can you explain to me why there are seven human crimes, what is the special meaning of this number? Which religion does it come from?"

"Have you not heard of it?"

The dwarf shook his head firmly, "Although I am not proficient in religious studies, I have not lived in vain for more than 100 years. I once chatted with an expert in religious studies and heard him describe the purposes and concepts of various sects."

"In the entire northern kingdom, no matter whether the influential Rabieda, Meritelli, Eternal Fire, or the small-scale Cliff Cult, the god of ominous omens that is almost destroyed, none of the 'seven sects you mentioned' exist. sin' is the saying."

Roy was slightly lost after hearing this, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Am I thinking wrong? Everything is a coincidence, and the murderer is a lunatic?"

The dwarf comforted, "Maybe I don't know enough about it. After all, what the murderer did is amazingly consistent with your statement. The 'seven deadly sins' in your mouth is not impossible."

The teenager sighed, if the Seven Deadly Sins are not in the most severe Eternal Fire and Cliff's teachings, then what is the motive of the serial killer, and why does the choice of target and killing method match his inference so much?

Could it be that there is a mysterious sect hidden in the city of Ellander?

Then the dwarf suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"If the next one is to convict silver lust, should we focus on guarding the large brothels and taverns in Elland?"

Roy thought for a while, "It's best not to make too much noise, otherwise the target will be scare away. Just send one or two people to follow each location. The focus is still on the palace. After all, all the corpses surround the palace, and the two deceased meet with the palace. Murderers may continue to choose targets from that."

"I have to rush to the Temple of Meritelli now, and you should make arrangements first."

The young witcher thought of the huge collection of books in the temple library, which must contain relevant religious documents. The administrator, his acquaintance Yale, can also help.

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