Li Mu’s face is unchanged, and his attitude is calm: “Why is the lord of the house so arbitrary, and I have no entanglement with the sword, you are afraid to admit it.”

The young house owner laughed and said proudly: "The government has never made a mistake."

Li Mu also smiled: "Where there are people who never make mistakes, the head of the house is better to think about it. This time, you are afraid that you are really mistaken."

The young housekeeper glanced at Li Mu.

Instead, sitting next to the young and beautiful woman, she snorted and said: "The animal trainer is a vein, and in this month, the Sichuan government has long been a rare trail, and there is no inheritance. It is the entire Dongshengzhou, the beast There is no animal spirit and sacred fairy door in the same vein. You alone, no door, no faction, dare to claim to be a trainer, a person who believes so badly, who would believe?"

Li Mu is still not eager or slow, and slowly said: "Is it? I am lucky, and occasionally I have the inheritance of the sorcerer Tianshi, so I walked on the path of cultivation of the taming."

The beautiful woman smiled more and more.

"Is it? Giggle, little guy, OK, don't deceive yourself, just say it, you have too many treasures on your body, the head of the house cares about you, afraid that you can't stand alone, be stared On the top, I lost my life, so if you just hand over the fairy crystals on your body, let me go today, how?"

She looked at Li Mu, and a pair of eyes swayed, and there was another meaning in it.

Li Mu’s expression was not shocked. He said: “It’s like this. I’m looking at something on my body. I’m just taking a reason to take it. Oh, it’s like asking Dao Zong, it’s really a sight.”

The beautiful woman smiled and said: "The husband is not guilty and bears his sin. This is also for you."

Li Mu shook his head and said: "This reason seems to be not convincing."

The beautiful woman would like to say that the young house owner interrupted his hand and said: "Gu girl, this kid doesn't know how to lift, he takes the dead road, don't have to talk nonsense with him, come, give me him."


Zhou Liang, who could not wait for a long time, threw a black chain shackle directly on the ground and smiled coldly. He said: "If you are a surname, you need to know each other, you will be shackled, otherwise, hehe..."

The other disciples around him also sneered on their faces.

The soldiers are in chaos.

They are doing too much like this.

Already a light road.

In fact, some of them who have a little bit of eyesight have not seen it. Li Mu is dressed and has good temperament, but what about it?

The strong dragon does not press the head snake.

What's more, Li Mu is a one-of-a-kind, that is, flying in Wonderland.

A small flying fairy, in this yellow wind city, still can't look down on any storms.

Directly killed, others can not find the whereabouts of the bones.

Li Mu sighed.

"The tiger is unscathed, and people are harmful to the tiger."

He raised his hand.

The sound of the tide of the Bohai Sea is surging.

Zhou Liang, who was repaired by the peak of slaves, only felt that there was a flower in front of him. The figure flew involuntarily and fell into the hands of Li Mu. It seemed to be hung by the shackles. The power was blocked at once, but it was not at all.

"You... let go of me."

Zhou Liang was shocked and drunk.

Other slaves around him were also scared to retreat.

Li Mu looked at Zhou Liang, in the eyes, cold and cohesive, said: "I did not observe for a while, gave you a small piece of fairy crystal, far beyond the cost of entering the city and the cost of the road, for you, this This is a chance, and it will be a small piece of fairy crystal. This kind of advantage is rare, but you, greedy, will pay attention to me, want to make a fortune, huh, huh, this small house owner has dealt with me, It must be that you are in it, the wind is igniting, adding oil and vinegar, right?"

" let me go, dare to be in front of the owner..."

The voice has not fallen.


"Good or bad, both in one mind, greedy, self-destruction."

Li Mu directly twisted Zhou Liang's neck.

In addition to the secret technique of the Bohai School, he killed his **** and threw his soft body on the ground.

"Great courage."

The head of the juvenile looks like a film.

"Why did you dare to kill me and ask the Taoist people, little hybrids, no matter who they are today, they can't keep you, I..."

He smiled coldly, exhaling the smell of a viper.

Li Mu directly raised his hand and interrupted, saying: "Noisy."

A touch of swordsman, flashed past.

"Oh... you..."

The young-fashioned owner, licking his neck, has blood in his fingers, slowly overflowing, and his eyes wide open in disbelief, slowly falling down.

He is a fairy.

The cultivation of the Xianxian class is also invincible in the entire Yellow Wind City.

Even this one of the animal trainers can't stand it?


Not willing.

But everything is meaningless.


The body of the young owner fell to the ground.


Li Mu’s mind was moved.


Jianguang circulates.

The disciples who asked the Taoist priests around, even the screams were too late to be sent out, all of them fell down all the time.

In an instant, in the entire lobby, there was only a beautiful young woman who was alive.

Her whole person is as petrified.

too strong.


What is this means, between the moments, kill everyone.

Li Mu looked at her.

"You..." The beautiful woman was eclipsed with flowers, her hands on her towering chest, a shocked look, shivering and shouting: "You don't want to kill me, I don't want to die, you can let me do anything... I beg you ,Do not kill me."

Perhaps because of panic, this moment of her, it seems particularly fascinating, pear flowers with rain, pure and charming, I see the pity, people can not help but want to hold her in his arms, love it.

"Okay, put away your set. It doesn't work for me."

Li Mu cold channel.

The beautiful woman glimpsed, and in the eyelids, she flashed a trace of color and stepped back. The enchanting atmosphere of the body, instantly dissipated, and more awe, explained: "This adult, I am not asking the Taoist people, appearing in Here, it is also a last resort. Please also ask the adults to raise their hands and put a living path."

Li Mu waved his hand and said, "Let's go."

A beautiful woman.

Go... go?

Just shot ruthless, heart-wrenching, and instantly killed the dozens of disciples who asked Dao Zong, I thought it was a devilish killer, did not expect to be so good to talk, really let go?

Wouldn't it be a metamorphosis idea, teasing yourself like a cat and a mouse?

For a time, she hesitated to stand in the same place, did not dare to move.

Li Mu is too lazy to pay attention to her.

He had already planned to leave Huangfeng City and go to other places to inquire about the news. I did not expect this to ask the Taoist Huang Fengcheng to die by himself. If there is no way to go to heaven, there is no way to go to hell. Then don't blame him for being ruthless.

For the immortal, Li Mu has no good feelings.

The death and injury of the chaotic world are counted on the immortal.

This asked Daozong to look at it is not a good thing.

However, since it is killed, it is not anxious to go.

It may be worthwhile to search for at least some cultivation resources.

Asked Dao Zong to occupy the Yellow Wind City for so many years, crushing the Xianmin, there should be some savings.

By the way, looking through the books in the government, you can understand the size and distribution of various forces in the territory of the Moon. It is also good.

Li Mu first got the goal, that is, to choose a suitable sect or power, as the object of relying on, slowly.

Sure enough, he quickly found the savings of the owner of the Yellow Wind City.

Just in the storage device on his body.

When a person dies as a lamp, the storage fairy has no original master's mark and becomes an object of no ownership. Li Mu quickly broke it.

But at first glance, it was extremely disappointing.

That is less than twenty cents, and the ranks are average.

This is too poor.

In addition, there are some armor arsenals in this house, which contain some sacred armor, but most of them are defective products in the fairy. They are not good goods, but they are stored as treasures.

There are a lot of storage utensils on Li Mu, and all of them are straightforward.

Along the way, if he encountered a disciplinary disciple who was blocked, he was also arrested by Li Mu.

When he was holding a stack of books and a letter back to the lobby, he found that the young and beautiful woman was still there and did not leave.

Seeing Li Mu, the beautiful woman wants to stop.

Li Mu ignored her and sat down directly after the big case and began to read these books.

The letter of the book asks for the internal exchanges of Dao Zong, all kinds of embarrassing things, and the intrigue between many forces. Li Mu draws a slap in the face, from which the power distribution and force field of all the Xiandao Zongmen in the territory of the Moon River are known.

And some of the books, most of them are the secrets of immortal cultivation, but they are not influential. Compared with the cultivation method of the Bohai School, it is too far too far. Li Mu left it with a hand and left it.

"What adults want to know, maybe a little girl can confuse."

Young and beautiful women seem to have the courage to speak.

Li Mu looked up at her.

The beautiful woman quickly explained: "The little woman is not asking the Taoist disciple, but the Gu Geru, the disciple of the Three Pavilions of the Casting Court, and this time, hiding her identity and coming to Huangfeng City, this is to assassinate the city owner Xie Yushan."


Li Mu’s eyes flashed a hint of color.

Disciple of the Casting Court?

Regarding this sect, Li Mu has a little understanding in the previous letter.

It is a relatively decent fairy door. It is good at casting swords. It is a sect of the sect. It has a history of 500 years and is not long. The power is slightly larger than that of the Taoist, but it is limited.

When the internal squeezing of Dao Zong was completed and the resources were insufficient, the Zhujiang Pavilion was selected as the object of encroachment.

Li Mu did not think that this woman actually had this important identity.

In fact, the reason why he did not kill this Gu Junru was simply because, in the previous court, the woman’s opening several times was actually hinting at Li Mu, and he quickly handed over the property, perhaps saving his life, and it was a little goodwill.

Kind of good cause, good fruit.

"I don't know what adults want to know, maybe a little woman can confuse adults." Gu Junru sees Li Mu's face calm down and quickly hits the iron.

Li Mu leaned back on the chair, raised his feet on the case, and held his head in both hands. He said, "What do you think I want to know?"

Gu Junru said a little bit, saying: "The adults should want to know the pattern of the Zongmen power in Yuechuan, and the degree of control of Wanxian League for the Moon River."

On the face of Li Mu, a smile suddenly appeared.

A woman with a big brain.


He smiled and said: "So... talk about it."

Gu Junru is relieved.

That's right.

This Mumu immortal, unpredictable, is only a tyrannical dragon from the outside of the Moon River, to the pioneers of the pioneering government.

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